04-02-2005, 04:06 PM
The Legend of Zelda, full stop. This is the next generation Zelda game. After this massive surge of classic style Zelda's, we are finally back on solid gold! The next installation of Zelda promises a style of gameplay similar to the two Zelda's on N64, Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time. This time around, the game promises new enemies, incredibly enhanced graphics(never was fond of the Wind Waker graphics) and new environments. This game's release is still to be announced but the game is a good way finished. This game is to be on Nintendo Gamecube so poor Squiggly will be missing out on the action, but certain friends will expect frequent visits. The new enemies in this game are gonna be Goblins(or whatever they are, the screens are vague...) who will challenge the veteran Link(adult Link, possibly kid as well) on horseback.

04-02-2005, 04:23 PM
I cant wait! Graphics do look very amazing, its a shame i dont have a Gamecube anymore:( Although i will probily play it round my m8's. I didnt mind the Windwaker graphics when i had the game, but after looking at that picture i cant help but hate them.

04-03-2005, 09:46 AM
Heh, it does look pretty cool, doesn't it.
Good site for screens: http://www.zelda.com/universe/game/legendzelda/

04-04-2005, 03:19 PM
indeed it does

this game is really the only reason im keeping my gamecube.....always been a fan of the Zelda series, except fucking Wind Waker which totally sucked ass big time

04-04-2005, 06:14 PM
yeah, because you can tell so much about how a game will play from the way it looks.

04-04-2005, 06:53 PM
I bet you hated the windwaker because of the graphics.

Not me, though.

I hate it for everything else.

04-07-2005, 02:19 PM
Everything else? I haven't really played the game, what was bad?

hb smokey
04-07-2005, 08:28 PM
Everything else? I haven't really played the game, what was bad?
I'll take this one.

Just take a look at <A HREF="Thread 13254">this</A>.

Check near the beginning of the second page, and you'll find mrmonkeyman's post about the game.

iconoclastic pastry
04-08-2005, 06:08 AM
I didn't enjoy Wind Waker to a fraction of the extent that I enjoyed OoT. Then again, I wasn't naive enough to believe in such an expectation.

Asking for a plot in a Zelda game amounts to asking for a plot in a Mario game. =/

While we're on the subject of Zelda, Odin's evalutation that the controls for the console versions were too cumbersome both baffles and perplexes me to such a severe state of incomprehension, that I will abandon any hope of ever understanding it.

Also: How anyone could ever connect with the characters in FFVII is beyond me.

Of course, i'm not a game journalist, so take what I say with a pound of salt. I don't get paid for my opinions.

04-08-2005, 06:23 AM
Power Rangers > FF7 > FFX > MGS3 > Zelda

04-08-2005, 08:04 AM
Oh FFS! (Not FFShrine, it means For F***'s Sake!) Why bother joining an FF based Fan site when it is clear your obsession is with Power Rangers. If you can't find a Power Rangers Fan Site, make 1! I know a lot of good hosts, if it will just stop you spamming on the forums!

04-08-2005, 02:55 PM

04-08-2005, 04:01 PM


Who's been a member at FFS longer? Who's less likely to get himself banned? Who does more for FFS than you?


04-08-2005, 08:52 PM
Woo ultimateFFFan calm down. GreenRanger really you should respect your elders and betters. LOL. kiddin

04-08-2005, 11:32 PM
No one here is an elder, everyone here is like 14 years old popping boners to all of my posts.

UltimateFFFan don't make me piss through my internet pipelines to have it splash on your face. Or Ill send h4x to your ps2 and erase your FF data from your memory card kthxbye

04-09-2005, 01:45 PM
No one here is an elder, everyone here is like 14 years old popping boners to all of my posts.

UltimateFFFan don't make me piss through my internet pipelines to have it splash on your face. Or Ill send h4x to your ps2 and erase your FF data from your memory card kthxbye
Don't be losers in my threads, alright?
P.S Green Ranger, don't be an immature asshole.

