04-06-2005, 11:01 PM
Remember how Tokyopop started releasing translated versions of the Slayers novels a few months back? Well, Dark Horse is following suit and releasing the Vampire Hunter D ( novels. I already have the three Slayers novels that've been released and I'm certain to buy these.

So, is anyone else interested in this trend? Are there any Japanese novels you'd like to see published in English?

04-07-2005, 12:18 AM
なぜベスト! (

どんと来い! (

04-07-2005, 12:29 AM
rezo, who is that in those pictures?

I swear I recognize him from somewhere or something, but I can't think of what. =/

04-07-2005, 12:35 AM
I can't even see them. For some reason, my browser crashes when I try to load them. :(

EDIT: Pasting the address into another browser worked fine. I remember Rezo once used that guy's picture as an avatar. Other than that, I know nothing about it because I can't read the page.

04-07-2005, 02:09 AM
rezo, who is that in those pictures?

I swear I recognize him from somewhere or something, but I can't think of what. =/

Japanese actor Abe Hiroshi. I used him in my Fine Bunch signature:

That image is from a show called Trick where he plays a physicist that teams up with a magician(Sadako from Ringu 0 if you've seen it) to disprove people that claim to have magic powers and when he poses for pics he likes to point. It's a great show.

He publishes some books in the TV series and those are the ones I linked to at the japanese Amazon site.

1. Naze best wo tsukusanai no ka? = "Why don't you do your best?" The Fine Bunch slogan was just a Trick reference. The other book is "Donto Koi! Choujo Genshou(sp?)!"= Come on, spiritualists! The title is also a pun. Koi= "come" and if you read donto in english, then the meaning changes from "Come on!" to "don't come!"

One of my favorite shows, so I'd really like to read the books =\

04-07-2005, 02:20 AM
So the untold origins of the Fine Bunch have come to light. Awesome. :)

grn apple tree
04-10-2005, 03:19 PM
Japanese actor Abe Hiroshi. I used him in my Fine Bunch signature:

That image is from a show called Trick where he plays a physicist that teams up with a magician(Sadako from Ringu 0 if you've seen it) to disprove people that claim to have magic powers and when he poses for pics he likes to point. It's a great show.

He publishes some books in the TV series and those are the ones I linked to at the japanese Amazon site.

1. Naze best wo tsukusanai no ka? = "Why don't you do your best?" The Fine Bunch slogan was just a Trick reference. The other book is "Donto Koi! Choujo Genshou(sp?)!"= Come on, spiritualists! The title is also a pun. Koi= "come" and if you read donto in english, then the meaning changes from "Come on!" to "don't come!"

One of my favorite shows, so I'd really like to read the books =\
Holy shit... Anyways that's pretty cool about the Vampire Hunter D. But I can't get to the site for some reason. It takes a long time to load and then it says that the ping timeout happened? I have Mozilla Firefox. So back to topic, I don't really have any anime that I want seen made into a book. If I put thought into I might find one but for now there's none. Though I will be semi looking forward to the Vampire Hunter D ones you said were coming out.