05-18-2017, 01:30 AM

hoping someone will share this soon enough. ^_^

05-18-2017, 10:08 AM
It is up on Itunes...Could somebody upload it? It seems it will be a really good soundtrack made from Yugo Kanno.

05-18-2017, 01:48 PM
its kuniaki haishima... but after psycho pass... yugo kanno sure will nail the mood of blame.
I first read blame back in 2005, everything, while listening my first kuniaki haishima soundtrack... Spriggan!... i tell you... try reading the mangas while listening to it. it is perfect!!!! Jing Ling for me and my brother even today ... its BLAME! opening theme.

05-18-2017, 07:36 PM
I recently became a fan and start it collecting all of his albums. (still missing a few) as soon as I fix my credit card issue I'm going to purchase this album.

05-19-2017, 08:33 PM

05-20-2017, 04:01 AM
Been searching for this all day. It's only on iTunes/Amazon in Japan. Willing to buy this one if they'd just offer it. Blame! is one of my all time favorites.

05-20-2017, 04:15 AM
This movie seems like they nailed in adapting it, better then the previous "testings". i am really hyped to see the movie when its released.
though.... episode 6 of the 2003 ONA did explained all the loose ends of the manga. We have to grant kudos for that.

05-20-2017, 05:00 AM
@Orie, The movie is out already on Netflix in the US. I watched the first 15 minutes at work today. Going to watch it later when my kids head to sleep.

05-20-2017, 12:28 PM
I dont live in the US... though.... maybe someone might rip from netflix the movie? that would be sweet.

oh damn. Horrible-subs released the movie !! :D

05-20-2017, 04:13 PM
I dont live in the US... though.... maybe someone might rip from netflix the movie? that would be sweet.

oh damn. Horrible-subs released the movie !! :D

Yeah, their XDCC bots in their IRC channel are super fast too.

05-20-2017, 07:10 PM
So I've found download links for both MP3 and FLAC on French, Korean, and Japanese services. They've all thwarted my attempts to get the album. It's insane how hard it is to find this soundtrack.

05-20-2017, 07:17 PM
wait some days. we will sure get it ;)

will watch the movie later today. For what I saw in testing the file... its finally want I wanted to see.

I saw some stupid people, I am sorry, they are stupid, complaining about the trailer, and how the manga has no dialogue whatsoever and that is how the movie should be. But Then I laughed on comment on a guy saying "I love to waste my life reading these comments forcing me to say "You sure you read the same as me?"" xDDXD
Killy is the one who badly talks, and he walks alone. Period. The moment he finds more people besides him, everyone talks and vomits exposition and world explanations.
also people complaining about being an action movie...... the manga was what? watching water flowing up?
My point being, i seem to be one of those rare people who don't complain at all if its not like the original source. Give me something new, new approaches, new ideas. Let me compare the Appleseed 80ts OVA with Appleseed movie 2004 and Appleseed Ex Machina. They are not stories from the original source, but the "message" from those is in the animated movies/ova. Just having new ideas to reach that message.
Devilman: it has a bad ending and very brutal imagery one, and you see that for 3 times.... and if there is another animated remake or something of devilman, be sure to give me a happy ending, because I dont want to see the same thing over and over again. Creativity and imagination, use it for something new, not the same.

Just ranting a bit. sorry. :p

05-20-2017, 08:48 PM
DL here BLAME! Original Soundtrack [MP3] (Thread 216960)

06-22-2017, 08:45 PM
Anyone know of a lossless version that's available?