Shadow Wolf
04-02-2005, 01:02 AM
These are my poems. They are from my heart and are about how I feel.
If you dont like them well thats ok, I didnt write them for you. If you think I need to work on something tell me what it is and I'll try.
But all in all I just wanna get them outta me.

I lay here my body shivers at the cold.
I feel your strong safe arms wrap around my waist,
Your chest press�s against my back.
You rest your head on my shoulder.
I feel like melting as at your hot breath on my skin as your lips touch my shoulder going up to my neck.
I turn over so I face you.
I look into your eyes and see nothing but love, a deep love.
You lean your head down, your lips gently kiss mine.
The kiss is soft and innocent, like a first kiss.
You pull away and rest your head next to mine.
I close my eyes and rest with your arms around me, keeping me safe and warm.

I open my eyes to see you are gone.
You were never there, it was all a dream.
A tear escapes my eye and falls onto the bed sheets.
It falls because I realise I will never be held in your arms,
never to look into your eyes and see love.
Maybe I should call it a nightmare.

04-04-2005, 02:29 AM
Very nice, and very creative SW!

04-04-2005, 02:51 AM
Eh. Mediocre. Boring description of boring events that are boring.

Shadow Wolf
04-04-2005, 05:52 AM
I belevied

I once felt safe with you.
I trusted you.
I even belevied you when you said that we would stay one.
I gave myself to you, because with you I felt loved,
I wanted to show you how much I loved you.

I believed those sweet words
"I love you,"
"I'll never hurt you."
"You are mine, I'll never leave you."
You even promised.

We would lay as one for hours just holding each other.
I dreamed of you by my side.
Even now I dream of you,
But its of when you said those words.
The words that haunt my dreams even now.
"I have find someone else. It just happened. I'm sorry, but I love her. This is goodbye."

Those words made my heart sink into a deep darkness,
A new darkness that hurts.
It drove blades through my body,
Piecing my heart, making it stop beating.
I stood there no emotion showed in my eyes.
My voice sounded hollow and lifeless.

All I wanted to do was cry.
To curl up in a ball in the corner of darkness and cry.
But no tears came, none.
I was to emotionless.

I was a fool to trust you.
To believe those sweet words,
To believe we would be happy.

Edward Elric
04-04-2005, 06:08 AM
I belevied

I once felt safe with you.
I trusted you.
I even belevied you when you said that we would stay one.
I gave myself to you, because with you I felt loved,
I wanted to show you how much I loved you.

I believed those sweet words
"I love you,"
"I'll never hurt you."
"You are mine, I'll never leave you."
You even promised.

We would lay as one for hours just holding each other.
I dreamed of you by my side.
Even now I dream of you,
But its of when you said those words.
The words that haunt my dreams even now.
"I have find someone else. It just happened. I'm sorry, but I love her. This is goodbye."

Those words made my heart sink into a deep darkness,
A new darkness that hurts.
It drove blades through my body,
Piecing my heart, making it stop beating.
I stood there no emotion showed in my eyes.
My voice sounded hollow and lifeless.

All I wanted to do was cry.
To curl up in a ball in the corner of darkness and cry.
But no tears came, none.
I was to emotionless.

I was a fool to trust you.
To believe those sweet words,
To believe we would be happy.
so who was this for?

Shadow Wolf
04-04-2005, 07:29 AM
so who was this for?
Its about my Ex Corby


The rain, its so cold, yet so nice.
It can bring life to a dead flower,
Or it can also kill it.
It can refresh the land,
Or it can flood and destroy it.
It can fall soft and gentle, kissing your face,
Or it can fall so hard it stings like knives cutting your flesh.
The rain can be both beautiful and deadly.
But that's why I love it.
You know that if you stand in the rain, you will get wet,
You feel the droplets run down you face,
Your sadness always seems to fade.
You know what the rain can do.
So you trust it.
The rain is more trustworthy than people.
People change and hurt you in many different ways.
But with the rain if it starts to sting and hurt,
You just have to step under a tree,
Or go inside a house.
The rain you can get away from,
People you cant.

