04-07-2005, 05:28 AM
what do you think is the most funniest scene in ff7? the one that made you laugh.

(this thread must have been done but it must be real real old, so i put this one in.)

the scene that made me laugh would probably be when cloud and aeris has to go save tifa in Don Corneo's mansion and in order to save her, cloud and aeris has to go inside and cloud has to dress up like a woman! HAHAHAHAHA!

04-07-2005, 05:30 AM
the bitch fight on the cannon between Scarlet and Tifa.

FF Fanatic
04-07-2005, 09:53 AM
I'm not sure if I would say this is the funniest scene, but the scene when you get off the ship, in Costa Del Sol, and Cloud says that Barret looks like a bear wearing a marshmallow was funny.

04-07-2005, 10:06 AM
Cait Sith.

04-07-2005, 10:09 AM
erm, the one where Cid says "sit your ass down in that chair, and drink your goddamn tea!" Cid is an amazing character in FFVII, the other games let him down a bit though

04-07-2005, 03:15 PM
I thought the fuinniest bit, well there r 2 bits, both related to RedX111. Firstly when he is dressed as a sailor on the boat and secondly when u arrive at costa de sol u can boot him with the ball and his nose drys out. :)

04-07-2005, 03:53 PM
lol...you can boot him in the balls...i dont remember this :P

04-07-2005, 04:03 PM
no, unseen, you can boot a ball at him. A beach ball, and his nose will dry out.

04-07-2005, 04:31 PM
lol...i skipped past it fast...and missed the "with" part in that sentence...*hangs head in shame and walks away*

Admiral Kirk 118
04-08-2005, 04:07 AM
In Don Conrneos mansion where Cloud, TIfa, and Aeris all threaten to do something painful to his nuts.

04-08-2005, 04:09 AM
Cait Sith.


04-08-2005, 04:14 AM
every time a giant house violently attacks me lol.

Aerith Gainsborough
04-08-2005, 10:30 AM
I'm not sure if I would say this is the funniest scene, but the scene when you get off the ship, in Costa Del Sol, and Cloud says that Barret looks like a bear wearing a marshmallow was funny.

Yes, this one was a funny scene.

Another one I liked was the scene when Cloud was in Tifas room and found her orthopedic underwear.... This one made me laugh too.

04-08-2005, 10:39 AM
another bit I like is the bit where you talk to the owner of the weapons shop, and he calls you a rookie, and cloud gets really pissed with him

04-08-2005, 10:47 AM
Dio in underpants.

04-08-2005, 10:52 AM
the one where aeris says cloud looks cute in his dress, i got a purple one (he did look cute as a girl though!)

Kit Thespian
04-09-2005, 08:24 PM
There're several funny scenes. It's hard to pick, so here's a few choices:

1) The moment that Don Corneo chooses Cloud: "THIS healthy-looking girl!" and Cloud's reaction is priceless.

2) When Cait Sith gets the fortunes all screwy: "Something big'll happen after summer..." "Your lucky color is blue...?"

3) How about that Hojo on the beach, surrounded by beauties in bikinis? "I'll be a guinea pig if it's for Professor Hojo."

4) The play scene, "You dare to ignore the Evil Dragon King?"

I'll think of more later...

Admiral Kirk 118
04-09-2005, 08:34 PM
When Tifa punches Cloud for screwing up the play.

04-09-2005, 11:44 PM
no no no, the ultimute was when i told aeris i knew her as "the slum drunk" her reaction "thats very rude" lol "but i will forgive you" wow i mean, she can forgive and forget easy eh? lol obviosly she had a crush on him

04-10-2005, 12:00 AM
She said that because she thought that Cloud was hot and no girl dumps a hot guy. All you know it.

04-10-2005, 01:12 AM
when areis dies! haha! her reaction was priceless!

04-10-2005, 12:59 PM
when areis dies! haha! her reaction was priceless!

You're a sick man. How can someone's death be funny, you sick bastard!! Especially Aerith's!! You should be ashamed!!

Sephiroth vs. Cloud
04-10-2005, 01:00 PM
when areis dies! haha! her reaction was priceless!
just for saying that im gonna kill u >:O u r eviler than Sephiroth after he goes insane at the mako reactor >:O

04-10-2005, 01:03 PM
when areis dies! haha! her reaction was priceless!

