07-27-2017, 02:14 AM

I finally finished it and got around to recording the music. I tried to figure out how to rip
the music from the the PC version I torrented months ago, but I just couldn't figure it out.

Also, don't let the numbering on the later tracks throw you off, that's how they were in the game
and that's how I'm numbering them. I'm not sure if there's more tracks or not.

I also included Kazeshirube from the Arslan Senki Tokusei Character Song CD(got it from here ( It wasn't included in the sound test and it only plays half of it during the credits. Hope there aren't any mistakes.

Arslan (!qVQVzKIb!B855w7_FaqJOBbMxkj20Ouc8RdeeMAHtRBcCiDv61aI)

07-27-2017, 04:26 PM
Fixed a minor error with 41. Event Sudden Twist. Separate download (!qUZlXTRL!e4-pvdzRDCIaGUTZFj0tEZZ8Fu6R3L4QgAg5dc-Wooc) for those that already downloaded the soundtrack. Link to soundtrack updated with the fix.

Crystal Power
02-25-2018, 02:32 PM
Thank you so much for this. The Arslan series in general just doesn't get enough love.

02-26-2018, 12:40 AM
You're very welcome. :)