Shadow Wolf
04-04-2005, 09:08 AM

Nothing seems to go right.
I get stepped on.
The feeling of loneliness sweeps over me.
To give up and go into the darkness would be so easy plus the pain would stop.
I close my eyes and begin to fade.
I hear your voice in my head.
Telling me not to let the world win.
That I must fight.
My eyes snap open and I lift up my head and scream.
A scream so painfully and long. My throat hurts, it burns and I stop.
I see a light, and look there you stand.
You smile and hold out your hand to me.
I look at it not knowing if I should take it.
If I do will you eventually hurt me too?
You must of sense my pain because you wrapped your arms around me and whisper those words in my ear.
My eyes go wide.
"I am here for you. I am your light, your star. I will protect you from the pain of this world. This I swear to you. With my life."
Those were the words that shocked me and made me hold you back.

04-04-2005, 07:53 PM
I belevied
What a way to turn off the reader.

04-05-2005, 04:59 AM
(Falls on floor laughing)

(Dies due to lack of breathing)

04-05-2005, 01:07 PM
(Falls on floor laughing)

(Dies due to lack of breathing)

(Does the same thing after reading Dragoncurrys post)

Shadow Wolf
04-05-2005, 09:58 PM
I'm Sorry

I have something to tell you.
I want to say sorry.
I try to think of now to say it but nothing sounds right.
I lay here and feel the warm sticky red liquid ran down my arm and soak the sheets.
I must hurry and say what I must before my life ends
I start to feel dizzy and I see your face.
I see pain and sorrow in your eyes.
Tears fall down my face and I hold up my arm.
The blood pours down my arm. I show you and whisper
"Now I cant hurt you. I am sorry. I know this sorry is useless but I could not think what to say or do to prove to you that I am sorry."
I see a smile come to your face and I know I have made you happy.
I close my eyes, my arm falls to my side and my body goes limp.
Darkness claims my soul

04-05-2005, 10:12 PM
No really. I'm sorry.

So very sorry ... X-x;~

Top Cat
04-05-2005, 10:25 PM

this poem actually made me laugh out loud. it was low before that; after, it sank further.


Im Sorry
I lay here and feel the warm sticky liquid ran down my arm and soak the sheets.

holy shit, replace "arm" with "penis" and "blood" with "semen" and you have a sex / rape poem! well done!

Im Sorry

I have something to tell you.
I want to say sorry.
I try to think of now to say it but nothing sounds right.
I lay here and feel the warm sticky liquid ran down my penis and soak the sheets.
I must hurry and say what I must before my life ends
I start to feel dizzy and I see your face.
I see pain and sorrow in your eyes.
Tears fall down my face and I hold up my penis.
The semen pours down my penis. I show you and whisper
"Now I cant hurt you. I am sorry. I know this sorry is useless but I could not think what to say or do to prove to you that I am sorry."
I see a smile come to your face and I know I have made you happy.
I close my eyes, my penis falls to my side and my body goes limp.
Darkness claims my soul

You are a dirty, dirty man.

Shadow Wolf
04-05-2005, 10:33 PM
LOL Trust you Top Cat to make it like that.

Faye Kipling
04-05-2005, 11:01 PM
And yet you make no attempt to justify that rather impaired piece of text. Say it ain't so!

Shadow Wolf
04-05-2005, 11:08 PM
And yet you make no attempt to justify that rather impaired piece of text. Say it ain't so!
I cant be stuffed. He'll just change it back. Just let him do it and make him look like the fool. Im not starting a fight over something so little as a poem.

04-06-2005, 01:25 AM
I lay here and feel the warm sticky liquid ran down my arm and soak the sheets.
Oh jesus.

That's actually real. You are an awful, awful writer.

04-06-2005, 01:57 AM
This was worth it (just) for Top Cat's interpretation. I'M MATURE.

04-06-2005, 04:05 AM
Top Cat. Someone should give you a freaking Nobel Prize right now. No lie, that was pure genius.

04-06-2005, 04:13 AM
when i was lead here by another thread, (when top cat said something along the lines of "this has something to do with your rape") i thought the original was a sex story.