Yeah!!! I hope everyone finds your burial funny!

Sephiroth vs. Cloud
04-10-2005, 01:06 PM
You're a sick man. How can someone's death be funny, you sick bastard!! Especially Aerith's!! You should be ashamed!!

i would like FF7 even more if Aerith DOES NOT die. that part sux.
i wish Cloud had the ultimate revival object or something :-(

im gonna start an angry mob and send it at clanotheduck. im glad i remembered 2 keep my pitchfork

04-10-2005, 01:07 PM
i would like FF7 even more if Aerith DOES NOT die. that part sux.
i wish Cloud had the ultimate revival object or something :-(

That would be cool. I wish she were alive, to. I liked more than anyone. But think what would happen if she were not to die. Cloud would then be forced to make a choice between Tifa and Aerith. That would be tough !!!

Hi, Sephy vs. Cloud ^_^

Sephiroth vs. Cloud
04-10-2005, 01:17 PM
i have a slight problem. every time i look at a picture of Aeris/Aerith (i dont care what the end of the name is) i get pulled into the picture 4 some strange reason...
im very confused

That would be cool. I wish she were alive, to. I liked more than anyone. But think what would happen if she were not to die. Cloud would then be forced to make a choice between Tifa and Aerith. That would be tough !!!

Hi, Sephy vs. Cloud ^_^
i didnt think of that...

im very confused about the end of the game. y is Aeris supposed 2 die?
i h8 that part. also, im sure that if Cloud had 2 make a choice between them then the one he didnt pick would commit suicide

04-10-2005, 01:18 PM
Yeah, me to. I don't know why, either. I think it's because I like her a lot. I can't help it. I sometimes look at the picture for minutes. I think it's the same with you. Probably.

Woah! Suicide. Isn't that a bit harsh. I don't think that. You know what would be cool. It would be great if Zack didn't die, and in the end, Aerith ends up with Zack and Cloud with Tifa. That would be great.

Sephiroth vs. Cloud
04-10-2005, 01:26 PM
i have a slight problem. every time i look at a picture of Aeris/Aerith (i dont care what the end of the name is) i get pulled into the picture 4 some strange reason...
im very confused

i didnt think of that...

im very confused about the end of the game. y is Aeris supposed 2 die?
i h8 that part. also, im sure that if Cloud had 2 make a choice between them then the one he didnt pick would commit suicide

also i h8 all who dont like 2 use Aeris. the reason Cloud Aeris & Tifa r my favorite characters in the game is thier personality. thier all nice people 2 say the VERY least

omg im still stuck on the materia guardian boss at mt. nibel. I USE AERIS & TIFA 4 MOST OF THE GAME

possibly Cloud would like it more if he DIDNT have 2 make a choice

04-10-2005, 01:26 PM
I played FFVII a million times and IALWAYS had her in my party. She has powerful magic and the best Limits in the game. Her Healing wind Limit is excellent in the begining of the game when healing is a pretty scarce resource. She's probably the most powerful caharacter in the game, judging by her limits and magic power. And I love her!! ^_^

Say, I sent you a PM, did you get it?

I use Tifa and Aeris ALL the time. Hahahah lol, we have the same taste in playing FFVII. I like to level up my characters so they become very powerful. I do this early in the game in Mt. Nibel because exp. is great and you can level up very fast (I usually stay there until I'm level 70 or so).

Sephiroth vs. Cloud
04-10-2005, 01:28 PM
im having trouble in FF7 right now. im STILL at the materia guardian

I played FFVII a million times and IALWAYS had her in my party. She has powerful magic and the best Limits in the game. Her Healing wind Limit is excellent in the begining of the game when healing is a pretty scarce resource. She's probably the most powerful caharacter in the game, judging by her limits and magic power. And I love her!! ^_^

Say, I sent you a PM, did you get it?
ill check 4 the PM

ok. but, i have no icq #

04-10-2005, 01:30 PM
Materia guardian? What's the problem? can't beat him or what.

Too bad you don't have an ICQ number. Why don't you get one? ^_^

Sephiroth vs. Cloud
04-10-2005, 01:30 PM
SquareSoft should add a new status change and call it VERY PISSED OFF for the end of the game when Aeris dies

04-10-2005, 01:31 PM
Hahaha lol!!! I'd like that. A good idea. ^_^

Sephiroth vs. Cloud
04-10-2005, 01:33 PM
Materia guardian? What's the problem? can't beat him or what.

