04-03-2005, 04:56 PM
Did you bother doing some (or all =) ) of the sidequests in FF9? if you did, tell me something: was it worth it? and if you didn't, why not then? =)

04-03-2005, 05:02 PM
Yes, I did them all except for the Excalibur II sidequest, and yes the sidequests in this game are extremely good, ESPECIALLY the Chocobo Hot and Cold one.

04-03-2005, 05:31 PM
I tried so hard but I couldnt finish Chocobo Hot and Cold. But I am gonna do it now. I never did the Excaliber 2 sidequest.

BTW, you are very sexy.

04-03-2005, 05:58 PM
Thanks about that =) (oh! or was it for the OmegaWeapon???) feel free to pm me... well anyway i never did Excalibur II sidequest either... but i've finished chocobo hot & cold =)

the guy watching you
04-04-2005, 12:54 AM
i attempted the excalibur II quest but i came short by 11 min!!!!


04-04-2005, 07:20 PM
YaY! lucky you =) 11min?

04-04-2005, 07:36 PM
I tried Excalibur II, and got there but then couldn't work out what to do, and by the time I had, it was about 3 hours over the time

04-04-2005, 07:48 PM
3 hours are a lot... imagine if you would be late for 11 minutes like the guy watching you was =-O

04-04-2005, 09:31 PM
What annoyed me was that I was actually there, but I couldn't work it out for three hours!

04-05-2005, 04:57 AM
Then why didnt you just close the game and start again? ...Instead of saving...

04-05-2005, 08:47 AM
Because I didn't save at all. I was doing a challenge to see if I could complete the game in one day

04-05-2005, 08:10 PM
and how much time did it take to complete the game for your very first time? =)

04-08-2005, 01:07 PM
wow why in one day that would drive me crazy

04-08-2005, 02:24 PM
because more than one day would require leaving the thing on overnight, and that would have increased my play time. but I managed. and Mia, it took me about 17 or 18 hours overall, but that's just getting through the game, no big sidequests or trying to get items, and i didnt watch ATE's i didn't have too

04-09-2005, 06:03 AM
ah ok i hate ATE things but isnt it hard to leavle up when your rushing threw it like that?

04-09-2005, 07:36 AM
I didn't because for four discs the villain was kuja then a fag named Necron pops out of nowhere

the guy watching you
04-09-2005, 10:04 AM
ah ok i hate ATE things but isnt it hard to leavle up when your rushing threw it like that?

when ur attempting the excalibur II quest u dont stop and lvl unless its absolutley necessary

04-09-2005, 03:31 PM
I've always wanted to complete the Chocobo Hot and Cold sidequest. But every time I try, I get in to the story, and I pretty much forget about it.

04-09-2005, 03:46 PM
That's why you should do it after you already beat the game, or are atleast in Memoria.

04-09-2005, 03:51 PM
I have beaten the game, but after I leave Gizamaluke's Grotto I just want to continue with the story, then I don't go back to the Chocobo's Forest.

04-09-2005, 04:42 PM
Oh, I know, I was saying that it's usually best to do sidequests after you beat the game so thee isn't much else to tempt you.

04-09-2005, 06:01 PM
Yeah, that's true.

Phantom of the Orphanage
04-10-2005, 12:58 AM
I always find every chocograph possible before proceeding into Giz's grotto...

The Sage
04-14-2005, 10:37 PM
i did the cocobo forest sidequest thingy til i got the robes of lords for two people on dics 1 (or is it 2 when you first get a chance)

04-15-2005, 01:52 AM
WTF?!?!?!? How long did that take you?! That alone takes more than 12 hours of freakin digging.