Prince Jay
07-18-2017, 03:06 AM
Howdy folks!

I don't believe i've posted on here in a while, and there's a reason why.

For the past few months, i've been working on my first album. And believe me, it was hard..... :(

I also didn't know whether or not to post it in the "downloads" section or the "discussions" section.
while the album uploads, allow me to explain a little bit.
About the album:
every sound in here is made up of synths entirely and drum kits entirely!
98% was analogue, the rest wasn't. This album that is being posted is just a test to see who likes it and who doesn't.
Since this is my first album, constructive criticism is always welcome, since t is my life long dream career! :)

The Music, and how i made it:
I approached this very delicately. I knew i wanted it to be mostly 80's, and there was one synth i could use for 98% of it. The other sounds weren't, but they fit at points.
I used Steinberg's Cubase for the whole process... I always thought it was gonna be hard making this... But after the right tutorial, it was a piece of cake. :)

Behind The Scenes And The Sessions:

(The "Main Theme" under production)

The images viewed above are apart of the sessions.
75% of this score was hand crafted, mixed, and preset picked for eerie pleasure.
I will not say how many tracks are apart of the sessions total, one of the reasons is because the titles have no name. The sessions are actually listed as "takes", so if someone were to view these, it would look like "1t01" or "5t25(main)" - as shown above.

I will however give you a total running time of the sessions sometime later this week.

The Synths and Sounds I Used
Cubase(for composition and placement)
uhe Diva (98%)
uhe Zebra (2%
ZeroG Nostalgia (0.1%)
and a JM1 (a Linn Drum LM1 drumkit)

The Inspirations:
John Carpenter (Halloween, Escape From New York, etc)
Disasterpeace (It Follows)
Le Matos (Turbo Kid)
Vangelis (Blade Runner, Chariots of Fire, etc)
Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein (yeah, you know who. Lol)

The Film:
Peeplink (
(WARNING!: If this film is taken down, IT WILL NOT BE REUPLOADED)

The Album: g?oh=4e4421ced55a67a7eee9d97ee928675e&oe=59F8A244
mp3 | 320kpbs | 1hr15min | Download in FLAC (!vFlSjBCC!U-jivu2qzpWkUbbFzcVGx8VJCofrVYHJuES2lSL2T58) or Download in MP3 (

01. Main Theme (from "Don't Breathe: Rescored") (Album Version)
02. The Abandoned House
03. Plans Are Unfolding
04. Blind Trafficking
05. Robbing Is Such Sweet Sorrow
06. Counter Measures
07. The Lockup
08. Hide and Seek
09. Games Played In The Basement (includes a version of the "Main Theme")
10. Cat and Mouse
11. Father and Daughter
12. The Rescue
13. A Girl's Best Friend
14. An Alarming Escape
15. Trainspotting
16. "Breathable Credits"

Fun Facts:
01. Some, not all, of the extra material in these songs are apart of deleted scenes(excluding "The Abandoned House") that have been added to the film. If there are some moments that there's a black cutaway, it means there's a deleted scene in there. I'm working on the film now as we speak, so please be patient... Enjoy the listen for now! I hope you all enjoy the score as much as i did making it.

02. Even though there were no songs in the film, i decided to have a "little" fun with this, and decided to add at least 3 songs from my library apart of this project.
Songs Used:
01. Wouldn't It Be Nice - The Beach Boys (brief car moment)
02. Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien - Edith Piaff (the intro to the infamous turkey baster scene and the credits[yes, the credits have been remade])
03. Requiem for Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, 2 Mixed Choirs and Orchestra - Gy�rgy L)igeti (right before the rescue)

Score Analysis:
The sessions were written with a "what if" theory.
I didn't know if I wanted to scare the listeners and viewers, or just give them goosebumps. So, the total run time of the sessions is 2hr and 37 min.
As stated above, the track list is presented in takes, and the cues are basically untitled.
Anyway, here's a complex look at the track list:

1t03b (Insert)
1t04a (Insert)
2t06a (Insert)
2t06b (Part 1)
2t06b (Part 2)
2t07 (alt)
3t10 (Insert)
3t15a, b, and c
5t21a and b
5t24a and b(I don't know why it's labeled that twice)
5t25 main, end and insert
6t26a and b(including insert)
6t27a and b
6t29 (insert)
6t30(insert), a, b, then end
7t31 (string)
7t31 b and c
7t32(ins),a,b, then end
7t33 (ins)
7t34 a,b,c
7t35 a,b
8t36 (including end)
8t37 (attack)
8t38 a,b
8t39 (drum)
8t40 (including end)
9t41 a,b
9t42 a,b
9t43 a,b(labeled twice again)
9t44 (end mix)

if there are too many complaints, the link will be taken down, and any other post to this will be removed.

07-18-2017, 03:58 AM
Thank you very much. Great Artwork

07-18-2017, 04:16 AM
Dude this sounds so cool, and I cannot wait to see your version of the film. This custom score should do in the meantime. Thanks for sharing this.

Prince Jay
07-18-2017, 04:48 AM
Dude this sounds so cool, and I cannot wait to see your version of the film. This custom score should do in the meantime. Thanks for sharing this.

I just realized I mixed the dialogue with "Trainspotting". Therefore, the link is being updated.


07-18-2017, 06:08 AM
I'm in. ))

07-18-2017, 07:30 AM
re-up please. I would love to hear this.


07-18-2017, 08:12 AM
AW MAN... no FLAC? Seriously though, I'll give it a whirl! So, dumb question... you made all this YOURSELF, right? ;) COOL !

Prince Jay
07-18-2017, 01:16 PM
The link should've been updated

07-18-2017, 02:03 PM
Thank you. Very interested in hearing this.

07-18-2017, 02:29 PM
Impressive work, Jayasaurus! I haven't watched the film yet (maybe I should in order to appreciate your work better), I probably will because of your work :)

So, are you a musician or this is an amateurish work?
I'd really like to go and write some original music, but I don't have the means and I haven't studied music. Great to see someone doing such a big project! :D

Prince Jay
07-18-2017, 02:32 PM
This is just my first project as a beginner.

I want to study, but I don't have the means either.

Also, the music I wrote was original... sure, I had a few inspirations here and there, but this is all original.

AW MAN... no FLAC? Seriously though, I'll give it a whirl! So, dumb question... you made all this YOURSELF, right? ;) COOL !

Yes, I did... sorry about having no FLAC.

07-18-2017, 04:38 PM
Very interesting, can't wait to listen. Thanks!

I've downloaded it thee times... Anyone else getting an error message when trying to extract the rar file?

07-18-2017, 05:28 PM
Looks interesting. Thanks for the share!

Prince Jay
07-18-2017, 06:10 PM
Very interesting, can't wait to listen. Thanks!

I've downloaded it thee times... Anyone else getting an error message when trying to extract the rar file?

That's weird..... I packed it, and uploaded it.... I didn't think there'd be a problem

Princess Ariel
07-18-2017, 06:19 PM
Oh, you finally made it! Wow, I'm so excited about your work! :)

Thank you for all the effort and the time you have spent creating such a work of art!
Well, please excuse me now, because I really have to hear this. ❤️

07-18-2017, 06:33 PM
sounds great just downloaded it cannot wait to play it !!!! thank you so much !!! for some reason i cant open the file :(

07-19-2017, 12:21 AM
So the first version you uploaded last night was 440MB, the update is 204MB.....a 200MB difference??

Prince Jay
07-19-2017, 12:25 AM
Wait a minute......

I could have sworn that I uploaded this, and it was at least 400+mb..... I don't know why MEGA is being stupid... I'll see if I can get this fixed.

07-19-2017, 12:52 AM
After it's unzipped, the folder is 218.4MB

Prince Jay
07-19-2017, 01:04 AM
Are all the files there?!?

07-19-2017, 01:25 AM
Yes. I've got both opened in iTunes and the ONLY difference I'm seeing (aside from file size) between the two sets is on the "larger" set, Trainspotting is 1:35 whereas on the "smaller" set it's 1:30.