Darth Revan
04-09-2005, 04:10 PM
No one here is an elder, everyone here is like 14 years old popping boners to all of my posts.

UltimateFFFan don't make me piss through my internet pipelines to have it splash on your face. Or Ill send h4x to your ps2 and erase your FF data from your memory card kthxbye

You obviously don't know much about this community, if you run around insulting fellow shriners, and being an immature little twit.

My apologies to you Squiggly, for responding to The Green Ranger's 'posts', like this, but I've seen way too many idiots like this appear here throughout the two years of my membership here, and they really piss me off.

Anywayz, back to the original topic of this thread...

After the third Legend of Zelda game (A Link to the Past), I could never really get back in tune with the Zelda games on the N64, as well as the ones on the Gamecube, but this one... I admit it looks very good. But then graphics aren't everything in a game... but they do add some more to it.

I'm going to wait until I get more information... or better yet, wait until it's released here in Aus, to make my judgement.

04-11-2005, 03:05 PM
Okay, kiddo.
I'm calling you that because of your utter stupidity. You can't string a sentence together, and you don't even know what you're talking about. "Inappreciative" isn't a word.

yes there is a rant coming on!
you fool!
i should bitch slap you!
yes there was too much sailing in the game!
the storyline was weak?
whats wrogn with you sonny jim?
ahhhh.....someone tell him! im too pissed to talk!

Okay...let's just give you a little perspective of who I am. I'm a 17 year old, and I'm 18 this time next week - pretty much accurately. You were born just under a year after me. I have a year on you, and apparently I have about a decade on your writing skill. And please, if you're going to use it, don't say "hahah i dont maek teh effort on bordz!!!!" - that is a tired argument, and I have my defences for it.

Now, as to why, to be fair, my knowledge of games is far greater than you.

I'm a games journalist. I've been working in the field for a few years now, and I was playing the Wind Waker just over a year before it was released, in a private party hosted by Nintendo. I played as much as I could of it there, and then received the game on it's UK release. I had it completed within three days, with everything that could be done, done. I did something similar with the Ocarina of Time, and a Link to the Past/Link's Awakening. I've been playing games for some time before that.

So, please do not talk to me as if I know nothing about games, and that I am unqualified to talk to you about games. Because as you can see, you could even say that you are unqualified, kiddo.

are you kidding me? never has the zelda series been mainly about
graphic! game play yes so your half right there!

Wrong. The Zelda series has been used to celebrate the power of two Nintendo systems in a row - four if you count the GBA and the GBC. The n64 used Ocarina as a showcase, the GC used a Zelda tech demo, the GBC used a demonstration of Link's Awakening in Colour, and last but not least, the GBA was showing a version of Link to the past - this is the only one I'm slightly shaky on, but I'm reasonably sure it was. Correct me if i'm wrong, somebody who knows better.

The Zelda series has always been about getting the best graphical showcase for RPGs around, whether you like it or not.

now i know your kidding! have you even played through the whole of the zelda games?!? it has better stories then most of the sh�t out there!

Evad's probably got better knowledge of Zelda than I do, and I've played through the entire Zelda canon, excluding the sidescrolling one, because that was too painful to struggle through.

most gamers are so inappreciative these day's!
they can play a lame game and say "yeah, its good"

You're calling Evad unappreciative? For what, he's just saying that TWW isn't perfect.

but when they play an outstanding game and they make a sequal/next chapter, you will say its lame cos it doesn't quite live upto the previous when in fact you are just being lazy and missing out on a great game, better then any next gen game so far!

Being lazy?
As I said, I played TWW to death. I don't miss out big releases like that, I try them, and if I like them, or feel I should play through them to see the end, then I do.

And thus, the rant begins. There is a reason that I never talk about the Wind Waker.

The Wind Waker was a horribly underwhelming Zelda game. Consider the fact that this is the first properly next-gen Zelda. Consider that we were shown an amazing technical demonstration of link fighting gandalf that never actually made it into a game at all, and then consider this cartoony game we got thrown at us.

