06-23-2017, 07:50 PM
On the extras for the live action version of Disney's Beauty and The Beast. They show how they changed the song "Days In The Sun" in the film cause people thought that The Beast's mother looked too much like The Enchantress. So they changed it from his mother singing the song to The Beast as a child to her on her death bed. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone is able to work their magic and able to rip it from the blu ray. Then edit it with the film version on the official Soundtrack to make a version of it how it should be without any sound effects and all? It's such a beautiful song! And I like that version better than what they used!

06-23-2017, 09:42 PM
Made an attempt. it's not perfect but here you go

06-24-2017, 07:01 PM
Thank you! I decided to try my luck at making one myself. Here is the finished product. I hope it sounds alright! I used the version from the CD and audio from the blu ray.

Made an attempt. it's not perfect but here you go