FF Fanatic
04-04-2005, 11:48 AM
I've decided to start an FFVIII rumble, seeing as they seem to be so popular in the other Final Fantasy sections and I don't think there is one for FFVIII yet. By the way there may be possible spoilers for those who haven't yet completed the game.

First off, the FMVs are going to go head-to-head. There are 68 FMVs all together, so for the first round I'm going to do battles with 4 FMVs in them and people can vote for 2 of them. They will last 2 days and after each day I will anounce the results and which FMVs will be next. Also I will be using the FMV names, in the FFVIII FMV picture section at www.ffshrine.org, so if you are not sure about which FMVs some of them are you can look them up there. Here are a list of all the FMVs. (Some have been combined because they are so similar.)

Disc I
Game Introduction
Garden Introduction
Quistis Visits Squall in the Infirmary
Zell Introduction
The Landing
Selphie Introduction
The Activation of the Satellite
Encounter with X-ATM092
Squall and Rinoa Dance
Timber Trains Mission
Irvine Introduction
Edea with Rinoa Before the Parade
The Iguions Attack
The Parade Begins / The Parade Continues
The Sniper Prepares / Seifer and Edea are Trapped
The Sniper Fires
Squall Charges Towards Edea and Seifer
Squall Falls: Disc I End

Disc II
Within the Desert Prison
Desert Prison Rises / Desert Prison In Motion
The Missiles Launch
Missile Base is Destroyed
Missiles On Their Way
Balamb Garden Systems Activate
The Missiles Strike
Balamb Garden System Activate Continued (I know I could join this with Balamb Gardens Systems Activate, but then I would have an odd number of matches.)

Balamb Garden Takes Off / Balamb Garden in Flight
Rinoa on the Balcony
Balamb Garden Passes over Balamb
Balamb Garden Splashdown
Balamb Garden Sails Away
Crash at Fisherman's Horizon
The Fisherman's Horizon Dish
Galbadia Approaches
Targetting the Garden
Gardens Face Off
Gardens Collide
Gardens Fly Close
Full-scale War
The Paratroopers Attack
The Motorcycles Attack
Rinoa in Danger
Saving Rinoa
The White SeeD Ship

Disc III
Esthar Appears, Entering the City
The Launch
Examining the Lunar Surface
Arrival of the Lunatic Pandora
The Lunar Probe is Bombarded
Lunar Cry Monsters Engulf a Spaceship
The Escape Pod
Rinoa Drifts in Space
Lunar Eruption
The Ragnarok Rescues Rinoa
Rinoa and Squall Reunite
Ragnarok Attempts to Enter Lunatic Pandora/ Second Attempt to Enter Lunatic Pandora

Return to Space
The Lunar Cry Monsters Arrive
Another Look at the Moon

Disc IV
The Sacrifice
Time Compression
Ultimecia's Castle
The Meeting
Lost in Time
Back to the New Present
Credits / Home Videos
Rinoa and Squall Together at Last

I think that's all, so let's get started. The first match is:-

Zell Introduction (disc 1)
The Sniper Fires (disc 1)
Rinoa and Squall Reunite (disc 3)
Balamb Garden Systems Activate (disc 2)

Remember, you can vote for 2. I vote for "The Sniper Fires" and "Rinoa and Squall Reunite".

04-04-2005, 07:30 PM
Lookie here. (Thread 8360) :(

04-05-2005, 01:28 AM
Yeah, sorry, but the FFVIII Rumble has already been done and retired.