I'll be honest, I was quite excited. I was one of the only people I know who didn't say "EWwWW Cartoony it's going to be lame!" - in fact, I started playing it with a very open mind. I "oo'ed" and "aah'ed" as little graphical flourishes popped up, with the beads of the pig guard's spears paying attention to the terrain. I pointed in awe at the beautiful realtime shadows.

I sighed as I got caught again in another weak Metal Gear Solid sneaking section, and felt frustrated at the amount of needless backtracking through nigh-on-identical pathways. But I struggled on, because I knew there was going to be a strong connection to the Ocarina of Time - "hear that?" I screamed, "A connection in a Zelda game, that's never been done before!" and so on I went, continuing through the puzzles that I had seen in every other Zelda games. I boggled at the utterly ridiculous storyline - "Oh no! I've been attacked by a giant bird! Oh thank god, a talking dragon boat has come to save me. Why? Oh, no reason, I guess it's just destiny."

I giggled as I chucked pigs into the sea, and this became something that I did to give myself entertainment. I pointed at Twizzle, or Tickle, or Twatty, or whatever the little man from Zelda: Majora's Mask was called, and said "Right, he's there, I smell continuity!" and thought, in the very back in my head, "I fucking hope there is, at least."

I plugged in my GBA and said "wow, how useless."

I played a game where I played battleships against a frenchman who shouted "SPLIIIIIIIISH." I laughed at his ridiculous foreign accent, and found myself a sail.

I began sailing.


I kept sailing.

Eventually, a half-hearted story reveals itself. I SEE THE DEKU TREE. "HOLY CATS!" I scream, knocking over my merlot and waking my alcoholic father, who threw a chair at me and screamed "Son, cease your blithering, I must return to the jolly roger!"

And thus, my father returned to the high seas of the real world, and I returned to those of the digital.

The Deku tree doesn't exactly do much to bring the two stories together, but gives enough to string along the promise of some sort of continuity.

And so, I complete the classic Zelda triumvate (TM) of quests to receive the three magical...somethings...to unlock the magical...prize. Guess what, it was the master sword. Didn't see that coming. And thus I enter another bloody dungeon, involving water. Oh great. Water. More fucking sailing with my beligerent dragon-boat-asshole-companion. Give me Navi back, please. But I get to the end.

And I'm told that the master sword is almost mine.

Oh my god.

And so I enter "Hyrule." I find out that Hyrule somehow got submerged...for some reason...I forget. Evad tells me that it was because Ganon turned up, and Link didn't, so the king of red lions (that's the king of hyrule) flooded the place, and chose the best people to stay on the surface. How utterly boring, eh. It was so utterly ridiculous that I didn't bother to remember it. OH MY GOD.

You hear the hyrule castle music from Zelda on the SNES.

But anyway, it was. And I find out about the magical sages who kept the master sword's batteries changed, and look at all the stained glass. Pretty. Oh no, all the monsters wake up. That's pretty bad.

So, you have to replace the mastersword's batteries. So, off you go to find the two mystical assholes to fix it up good and proper - the original ones have been killed by...GANONDORF! Duh duh duhHhHhhh. Yeah, didn't see that coming. So, we have the two reasonably good dungeons in the game, and I'm still praying, hoping and praying, that something is going to go amazing and I'm about to find the ocarina of time and everything is gonna be amazing.

Oh, and Zelda's appeared by now, and she's done some stuff with the triforce. Best moment in the game, actually, as when the triforce forms on her hand, it does the same spinning and music from the very beginning of a link to the past. I loved that. I really did. It kept my hopes up and stopped me from crying.

So, I completed these two dungeons, and the master sword's duracells kept on going.

And here is when the game went from "Okay..." to "..."

I had to pick up the pieces of the triforce from 8 places on the map. But I didn't just get to pick them up. I had to complete 8 seperate MIND NUMBINGLY BORING AND UNORIGINAL MINIQUESTS TO GET THEM.

It was at this point that I heard the minds of nintendo saying "we needed a filler, sorry dude."