Shadow Wolf
04-08-2005, 11:04 AM
when i was lead here by another thread, (when top cat said something along the lines of "this has something to do with your rape") i thought the original was a sex story.
Nope sorry. Just my poems being twisted around again.

04-08-2005, 08:02 PM
Nope sorry. Just my poems being twisted around again.

I lay here and feel the warm sticky liquid ran down my arm and soak the sheets.
Bullshit, you wrote a poem about masturbation and are trying to backpedal and failing.

Shadow Wolf
04-09-2005, 01:09 AM
Bullshit, you wrote a poem about masturbation and are trying to backpedal and failing.
well if that is what you thought then Im sorry. I was meaning that it is Blood. I will put the word red in there so you dont get confused.

04-09-2005, 02:09 AM
This poem is fucking boring.


I like it. It's actually one of the few poems I've read and enjoyed. Good job, you are the first member to earn my respect. =)

04-09-2005, 02:12 AM
no, she will not cyber with you TGR

Shadow Wolf
04-09-2005, 02:28 AM
This poem is fucking boring.


I like it. It's actually one of the few poems I've read and enjoyed. Good job, you are the first member to earn my respect. =)
O.O I got your repect. *bows* Thank you kind sir.

04-09-2005, 02:29 AM
Chewey, You're the biggest net nerd I've ever seen.

Green Ranger: Good Poem
Chewey: You want cyber.

Okay why would she post her poems if she wasn't looking for feedback? God you're dumb, I compell you to a life of AIDS bitch suck my cock lolol cnx kthxbye bitch slut tit

04-09-2005, 02:34 AM
"Chewey: You want cyber."

Nice comeback! I love how you just said what she said to you! Awesome man!

04-09-2005, 02:37 AM
God... people on here have so much to learn...

I was summarizing what she said you retard.

Translation for FF Shrine members

04-09-2005, 02:38 AM
are you two calling me a she?

04-09-2005, 02:40 AM

Deal with it.


04-09-2005, 11:57 PM
I like it. It's actually one of the few poems I've read and enjoyed. Good job, you are the first member to earn my respect.

To earn your respect? Who the fuck cares what you think? Earning your respect aint no damn accomplishment.

Chewey, You're the biggest net nerd I've ever seen.

Green Ranger: Good Poem
Chewey: You want cyber.

Yeah. She was talking to you, not the writer of the poem. And obviously she is right because the only reason anyone will say anything good about the poems is if they want cyber.

Shadow Wolf
04-10-2005, 07:32 AM


I am surrounded by darkness,
a thick black mist.
Slowly I walk around in it never finding a way out.
I sit down and silently cry,
tears rolling down my face.

Suddenly I see a tiny light and hear your voice calling my name.
I dry my tears and run to you crying out your name,
but the closer I get the more that light and your voice fades,
by the time I reach you,
you have completely disappeared.

The black mist gets thicker.
I sit back down,
my eyes go dull,
I breath a deep sigh with a tear falling down my cheek.
"I will wait here and let the darkness consume me."
I say barely louder than a whisper.
I pull my knees up to my chest,
wrap my arms around the resting my head on my knees.
The black mist slowly licks around my feet,
slowly covering my whole body.

04-10-2005, 02:19 PM
and the differences between this poem and the earlier ones are...

04-10-2005, 05:35 PM
you had better be hot.

cos hot retards = easy o yeah. :-)

04-10-2005, 05:37 PM
Top Cat. Someone should give you a freaking Nobel Prize right now. No lie, that was pure genius.

Edward Elric
04-10-2005, 06:14 PM
nice poems

04-10-2005, 08:31 PM
More retarded poetry. Great.

04-10-2005, 09:29 PM
Jack and jill went up the hill
to fetch a pale of water
jack fell down
and broke his crown
and jill came tumbling after

04-11-2005, 12:24 AM
the poems r nice but all r based on the same thing

Shadow Wolf
04-11-2005, 06:26 AM
Absence of Love

In the absence of love there can only be hate.
A hate that devours, destroys and plunges into darkness.
A darkness so thick and mortifying that nothing can live, breath, feel.
A darkness more dead than death itself.
So black that it turns blood red, so cruel and terrifying no living thing can exist.
Without love there is only the dead, devouring, darkness of hate.
This, this is the place that I dwell.

