05-14-2017, 01:12 AM
https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjIxNzE0NjY1Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjYzOTkxOTE@._ V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg

If you like ambient instrumental post-rock, then you will enjoy this soundtrack from the 2016 film Anthropoid (which is available on Amazon Prime Video). It will be released on 30th May 2017, but the composer, Robin Foster, has a preview on Bandcamp (https://robinfoster.bandcamp.com/album/anthropoid-original-motion-picture-soundtrack) where you can pre-order a digital download, to include FLAC, or vinyl. For your convenience, you can also preview the tracks here (https://www.keeplinks.eu/p100/59179d7303601) as 128 Kbps MP3s for offline listening.


1. The Drop 02:05
2. Arriving in Prague 01:26
3. Flasinetar 02:40
4. Cafe Monravia 01:34
5. The Repairman 01:07
6. The Darkroom 02:12
7. Stardust 02:20
8. A Decoded Message 01:40
9. Panic Attack 01:45
10. Lenka's Theme 01:19
11. The Assassination 03:52
12. The Reward 01:40
13. A Death in The Family 01:18
14. The Last Stand 03:57
15. The Crypt 02:55
16. End Titles 05:43
17. Dulce et Decorum 03:30