04-05-2005, 03:04 AM
What do you prefer, Desperated attack, limit break (FFVII or VIII), trance or overdrive???
In my opinion my favorite is trance because the characters suffer a morph some of them look cool like vivi, metal amarant is cool and tranced steiner is amazing.
the others are almost the same but i would like to see tranced character from other final fantasy games, if you like you can describe them and tell us their new commands or skill

Imagine Tranced Kimahri, with a shining long horn, with a dragoon armor and red eyes, every attack of him might be increased, he would use jump at the style of tranced freya

Tranced Quistis should become a queen with white hair, and she should have a multi-attack laser whip at the style of Ivy of SoulCalibur II

04-05-2005, 04:26 AM
So wait, are we picking which is our favorite or discussing trance? Might as well do both, my favorite was Limit Breaks in FFVIII because there's nothing better than using a limit break every turn =). Also, I almost NEVER say anything bad about Final Fantasy IX, but Trance sucked, countless times have my characters gone into their ultimate phase which depending on where you are at in the game can take up to three hours to build at the end of a random encounter, which is not fun, and limit breaks in FFVII weren't great either, you can't attack when you have one and are saving it, almost forces you to use it, but I thuoght overdrives were pretty great. But yes, characters in Trance did look pretty cool.

Sephiroth's son
04-05-2005, 04:53 PM
trances did look cool but some of the atks didnt seem all that special cept if i remember correctly u can use them more then once, but ff8 i think was the best cuz u could use them every turn but most would be random or ebd randomly

04-07-2005, 01:04 AM
Either FFVIII limitbreaks or overdrives.

04-07-2005, 05:22 AM
i like overdrives, but i the best for me would be the limit breaks in FFVIII, just like OmegaWeapon said, you can use your limit break every turn. FFVII limit breaks aren't great though.

FF Fanatic
04-07-2005, 09:45 AM
I liked the FFVII limit breaks. I liked the way you recieved new ones after defeating a certain number of enemies or using the previous limit breaks a certain number of times.

04-18-2005, 09:08 PM
I liked the FFVII limit breaks because you could save them for when you really needed them.

04-19-2005, 04:26 AM
Never mind the fact that you could save them in FFX with no drawbacks, unlike FFVII, where your character was completely unable to use physical attacks until it was used. Also, I suppose the way you got them in FFVIII when you were low on health is less useful, eh? Silly FFVII fanboys. :/

Aerith Gainsborough
04-19-2005, 08:30 AM
I liked the FF-VII limit break and the overdrives in FF-X. In both cases you could save them up and use them later if you wanted to.

FF-VIII is ok, but you'll never get your limits if your HP isn't low enough. The trance in FF-IX was kinda crappy. A lot of times I couln't even use them, because they came right before the battle was over.

04-19-2005, 09:10 AM
Overdrives and Limit Breaks were the most useful. VIII's were too easy to get, though I love Angel Wing and Duel. I loved Tifa's Slots, also.

Trance was useless.

04-19-2005, 04:43 PM
FF-VIII is ok, but you'll never get your limits if your HP isn't low enough. The trance in FF-IX was kinda crappy. A lot of times I couln't even use them, because they came right before the battle was over.

Actually you could using the Aura spell.

I prefer the FFX Overdrive system, you can configure how it builds up and you don't have to use it if you don't want to.

I know you don't havbe to use limits in FFVII, but you do loose your physical attack command. Ok if you have D.blow or E.skill Goblin Punch, it's not much of a loss, but at the start of the game, you either have to skip with that character, use the limit attack, or use magic. Still I did like the way you can save the limit break if you want/need to

FFVIII was ok, but you had to wait till your chars were near death before you could really use it ( until you get the Aura spells anyway) and also, you could repeatedly use them, which kinda ruins the "Yes, limit break!" feeling you get when you can finally use the limit technique.

FFIX trance looked cool, but the Trance was forced on your characters, and you instantly loose it after the battle ( if you enter trance). now this is ok when fighting a boss, but to go into trance for a standard monster is a bit pointless ( especially if you are coming up to a boss fight). I don't really think that Trance was that well thought out, most of the uncosmetic changes were pretty lame, some were ok though, Zidanes Dyne ability was pretty good, (though at later levels his Solution 9 was doing exactly the same amount of damage as Grand Leathal, and for a fraction of the MP)

FFVI - so far I haven't encountered the desperation attack yet, but then I'm only just on the Ghost train.

Aerith Gainsborough
04-20-2005, 07:54 AM
Actually you could using the Aura spell.

I didn't waste my Aura spells for that....I only used some at the end, but only the once I had left.

Siren's Song
04-20-2005, 10:06 AM
I like the limit breaks from FFVIII, and overdrives. Especially Squall's, Rinoa's (Angel Wing, when it's set up right), Quistis' (Degenerator), Zell's, Wakka's, Lulu's, and Yuna's.
It annoyed the hell out of me when, in VII, you're almost pushed into using your limits... gets incredibly irritating for me after a while, when you're forced to waste them. Although I liked Aeris' (and yes, that's just about the only positive you're likely to get out of me about *that* character.)
Aura's a handy spell when you're in a tight spot in FFVIII, but I didn't use it excessively, apart from when I was getting bored! Used it more for junctioning really. Still, it's fun to hit something silly and insignificant in the Training Centre with Lionheart, just for the hell of it!

04-21-2005, 09:50 AM
I didn't waste my Aura spells for that....I only used some at the end, but only the once I had left.

I always found it a bit of a waste just leaving them junctioned, I used them in every major battle, then restocked

broken sword 1001
04-21-2005, 10:42 AM
i agree with kemtach 2999 that ff10 has the best overdrives it was really good i did not have to use it straight away which that used to piss me off

trance was alright but i did not like it much but i must say the charicters did look cool in trance

04-22-2005, 08:05 PM
Id prefer the ffvii limit breaks and ffx overdrives cause you can save them for later

04-26-2005, 02:48 PM
Trance was bs...I only got it during a boss fight like twice. Useless, once I built it up and then i got hit two secs before the boss and went trance....SUCH BS.

Overdrives and Limits are better

Sephiroth's son
04-28-2005, 10:33 PM
overdrives were better then limits because you could save them.....and i didnt like the randomness of alot of ff8 limits

Nanaki Muyo
05-01-2005, 09:08 AM
I'd actually like to see SE scrap the limit/overdrive idea completely. Mostly because it's one of those things that take away from the difficulty. I'm sick of having to rely on super bosses to find a real challenge in recent Final Fantasy games. Yes, I know limits aren't the only problem, but they are one of the problems.

That being said, I like Overdrives the best because with most of them, you can vary their power by your own actions more so than in previous games.

05-01-2005, 12:01 PM
The Final Fantasy VII LImit system, was prety useful, but as mentioned, it was very awkward when the sttack command went.
Final Fantasy VIII's was great, imo. Most of the attacks were really useful - even the Blue Magic, in some cases, and when you progressed through the game, more aura became accessible/refinable to let you use it more often.
Trance was OK, Zidanes and Vivi's Dbl Blk, and Daggers Dbl Summon in particular.
Ovedrives wree useful, especially since you could save them for later.