04-03-2017, 08:05 PM
Another request :p (and the last one for a long time ...)

Could someone please share this wonderful set ? This one seems kinda hard to find ....
and I've been looking for it ages so ..., if there is anyone kind and generous enough to share this collection, I would be so eternally grateful !

https://img.discogs.com/ziM7k-GSK8-Opc0sUgIkMFUoPSs=/fit-in/200x416/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():qualit y(90)/discogs-images/R-2079244-1264809598.jpeg.jpg

https://img.discogs.com/w58oRxi0-Kd6F5d7Q20LJqDqBMs=/fit-in/600x1159/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():qualit y(90)/discogs-images/R-2079244-1264810709.jpeg.jpg

Please & Thanks !

04-04-2017, 02:15 PM
I second this!

04-07-2017, 04:50 PM
Anyone ? Pretty please ?

04-07-2017, 06:41 PM
Voila! I only have it in MP3, but it still sounds terrif (https://mega.nz/#!h0Yi1bCR!s6CS4FFuaI4dHeMjv6_OzGyZ2ytJhenNcXUiY1a1I9U)!

04-07-2017, 09:26 PM
Voila! I only have it in MP3, but it still sounds terrif (https://mega.nz/#!h0Yi1bCR!s6CS4FFuaI4dHeMjv6_OzGyZ2ytJhenNcXUiY1a1I9U)!

Terrific indeed ! Thank you so much, you are awesome ! :D

04-18-2017, 10:10 AM
Nice way to start my arrival to the forums, what a delight!
Thanks both, ZEMOG123 for initiating the request and cafegogo for the MP3 version. I am completely fond of Judy Garland and was not even aware this compilation existed...