Dr. Lucien Sanchez
04-01-2005, 07:36 PM
Sitting here with a glass of red wine, I decided to listen and write a track-by-track review to this fantastic album.

Mojo Pin
Starting off quiet and calm, you start to hear a noise building up and then Jeffs vocals with a a guitar in the background grows abit louder and louder, but always staying calm. Eventually staying on a calming, and slightly mournful set of riffs and lyrics. But a couple of times during the song it builds up to a louder, rocker Jeff Buckley. This a brilliant track, a great opener.

Opening with a reletively hard guitar riff (though alot of people don't realise.) Eventually turning into a beautiful, summery guitar riff which in turn drops down into abit of a moodier verse.....and a brilliant set of verses they are. Also a great , whispery, yet not very traditonal chorus of "Wait in the fire, wait in the fire."

Last Goodbye
If you've ever had to break-up with someone, but didn't want to be mean about the break-up this song is for you (and me.) Opening with a nice quiet bit of slide guitar (tuned to open-G,) the drums and bass soon kick in and the song starts in a sort of humble yet beautfiul way. Jeffs vocals always being brilliant and beautiful (I dare you to even attempt the notes he reaches.) The song doesn't really have a chorus, but it soon builds-up to a brilliant piece of musical passion.

Lilac Wine
This song starts off being very moody, and pretty dark. A song for all those people who live alone, a song to get drunk to (sort of like I am now.) Eventually the song picks up and basically rests on the basis of Jeffs vocals, which may I remind you are pitch-perfect and beautiful through-out the whole album. You can easily tell this song came straight from the heart, though the lyrics didn't come from Jeff, he made this song his own.

So Real
Starting off almost immediately moody, it soon goes into the chorus which though not the best chorus on the whole album is still brilliant. Eventually the song goes into a noise-ridden piece that wouldn't seem out of place on a Sonic Youth song. The song soon starts to end up, but not until Jeff has blown you over yet again with his vocals especially with the screaming 'reeeaallll' near the end. When it ends, you somehow feel that it was quite a dark track.

Now seriously who hasn't heard this song? But still it never, ever grows tired. Those who watch the O.C (I've only watched one episode so far and doubt I will watch another episode) this appears at the end. This song is mostly about Jeffs voicals and Leonard Cohens lyrics, the two combined you can never, ever go wrong. From the moment Jeff begins to sing your almost entranced to carrying on listening, and repeatedly listen and love this song forever and ever, and you never, ever want to let go. A brilliant track.

Lover, You Should've Come Over
A song personal to Jeff about his relationship with an older woman, this like every other song on this album is shear beauty. Jeffs passionate vocals are ever present in the song, this is a brilliant song. If any lesser band we're to have this song in their catalogue then it would forever be their best song. Another brillaint piece from the Jeffmeister.

Corpus Christi Carol
A short song, Jeffs vocals change abit for this, though still amazingly beautiful. Written by Benjamin Britten, this song is about.....I'm not sure, something to do with the body I'm sure (thats what I've guessed from the title.) But still brilliant.

Eternal Life
The heaviest song on the album, this is quite 'grungy' actually, but I guess that's what you get when you're friends with King Buzzo from the Melvins. Quite an angry song really, but still awesome. A brilliant rock-out song, you really can't help but do alittle of the ol' headbanging and air-guitar to this song.

Dream Brother
Starting off sounding quite mysterious, with a almost continuous riff from a guitar and a seemingly random pace from some bongos. From what I can tell about this song its about his father Tim Buckley, whom Jeff hardly knew at all as Tim left Jeff and his wife whilst Jeff was pretty young. With a chorus that makes you quite edgy, due to it seemingly taking forver to build up.....another bit of genius from Jeff.

Forget Her
One of my favourite songs from the album, and a love song about heart-break, and it brilliantly describes heart-break from a big relationship. Starting off wandering randomly, quite depressing, building up for the big explosion at the chorus. This has to be one of the greatest songs of all-time, so damn passionate, and even sexy. Just a brilliant song, though on the original release of 'Grace,' 'So Real' took the place of this at the last minute, Jeff never wanted to put this song on the album. Though I don't like the fact they went against Jeffs wishes, I'm kind of glad as it's one hell of a song.

Well there we have it, the only studio album to ever to have been released from the late, great Jeff Buckley (whom drowned in the Mississippi River, just aged 30.) It's seems so damn sad that the world lost such a brilliant musician as this. Rest in peace Jeff Buckley.

All in all, I give this album 10/10

EDIT: Also I just realised where I posted this, sorry, just wondering if one of you kind Mods/Admins could put this in the General Reccomendations section. Just another question, does being a mod mean you listen to The Who continuously?

04-01-2005, 10:01 PM
You're a few years late. Good album though.

04-02-2005, 02:04 AM
Yeah. One of my favorite albums of all time.

I have a Jeff Buckley dvd, but I haven't watched it yet.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
04-02-2005, 09:58 AM
You're a few years late. Good album though.

Yeah I know, but anytime is a good time to do a review of a great album.