Too bad you don't have an ICQ number. Why don't you get one? ^_^
every time i fight it i NEARLY kill it but i dont have enuf MP right now. i wish i bought a stack of ethers at Cosmo Canyon

maybe we should get clanotheduck kicked 4 insulting the (Quite possibly) best character in the FF series

04-10-2005, 01:34 PM
You can fight certain monsters there that can give you Ethers after the battle. If you need healing after these battles, there's a save point, and you can use a Tent. Use Cloud's Cross-slash, that will paralyze him, and Aerith's Seal Evil Limit, that will also paralyze him for a good amount of time, try it. And good luck beating him.

The guy also killed me a few times, but my paralyze strategy worked (I was lv. 25 or so).

Sephiroth vs. Cloud
04-10-2005, 01:35 PM
killing all those who dont like aeris is my future plan =)

04-10-2005, 01:37 PM
killing all those who dont like aeris is my future plan =)

Mind if I join, LOL. But if you do that, you're no better than Sephy. Think about it.

Sephiroth vs. Cloud
04-10-2005, 01:39 PM
You can fight certain monsters there that can give you Ethers after the battle. If you need healing after these battles, there's a save point, and you can use a Tent. Use Cloud's Cross-slash, that will paralyze him, and Aerith's Seal Evil Limit, that will also paralyze him for a good amount of time, try it. And good luck beating him.
sry i use blade beam not CS. Seal Evil is wut i do. also i use bio 2 kill it fast. 256 damage 4 each time it is hurt by bio. also, i need 2 send all my characters to the back row 2 defend myself

Mind if I join, LOL. But if you do that, you're no better than Sephy. Think about it.

i am in his presence at all times wether i know it or not

04-10-2005, 01:40 PM
sry i use blade beam not CS. Seal Evil is wut i do. also i use bio 2 kill it fast. 256 damage 4 each time it is hurt by bio. also, i need 2 send all my characters to the back row 2 defend myself


Use Cross-slash, it's better. Back row is good, but won't help you against Trine, it does a lot of damage. You should use CS for more paralysis.

Sephiroth vs. Cloud
04-10-2005, 01:45 PM
Mind if I join, LOL. But if you do that, you're no better than Sephy. Think about it.

u can join. im gonna have 2 get help on the AUTOKILL devise :angel: dont look at the other wing on my smily

Use Cross-slash, it's better. Back row is good, but won't help you against Trine, it does a lot of damage. You should use CS for more paralysis.
i have a new idea. use Barrets mindblow to kill all its GOOD attacks. also, ever since i got Yuffie ive been 4geting where the hell my materia are

04-10-2005, 01:45 PM
Yeah, let's kick some major Aerith-hater ass.

Well, it was nice talking to you. But I have to go now. In the words of the greatest fighter in the universe, Goku: "I'm hungry."

See ya. Bye. ^_^

Sephiroth vs. Cloud
04-10-2005, 01:48 PM
i dont need Cloud to b auto killed by the materia guardian which is exactly y i stay in back row

Yeah, let's kick some major Aerith-hater ass.

Well, it was nice talking to you. But I have to go now. In the words of the greatest fighter in the universe, Goku: "I'm hungry."

See ya. Bye. ^_^

im starting a new topic as soon as i can find out how

04-10-2005, 04:26 PM
Every part of FFVII was funny. The whole game was a joke, iykwim.

Rabid Monkey
04-10-2005, 05:18 PM
I have to agree about Aerith. Watching her die was the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life.

Top Cat
04-10-2005, 05:53 PM
I have to agree about Aerith. Watching her die was the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life.

And that cutscene with Cloud in the wheelchair before they slip into the lifestream. The characters just looked fucking hilarious. =(

white noize ff7
04-10-2005, 06:18 PM
why didn't they just use a phoenix down on aeris then? or life 2...

oh yeah, the funniest thing... "This Guy Are Sick" nuff said...

04-11-2005, 11:43 PM
oh dear. i think some one said that they hopped someone would laugh at my funeral...yeah...there is a difference between me and aries...i'm a human being...not a bunch of polygons.

people who obsess like that are silly.

