04-07-2005, 06:15 PM
This game has visually ruined every other console game for me. I bought this game on release day and played it, and then I was playing some Republic Commando just for the fun of it and I was amazed at how horrible it looked. I mean Republic Commando is a really good looking game, or at least it was until I played Doom 3. How the hell were they able to port this to Xbox so well? I didn't think it was possible. I mean The Chronicles of Riddick looked good, but not this good. I think this shows that the Xbox is truly an incredibly capable system. Which leads me to my next point about the next gen systems. Why the fuck are they planning on releasing next gen in 2006. There is obviously so much potential left in the already existing systems. I mean does anyone remember the original PlayStation? That got beat to death until it reached it's absolute limit. I think they need to push these systems to their limits before releasing any new systems. All games should look as good as Doom 3 on the Xbox.

hb smokey
04-07-2005, 08:39 PM
Why the fuck are they planning on releasing next gen in 2006. There is obviously so much potential left in the already existing systems.
Because it's been several years since the big three have been released, bar Xbox of course. I wouldn't know if there is so much potential left, because every once in a while a truly great game comes along.

All games should look as good as Doom 3 on the Xbox.
Now I haven't gotten a hold of this game yet, but if the graphics are as good as you praise them to be, then it is impossible for all games to look like it. Technicially, it may even be impossible for <I>any</I> game on the PS2 or Gamecube to look as graphically good as Doom 3.

04-08-2005, 01:39 AM
Doom 3 looks visually good....

.... But the game still isn't as great as it should be. :(

04-08-2005, 09:14 AM
I don't know, the game is better than most think in my opinion... In any case, if that system can pump out those graphics (graphically speaking) this system still has a lot to offer. As far as PS2 goes yeah, it may have reached it's limit, but I don't think the Gamecube has. I just think we need more time to see what developers can push out, or maybe it's my pocket talking because I don't want to dish out the doe for next gen systems yet.

If some of this doesn't seem to make sense, I apologize... I'm drunk.

04-12-2005, 07:49 AM
Doom 3 looks great. on XBOX it has been toned down but it still looks great. Although has any1 seen the graphics on Far-Cry?(on PC) i believe they destroy Doom 3's graphics. Doom 3 is always in small corridors while Far-Cry is the complete oppisite.

04-12-2005, 08:04 AM
Why spend money on squeezing the blood out of current gen consoles, when it's easier for developers to make games look better on next gen?

Besides, PC graphics have far outstripped even the best console games - Doom 3 PC is better than Doom 3 Xbox, and Half-Life 2 PC is better than Doom 3 PC. A new generation is needed.

04-12-2005, 09:55 AM
That would be due to the constant upgrade in graphics cards I suppose.
Also, I have not got this game, nor will I get it, but I am sure I will play it at some point, and it looks great, not just graphicallly.