There was no end in sight, apart from the promise of returning to Hyrule to kick Ganon's ass.

So, I got my 8 triforce maps.


It was then that I found out I had to pay Tiddles or whatever his name was some ungodly sum and buy a timeshare and get him a mailorder bride for each seperate triforce map, because he wanted to charge me MONEY TO SAVE THE WORLD. By now I was pretty beligerent myself, moreso than my dragon boat.

But I got my maps translated from the ancient language of Hyrule. Though I guess I could've just asked the King of Red Lions to read it for me, but that might've been too easy, or he might've died, I don't know.

But either way, I got my maps, and I got my pieces, and I made the triforce.

Now was the denouement. The moment I'd been waiting for. The gates opened. I was in Hyrule.

I witnessed a land that looked nothing like the Ocarina of Time. I witnessed a land that was a lot smaller than I remember. In fact, I witnessed a strip of land that inextricably lead to a big evil looking castle, trapped in a circle of easy monsters and ridiculously happy colours.

The game laughed.

I did not.

It was at this point that I did actually feel that I had been cheated. Everything had come to a point, and the carrot that the game had dangled all the time had finally been handed to me, and guess what, it was actually a penis - "you just chased dick for ten hours. Hah!" screamed Link, and I nodded my head. I felt soulless, and I didn't feel that warm and fuzzy feeling I felt at the end of Ocarina, like I'd really reached a great conclusion to the series.

And so I went into the castle, beat the four copies of bosses I'd already beaten that were all very pretty and in black and white. I beat the ganondorf clones and puppets, that were buggy and illthoughtout copies of 2D bosses, and faced off in one gigantic clusterfuck of a swordfight that really did, for me, crown a horrible game. It was boring, it was unoriginal, and guess what, Zelda helped in her usual, helpless-female-stereotype manner.

And the ending was about all I could expect. Zelda's never had a good ending, but you can tolerate that after a game full of character, charm, and intelligent RPG fun, such as Zelda:TOoT (hah!) and Zelda: aLttP, or even Oracle of Storms, Ages, and Link's Awakening. You have to feel kinda sad when your big fat 3D game feels soulless compared to a pocket game.

The Wind Waker was soulless, and painful, and really sad. It was made to make people keep playing, with a pretence that they knew people would keep going for the hope of making it to the great Ocarina of Time connection. I was expecting, with the great buildup, that I was gonna enter a destroyed, but reasonably large Hyrule, and have a proper adventure there, but instead, I got a strip of path and a boring, very easy castle.

Did I mention that it was easy? The entire game was done within 10 hours. 10. Fucking. Hours. No, that doesn't include all the hearts; I did them after beating it, but really didn't need them. When I ended up getting them all, and all the secret crap...I realised the game was a joke. It was like I was being lead by the hand the entire thing. There were few secret, interesting quests. I explored the entirety of that goddamn map for next to nothing. Where was Epona? Where was the hero of time? The Ocarina? The Goron's sword quest that made me smile so much, because it was so fiendishly clever in how it was made that it made me ENJOY failing it.

The Wind Waker was a horribly wasted game. There was so much potential for a great game from the beginning, and it was wasted. The game was so charmless, and so boring. The only good thing about it was, tragically, the cartoony graphics that turned so many away from it, which were genuinely beautiful, and with a proper team behind it may very well have created a great game. But the Wind Waker was not that game.

As for the extra discs, don't talk to me about the extra discs. There would have been such a small amount of effort needed to convert them to a faster framerate (That's all majora/TOOT needed), and that's a unifying image for this entire sordid package.

I'm happy to say that the Wind Waker does nothing more than support my broken headboard on my bed now. That is where it shall stay.
I salute you, mrmonkeyman. I salute you. There's not a lot of people I really respect in this world but you have just become one of them.

