07-25-2017, 09:01 AM
Composed by Masaru Yokoyama & Hiroaki Tsutsumi
TV Anime "sin: Nanatsu no Taizai" Original Soundtrack

Title: TV Anime "sin: Nanatsu no Taizai"
Type OST: Anime Soundtrack
Catalog Number LACA-9524~5
Publish Format Commercial
Media Format 2 CD
Classification Original Soundtrack
Published by Lantis (distributed by Bandai Visual)
Composed & Arranged by
Masaru Yokoyama [Disc1 Track: 1, 5-8, 13, 19], [Disc2 Track : 5, 6, 13, 17, 18]
Hiroaki Tsutsumi [Disc 1 Track : 3, 4, 9-12, 14-18, 20-23], [Disc2 Track : 1-4, 7-12, 14-16]
No. of tracks: 42
Release Date Jul 12, 2017

Tracklist CD 1 & CD 2

Disc 1

01 傲慢なる堕天使 2:54
02 My Sweet Maiden (TV-size) 1:32
03 憤怒の魔王サタン 2:25
04 嫉妬の魔王レヴァイアタン 2:32
05 色欲の魔王アスモデウス 1:50
06 強欲の魔王マモン 2:06
07 怠惰の魔王ベルフェゴール 2:42
08 暴食の魔王ベルゼバブ 2:10
09 万魔殿 2:12
10 真理亜 2:37
11 地上の楽園 2:23
12 嫉妬ゆえの暴走 1:51
13 アスモデウスの夜会 2:14
14 官能の甘き誘い 1:04
15 悪徳の愉しみ 0:57
16 悪徳の愉しみⅡ 1:03
17 気の向くままに 2:27
18 うたかたの歓び 2:06
19 思いがけないやさしさ 2:15
20 心を染める不安 2:28
21 ベリアルの暗躍 1:44
22 狡猾なる罠 2:16
23 虚飾の魔王ベリアル 3:06
Disc length 48:54
Disc 2

01 地獄の門 2:22
02 解き放たれた魔王 2:40
03 怒涛の海戦 1:49
04 鎮まらぬ怒り 2:20
05 闇の軍勢 2:04
06 魔王の純情 2:37
07 愛しきものよ 2:35
08 地獄の深淵 2:16
09 忌まわしき姦計 2:27
10 逡巡せる断罪者 2:14
11 天界よりの使者 2:01
12 魔界の激突 2:43
13 堕ちた天使 2:31
14 真理亜の魂 2:29
15 天と地の攻防 3:13
16 劫火の黙示録 4:06
17 天使の血 2:40
18 傲慢の魔王ルシファー 3:07
19 Welcome To Our Diabolic Paradise (TV-size) 1:29
Disc length 47:43

LOSSY CD 1 & CD 2!6ohRCaQJ!evOf1pkKhyTeduuk_5dQDkMkjw-E-TKlqoS5v9a9nnY


07-25-2017, 10:49 AM
Oh, wonderful, I was waiting for that, thank you!

07-25-2017, 04:09 PM
This is lossy not lossless.

07-25-2017, 07:23 PM

07-25-2017, 10:31 PM
Thank you Zac! :D

08-17-2018, 04:06 PM
A lossless version of this would be nice. The title os the post is misleading...

08-17-2018, 11:01 PM
A lossless version of this would be nice. The title os the post is misleading...

It's iTunes lossless. If you're looking for the FLAC version, I don't have it. Sorry.

08-18-2018, 08:49 PM
It's iTunes lossless. If you're looking for the FLAC version, I don't have it. Sorry.

The files are AAC-LC (Low-Complexity), which is a lossy audio codec. Are you possibly thinking these are ALAC which is lossless?

I do appreciate the upload non-the-less

08-18-2018, 09:40 PM
The files are AAC-LC (Low-Complexity), which is a lossy audio codec. Are you possibly thinking these are ALAC which is lossless?

I do appreciate the upload non-the-less

heh you're absolutely right. Unfortunately I can't change the title of this thread. (least I don't think I can) My apologies.