04-05-2017, 08:55 AM
Hi there guys, it is I IM24CTU back again with a new rip that's was just done by a good friend of mine on here. The music from Die Hard: Nakatomi Plazza is under DLS/SGT combo which can be played with tools like Mircosoft's DirectMusic program which I recorded to Audition then convert them to MP3.

On a brief review, game composer Guy Whitmore does a decent job recomposing the late Michael Karmen's work into something that sounds like it came from a 90s action show or cartoon.

Anyway, enjoy;)

Die Hard: Nakatomi Plaza
Music Composed by Guy Whitmore and Marc Baril
Original Themes by Michael Karmen
Special thanks to "TheMusicCollector" for finding these files:)


04-10-2017, 08:39 AM
Link added