Prince Jay
07-19-2017, 01:42 AM
It's because of the running time.....

The running time is different from the original(as to where it had dialogue after it was an accident). So, even though the running time is different, I'm glad they're still there.

I think the file was bigger when it had the dialogue mixed.

07-19-2017, 03:10 AM
great work you did!, thank you for sharing

07-19-2017, 04:11 PM
too bad, my rar-file is unable to unpack as well... :(

Prince Jay
07-19-2017, 04:14 PM
Well, I'm sorry you're experiencing problems.

07-19-2017, 05:20 PM
I had a problem as well but I have 3 different programs I can use. I'm on a Mac, I used The Unarchiver and it worked fine.

07-19-2017, 07:28 PM
If you're on a Mac: Keka, The Unarchiver, the default archive tool, SimplyRAR (if it's a RAR file and not ZIP), ... (my default app is Keka and it worked fine).

If you're on Windows: PeaZip, 7-Zip, Winrar, ...

Plenty of options!

07-20-2017, 08:25 PM
Thanks very much for all the help. I use winrar in windows, but I'll search for alternatives. :-)

Prince Jay
07-21-2017, 05:45 AM
Be on the look out folks! There might be a "Sessions Analysis" coming soon! ;)

07-21-2017, 09:47 PM
Thanks for sharing! :)

07-22-2017, 05:53 AM
The link seems to be dead now. Would love to listen.

Prince Jay
07-26-2017, 12:52 AM
Just finished the putting together of the film...........

That's 10GB worth people..... 10GB!!!!!!

I'll see if I can get it uploaded to my account by Thursday.

07-26-2017, 01:34 PM

Prince Jay
07-26-2017, 06:16 PM
Signature updated! :) - please follow or like my page.

Prince Jay
07-28-2017, 02:35 AM
The film should be uploaded by this weekend!

Also, as a treat, I'm thinking about making a 2nd disc, and will experiment on what the score would sound like with a library set which involves the infamous sounds of "Stranger Things". I do not know when it'll be done, but I'm sure I'll get it up someway! :D

Prince Jay
07-31-2017, 07:29 PM
The film has been uploaded, and the link has been updated!

08-01-2017, 06:37 PM
The film has been uploaded, and the link has been updated!

link to the score is still dead. would've liked to try and download it again, to see if I can manage to unpack it this time. so, if you find the time...
but - thanks for all your efforts anyway! :)

08-01-2017, 06:40 PM
Is the link for this going to be uploaded or this just a bunch of bs?

Prince Jay
08-01-2017, 09:00 PM
Okay.... the reason why I haven't uploaded it again is because SOMEONE(not pointing fingers on the forum users) turned me in for copyright infringement, when:
A. My music was original
And B. I CLEARLY stated that everything else belongs to the company.

However, I hear you all, and will get this reuploaded... and even better, it'll be FLAC.

Prince Jay
08-02-2017, 06:56 AM
Check link

08-02-2017, 01:35 PM
File download but the rar file will not open

08-02-2017, 02:36 PM
man, this IS a strange thing. seems to be a catfight between mac and windows. here's what I had to do:
downloaded bandizip, which was able to unpack the file. than you'll get unplayable flac-files, seemingly empty. I used a converter to turn the flac's into wav's, which actually worked! converted them back to flac, and then finally I had it. phew!

08-02-2017, 04:23 PM
I tried on both a mac and pac both zip files failed to open.

08-02-2017, 04:28 PM
Thank you.

Prince Jay
08-02-2017, 06:40 PM
I tried on both a mac and pac both zip files failed to open.

If you'd like to listen, the album is on SoundCloud(in my signature)... if not, then you'll have to wait until I get a new link.

08-02-2017, 06:44 PM
Yesterday you said to check the link. I did and nothing gets downloaded. I tried a third computer and the same result No offense dude but with all the problems people are having trying to download your album I am starting to believe it does not exist.

