07-06-2017, 03:20 PM
Recently I wanted to check out once again that long thread in which this community was trying to establish at what point we are in terms of having the complete SW music. And as I searched the forum I found out, that because of the Disney [as it come out partial] acquisition of the SW franchise, all of film music was removed from here. But can we only talk about them, without posting links?

I'm interested in complete / extended scores but of proper quality also. By complete I mean one comprehensive release. As for the quality, I already have for example some 2 CD bootleg of Episode II, but it has cut off high frequencies; and I have those awful sounding official releases of 1997 Special Edition

Before that great thread purge I managed to get my hands on the bootleg releases by ABC. As I understood, that Imperial Audiophile Edition of his covered the topic of Episode V. But what bout others? Does someone know if he is planning to release similar works for Episode IV and VI? If I am not mistaken he has released Salvage Editions for the whole original trilogy, of which the V became obsolete with the latter release of the aforementioned Imperial Audiophile Edition. So should I take his two remaining Salvage Editions or use those from the Sony Classical trilogy release from 2004? Or maybe I should wait for 2020, when Disney is supposed to acquire even more rights to Star Wars- in hope that then they will release some sort of yet another official complete edition?

I have limited amount of time and I do not keep whole albums- what I do not like, after evaluation I simply delete; and move on to another movie when I have the time. That is why I look for complete releases, at least to some extent. I do not want to dig through dozens of official and bootleg releases and compile them on my own- I can settle on something that has 80-90% of what was used in the movie and [in case of the original trilogy] was somehow remastered. I also prefer to not have anything at the present moment and wait for a better hypothetical release in the future, instead of having to "revisit" the score I once evaluated already

So, can anyone point me to the right direction? From what I remember, a lot of music from Episode I was still missing back then- is it like also now? Or to put in in other words: what is the overall "status" on music from the first and second trilogy of Star Wars?