04-11-2005, 12:44 PM
Great, here's another one.
You probably got nothing to do on your spare time, just create poems all day.

04-11-2005, 01:09 PM
The ideas are there but they certainly need re-drafting and checking through for errors. Promising start hun keep at it. x

04-11-2005, 06:04 PM
Abusence of Love

In the abusence of love there can only be hate.
A hate that devours, destroys and plunges into darkness.
A darkness so thick and mortifying that nothing can live, breath, feel.
A darkness more dead than death itself.
So black that it turns blood red, so cruel and terrifying no living thing can exist.
Without love there is only the dead, devouring, darkness of hate.
This, this is the place that I dwell.


That poem makes no sense even if it was the correct word used. There can be plenty of things without love, none of them have to be hate. You moron. Please, never write again.

04-11-2005, 08:00 PM
Chortle wasn't a word either.

But great poetry made it a word. Just like Shadow Wolf here has done with "Abusence".

04-12-2005, 01:50 AM
SOme people are just skilled like that...

Bus Driver
04-12-2005, 03:14 AM
Well, everyone makes a typo now and then. The poems would be better if not for all the dark depressing stuff. Life is too short to be dwelling around in darkness and all that crap.

04-12-2005, 03:37 AM
Well, everyone makes a typo now and then. The poems would be better if not for all the dark depressing stuff. Life is too short to be dwelling around in darkness and all that crap.
Now and then in this case is pretty often.

Shadow Wolf
04-12-2005, 10:34 AM
You guys want happy okay here is happy. I dont have a name for it yet.

Whenever you touch me I feel like Im going to melt.
Like when your arms wrap around my waist holding me close to your body.
The feel of your warm breath on my face as you lower your head to kiss me.
The way your lips gently kiss mine, full of love, passion, and respect.
I thought love was just a word people used to say they really liked something.
But you... you showed me what it feels like to love and to be loved.
I now know what the feeling in my heart is.
Its love, love for you.
I love you with you whole heart, mind and soul.

04-12-2005, 10:45 AM
Don't you ever stop?

Shadow Wolf
04-12-2005, 10:47 AM
Don't you ever stop?
Nope. I have a 5 WHOLE notebooks full of them. *laughs evily* And Im going to post them all.

04-12-2005, 10:53 AM
And why did I asked?

Why do you post them, if you know what people are thinking about you poetry?

04-12-2005, 03:57 PM
Why not?

04-12-2005, 11:48 PM
It's all shit, why bother

Top Cat
04-13-2005, 07:29 PM
In order to make you cry, mmm.

mr. patterson
04-13-2005, 08:21 PM
In order to make you cry, mmm.

so the whole point is of this thread is to melt MMM's frosty heart, i loved a muppet's christmas carol. shadow wolf must be the ghost of chrstmas shit

04-15-2005, 01:55 AM
5 notebooks? Didn't you get bored of writing about darkness and hopelessness and death and sticky liquid?

04-19-2005, 02:18 PM
ROFL. Great laugh in a long time.

Shadow, yep their bad. But everyone's gotta start somewhere. I just hope these are from the beginning of your 5 notebooks. Lol

04-21-2005, 09:20 PM
Nope. I have a 5 WHOLE notebooks full of them. *laughs evily* And Im going to post them all.

Who cares what they think shadow wolf i think your poetry is really good so pls post some more!

fascist socialist
04-21-2005, 10:19 PM
yes please post more i love your stuff.

05-30-2005, 10:29 AM
here ill post a poem

jack and jill were best of friends
and jack and jill went down to the dairy
till jack pulled out a 6 foot hairy
jack said yes jill said no
and jill came out like a five dollar hoe

and your poems arnt to bad

05-30-2005, 10:59 PM
Oh please fucking die.