Prince Jay
08-02-2017, 07:29 PM
It actually does....

I'm sorry you feel this way. I updated the link yesterday, in FLAC... I don't know why this isn't working for you, as this is my first time hearing about this problem. I want you to know that "I have nothing to do with this problem"

I can assure you the album is there.... even if I have to upload it at zippy share, 4shared, mediafire, or as a torrent, it's there.

08-02-2017, 09:42 PM
The link takes you directly to mega not zippy share, 4shared, mediafire, or as a torrent.

08-03-2017, 10:11 AM
Well, I�m having trouble extracting the file too. I�m using 7-zip on Windows and it says it can�t be opened as a compressed file... Strange.

08-03-2017, 11:27 AM
I followed DAK and Dave999 suggestions and asked a friend to unpack in Mac through several programs. Nothing worked...

Prince Jay
08-03-2017, 02:56 PM
I'll get a zip file uploaded today if that makes anyone feel any better.....

Prince Jay
08-03-2017, 04:00 PM
Link updated!

Check the MP3 link

08-11-2017, 11:31 PM
This sounds very good. Amazing job you did in here!
Could you give more details about how you created the music and such softwares did you used? I would love to do something like this and I would like to know the best way to do it.
Thanks in advance

Prince Jay
08-21-2017, 04:45 PM
I've discovered my next project!!!!!

Since this is my 2nd project, here's a little bit of information:
1. This is my 2nd project as a composer
2. It'll probably take another while for it to get finished
3. This will be the FIRST film I work on that has no soundtrack/score in the film.
4. The film is found footage
5. It's NOT Paranormal Activity. :P
And 6. This will be done with 1 synth, but possibly 2 libraries.

10-03-2017, 08:59 AM
Is it Trollhunters?

Prince Jay
10-03-2017, 12:56 PM
That's another thing I forgot to mention.....

7. It's not good commercially and financially(it's in my signature)

10-03-2017, 01:08 PM
But The Gallows had a score, isn't it?

Prince Jay
10-03-2017, 02:31 PM
Nope.... as far as I'm concerned, it had only 2 pieces.... the logos and end credits...

I'm just filling in that gap.

And besides, the score wasn't released(if it was, I would've known)

Prince Jay
10-03-2017, 06:28 PM
Don't Breathe: sounds of the score

As you may have read, all of the score was written with synths...

Well today, I'm going to give you insight on what libraries I used to write this train wreck. Lol...

Factory presets
Performer (the piano strike)
Director's Cut (a "Blade Runner" based library)
Diva Phenom (a "Stranger Things" based library)
Oberheim library

The Snarling


Also, there will possibly be a 2nd version of this, now that I got the cover I desire!!!

10-07-2017, 10:47 AM
May you re-upload the FLAC version? Link is dead

Prince Jay
10-07-2017, 11:07 AM
I think there’s a copy of the FLAC version on my soundcloud page.

10-07-2017, 11:31 AM
I think there’s a copy of the FLAC version on my soundcloud page.

Could you post a link for your soundcloud page, then? :)

EDIT: I found it at the signature of the first page, thanks!

EDIT II: I cannot find a link for the FLAC version :laugh:

You need to be more specific! :D

Prince Jay
10-26-2017, 03:33 AM
Oh, okay..... i’ll see if I can upload a link tomorrow......

Please note, I’m working on a second edition. So, if I’m a little late, I apologize!

10-26-2017, 10:34 AM
Don't worry! :)
Take your time to breathe... :D

11-01-2017, 11:16 AM
Don't Breathe: sounds of the score

As you may have read, all of the score was written with synths...

Well today, I'm going to give you insight on what libraries I used to write this train wreck. Lol...

Factory presets
Performer (the piano strike)
Director's Cut (a "Blade Runner" based library)
Diva Phenom (a "Stranger Things" based library)
Oberheim library

The Snarling


Also, there will possibly be a 2nd version of this, now that I got the cover I desire!!!

Could you help me to find those libraries? I'm specially looking for the Stranger Things based one. Thanks in advance!

