02-10-2002, 08:08 PM
Dont you think that in the final fantasy games more of the main playable characters should die. it would make the games alot more interesting. and it would make you really hate the badys. also dont you think it would be cool if depending on which way the story goes it depends on which character died?

02-10-2002, 08:47 PM
I hate it when characters die. They don't die in many FF's but when they do it's usually sad, or your losing a strong character.

02-10-2002, 08:48 PM
Yea, kill them all. Let all the main characters drop dead.... uhm.. if Square would do that, what's the point of having a main character in the first place then?
Somewhat it would be interesting if another character dies in the FF series and gives an extra add to the story line, but also it will bring tons of new stupid revival rumors and ppl still morning over the {person his/her death) till eternity O_O
Multiple story lines have always been a problem for Square somewhat, they just don't do it ;_; but once again it would be a nice future... and again.. the death thing is already done... some die hard FF'rs won't like to see it, cuz it aint original that some other character dies as well or so. o_o

I love it when I have a mixed post =D

02-10-2002, 08:53 PM
Yes but just because of those few people who argue over the deaths and never shut up about them being so sad. wouldnt it make killing the bady at the end all the more worthy.

02-10-2002, 09:03 PM
No way, if any of the main characters die, I would be so depressed. I hate it when something bad happens to my favorite character. Killing my favorite character would be like killing me. No, no more deaths please.

The Unknown
02-10-2002, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by Black_Death
Yes but just because of those few people who argue over the deaths and never shut up about them being so sad. wouldnt it make killing the bady at the end all the more worthy.
I have to agree with you there. The end of FFVII would have not been as good if *WEll KNOWN FF7 SPOILER* Aeris didn't die *End of Spoliers*

02-10-2002, 10:25 PM
if u get 999,987 tissues and go to the lake where aeris is, ull be transported to a reactor in Nibleheim. Then fill ur pockets with mash potato and the MeGa wEaPoN will blow up Nibleheim. Then to ressurect aeris stand on ur head, spin around 3 times, throw ur playstation out the window and follow it. :rolleyes:

i couldnt help myself. :D

02-11-2002, 02:42 AM
yeah killing off characters is a good way to build up hatred of the enemy. For a future ff game it woud be good if there were like to main characters (by main i mean people like cloud and squall and zidane) and have one of them killed. But have the other one live to grow hatred for the person who did it. Bad thing about killing them off is the stupid rumours but i just ignore them

Divine Strike
02-11-2002, 04:30 AM
I say kill all the main characters and then you become the Main villain