04-16-2005, 11:10 PM

04-17-2005, 10:59 PM
In Don Conrneos mansion where Cloud, TIfa, and Aeris all threaten to do something painful to his nuts.
Yep id hav 2 say that was the funniest part in the game it made me laugh so much i started crying.

04-18-2005, 02:34 PM
Cait Sith had me chuckling a few times, especially when he does that waddle thing on the Highwind, Cloud dressing up as a woman was funny, the scene when you first arrive at Costa del Sol, and chasing Yuffie around Wutai had me instiches for some weird reason

04-18-2005, 08:37 PM
Definately the scene when Don Dorneo is picking between who to pick as his woman between Tifa, Aeris and Cloud... and he chose Cloud, and it literally made me do a LOL.

04-18-2005, 10:54 PM
hehe, but calling barret a man dressed in a marshmellow was the funnyist lol

Kit Thespian
04-22-2005, 06:52 AM
I love it when Barret's checking himself out in the mirror with his sailor suit on at Costa Del Sol. That's worthy of note.

04-22-2005, 07:57 PM
hehe, but calling barret a man dressed in a marshmellow was the funnyist lol

I agree i also liked the bit in costa del sol where you kick redxiii with the football hehehe...

04-22-2005, 08:01 PM
~The Honey Bee Mansion! Thw whole Cloud in a dress senerio!
~Bitch battle between Scarlet and Tifa!
~Red 13 trying to walk on 2 legs, whilst dressed in a cute sailor suit!

04-24-2005, 05:02 AM
at the honey bee inn when all those men come in and cloud recieves an pair of under wear

04-26-2005, 08:16 PM
for some reason, I thought it was funny when Cloud, Tifa and Barret were all climing up the stairs, also I thought it was funny when i first saw the Fat Chocobo, its not so funny after 5 and a half years (thats how long I've had, yet I still can't get past a stupid Robot in the second disc, can't remember when though) and a few more: When Cloud dresses up, still haven't seen him picked, even though he has picked Aeris before, and I seen my mate go on a date with Barret. I also thought (how much more?) it was funny when Red XIII was trying to be a human (on the ship) and he was trying to stand on 2 legs, the part where you fight a drunk guy and...........WHAT THE HELL AM I TALKING ABOUT???? ok, I feel asleep for a bit when writing this, and had a dream that Cloud, Barret and an Angel Aeris (Just a thing I made up!) fought a Drunk Guy, and his attack's including Burping, Hiccuping and his strongest one, was the Beer Bomb, hey, I have a weird Mind, call me weird, and I'll take it as a Complement 8-)

Hey, this post is offically longer then my English Essay I did earlier, man, I'm a Chatterbox...

Sephiroth's son
05-06-2005, 03:58 AM
lol the stairs was funny i loved the commenets they made, i did think it was funny when cloud was dressed up the the people in the gym really cracked me up and so did the stuff in the honey bee. the dat with barret was ackward and funny all at same time. the turks drinking in the bars i found was good times too....dont no y thougt

05-12-2005, 07:02 PM
Don't ask me why, but during Yuffie's Wutai side-quest, just before she steals your materia, if you have Red XIII in your team, he goes "my nose never lies"

I do laugh at nothing though, I once laughed when I got beaten-up by some dude.....

05-12-2005, 07:08 PM
i though the part in corel were you have to chase after the train to get the huge materia is real funny, cid is so cool!

05-13-2005, 07:18 PM
The part where seph dices aerith, classic

05-13-2005, 07:25 PM
I laugh when cait sith tries to read fortunes and moves his toy cat body really quickly it makes me laugh.

Or when red is dressed up as a man on the cargo ship and waddeling from left to right.

dyne trance
05-15-2005, 05:01 AM
the bitch fight on the cannon between Scarlet and Tifa.

OMG i love that part! me and my bro are playing thru the game again and we saw that part and laughed our @$$e$ off! too bad i was doing it and lost :P

05-15-2005, 02:17 PM
OMG i love that part! me and my bro are playing thru the game again and we saw that part and laughed our @$$e$ off! too bad i was doing it and lost :P

You lost at the Bitch Fight? OMFG, I could do that blindfolded with my hands tied, after a good night out drinking, which led to a Hangover.