04-15-2005, 04:47 PM
Sorry squiggly. Oh, and greenranger, my PS2 isnt connected to the web lol, try it if you want

04-20-2005, 12:25 AM
After...ignoring...that fight there, I agree, Windwaker (in my opinion) is one of the worst Zelda games out there. The graphics aren't that bad. I think it's the hours spent on the boat, just floating on the ocean waters going "Du, da, du, so much fun, du, da, du, sandwhich fun"

04-20-2005, 09:29 AM
Windwaker wasn't the worst (TLOZ2 anyone?)

04-22-2005, 03:50 AM
And the three horrible cd-i games...

05-15-2005, 07:14 PM
i thought majora's mask was the worst
i hated having to get all those masks...

05-15-2005, 08:14 PM
I thought that the Four Swords sucked.

hb smokey
05-16-2005, 04:44 AM
I thought that the Four Swords sucked.
Care to add anything else to that?

the guy watching you
05-16-2005, 10:46 PM
ill add for him...

" i hate it cuz i never played it!!!!"

05-17-2005, 12:11 AM
Care to add anything else to that?

Ill add, with pleasure. Well, for starters, the entire battle system, in my opinion, was lacking in all around control for the four individual Links. They all followed one path, and consquently lined up to die if the main one did. Secondly, the enemys were all way to easy for any actual challenge to take place. Thirdly, the over all story line never actually played in with the other games, amking it very confusing. Also, the entire only being able to carry one wapon, even when there are four Links, really botherd me.

hb smokey
05-17-2005, 02:22 AM
Ill add, with pleasure. Well, for starters, the entire battle system, in my opinion, was lacking in all around control for the four individual Links.
It wasn't meant for you to be able to control all four Links as individuals.

They all followed one path, and consquently lined up to die if the main one did.
Again, you can't control the Links individually, so there was nothing wrong with them always being lined up with/behind/against the main Link.

Secondly, the enemys were all way to easy for any actual challenge to take place.
When has a Zelda game ever been difficult?

Thirdly, the over all story line never actually played in with the other games, amking it very confusing.
The storyline isn't anything special, and has had basically no connections between any prior Zelda games in the series.

Also, the entire only being able to carry one wapon, even when there are four Links, really botherd me.
It bothered you that even though you technically had one sword, that you in fact had four?

05-17-2005, 10:42 AM
1-41, lots of pictures, fun stuff.

hb smokey
05-17-2005, 08:36 PM
1-41, lots of pictures, fun stuff.
Screw that crap, I've got mouthwatering stuff.

<A HREF="http://cube.ign.com/articles/615/615045p1.html">Here</A> is some information about the new Zelda video.

<A HREF="http://media.cube.ign.com/media/572/572738/vids_1.html">This</A> is the actual video itself.

<A HREF="http://media.cube.ign.com/media/572/572738/imgs_1.html?fromint=1">Here</A> are a bunch of new pictures.

After all is said and done, I wasn't too impressed with the title of the new Zelda game, but after reading some more information about it, I understand the relevance now and like it. When I watched the video, I was in shock when I saw Link turn into a Wolf, among other aspects of the clip. I don't think I've ever been this excited about a Zelda game, ever.

Nanaki XIII
05-21-2005, 09:51 PM
looks very promising. I cant wait, the graphics are very clean, but can it be another oot? hopefully.

hb smokey
05-22-2005, 05:54 AM
looks very promising. I cant wait, the graphics are very clean, but can it be another oot? hopefully.
No, it cannot be another Ocarina of Time. This game is most definately going to take the longest to finish of any Zelda game ever made. Actually, the story takes place a couple decades after OoT, but before Wind Waker.

And as we all know, Zelda is going to be able to transform into the Eagle that you have seen in the trailer.

05-22-2005, 09:35 AM
A couple of decades after OoT? Does that mean he's a middle aged man? Looked pretty adult Link OoT-style to me.

hb smokey
05-22-2005, 07:48 PM
A couple of decades after OoT? Does that mean he's a middle aged man? Looked pretty adult Link OoT-style to me.
No two Links are the exact same person.

05-26-2005, 02:36 AM
Can't wait for it, better be good I bought a gamecube for this(and Resident Evil 4).