Prince Jay
11-01-2017, 01:50 PM
Could you help me to find those libraries? I'm specially looking for the Stranger Things based one. Thanks in advance!

I’ll help you out, and i’ll message you in a bit! :)

Prince Jay
12-23-2017, 02:16 AM
Well, due to certain circumstances, this won’t be done for a bit...

However, when the film is finally complete, I will either upload it, or make certain blu ray copies, and make a gift set out of them!

Prince Jay
02-04-2018, 09:06 PM
Just finished scoring the sessions..... probably going to also make demos of tracks as well. ;)

But right now, the sessions total run time is 2 hours and 53 minutes!

This post will probably be updated when the sessions are actually completed!

In the meantime........

Dont Breathe: Rescored (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (Mixtape)
Track list:
1. Can’t You Hear Me Knocking? - The Rolling Stones
2. I’m Into Something Good - Herman’s Hermits
3. Daydream Believer - The Monkees
4. I Just Fall In Love Again - Anne Murray
5. Down On The Corner - CCR
6. What A Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong
7. Pink Deville - Paul Rothman
8. Hotel California - The Eagles
9. The End of The World - Skeeter Davis
10. I’ll Be There - Jackson 5
11. Jump In The Line - Harry Belafonte
12. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes - The Platters
13. Hush, Hush, Hush - Henry Hall
14. Boom Bang-A-Bang - Lulu
15. Bad Moon Rising - CCR
16. Bright Eyes - Art Garfunkel
17. The Breathable Credits (from “Don’t Breathe: Rescored”) - Me(or Antoine Taylor)

Link: Coming Soon!

02-05-2018, 10:37 PM
Just finished scoring the sessions..... probably going to also make demos of tracks as well. ;)

But right now, the sessions total run time is 2 hours and 53 minutes!

This post will probably be updated when the sessions are actually completed!

In the meantime........

Dont Breathe: Rescored (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (Mixtape)
Track list:
1. Can’t You Hear Me Knocking? - The Rolling Stones
2. I’m Into Something Good - Herman’s Hermits
3. Daydream Believer - The Monkees
4. I Just Fall In Love Again - Anne Murray
5. Down On The Corner - CCR
6. What A Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong
7. Pink Deville - Paul Rothman
8. Hotel California - The Eagles
9. The End of The World - Skeeter Davis
10. I’ll Be There - Jackson 5
11. Jump In The Line - Harry Belafonte
12. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes - The Platters
13. Hush, Hush, Hush - Henry Hall
14. Boom Bang-A-Bang - Lulu
15. Bad Moon Rising - CCR
16. Bright Eyes - Art Garfunkel
17. The Breathable Credits (from “Don’t Breathe: Rescored”) - Me(or Antoine Taylor)

Link: Coming Soon!

Looks like a great collection. Can't wait for the link!

Prince Jay
02-06-2018, 04:41 AM
Updated: check my signature! :D

Prince Jay
05-29-2018, 03:34 PM
For those of you who are wondering, the second volume is completed, and it’s in my signature, and can be found on my soundcloud!

Don’t Breathe: Rescored (Original Score)
Music Composed and Produced by: Antoine Taylor(Me)
Runtime: 1hr 10mins

01. The Breathable Logos
02. Leaving
03. Sisters
04. Ladybug
05. House Searching
06. Fencing
07. Not My Type of Flooring
08. Holding A Door at Gunpoint
09. A Sudden Loss of Money
10. The Blindman Cometh
11. Here Comes the Blindman
12. She’s Killing It!
13. To Catch an Intruder
14. Trapped Like Rats! (Album Version)
15. Ventalilation Situations(spelled differently)
16. Laundry Terror
17. Just Clipping the Hedges
18. The Rocky Horror Drag Show
19. Re-Laxation, No More
20. You’re A Mean One, Mr. Blindman
21. A Good Old Game of Fetch (Album Version)
22. Live and Let Blind
23. Trainspotting
24. The Breathable Credits

05-29-2018, 11:44 PM
Many thanks for this, much appreciated :)