04-03-2005, 06:26 AM
Hey Everyone, I've decided over the summer to go back to my roots ... intensive, marathon game-playing therapy, in a sense. The systems I"ll be using are N64 for Ocarina of Time, PS2 for Final Fantasy (VII-X-2), and I will potentially aquire a GC for Metroid and the Next Zelda.

...I'll also be using my new Progressive-scan DVD player for Anime watching at night. Except , my TV... a 20" Symphonic, does not have component inputs. I thought I'd just pick up the next biggest size with component but (long story short) I am now in the process of acquiring and arranging an entire home theatre system with a receiver, speakers, and a television to do justice to my Gaming goodness vacation. I'm a little overwhelmed... (Do I need 7.1 or can I get by with 5.1 surround?) ...(Should I spring for HDtv or just plan on upgrading later?) <p>
HDTV wouldn't really be necessary for playing games like FFVIII or Zelda, except (according to my research) for the fact that if I use analog connections on a "big" screen, the interlace flicker becomes much more noticable, killing the experience.

The question I have for you guys is this:

"What is the maximum size TV (CRT Flat Tube, not LCD or plasma) that will have good image quality withOUT progressive scan inputs (from the consoles I mentioned), and would it make a big difference if it was HD or not?

04-12-2005, 03:07 PM
Right, it is wise to have a 5.1 amp supporting Dolby digital (and pro logic2) Fuck all games support 6.1 or 7.1 (to my knowledge) 5.1 will see you through to the next generation.

HD Televisions are going to be needed for the next generation (apparently we are going through a HD era) But if you want to play old games on it you will need an RGB cable to stop the flicker.