03-25-2017, 02:31 PM
This is probably one of the worst Shyamalan movies, but also it's probably one of the best scores of James Newton Howard, and I would even say, of all time (well, maybe of the last decade). The complete score is a bit hard to find so, after a long research on internet, I found it, so I decided to uploaded it here. Enjoy!

01 - Prologue (02:52)
02 - Finding Aang (02:37)
03 - First Trek (01:16)
04 - Fire Nation Ship (03:36)
05 - Grandma (01:22)
06 - The Test (04:25)
07 - Zuko Exercises (01:28)
08 - Prayer Field (03:24)
09 - Zuko Ridiculed (03:42)
10 - Earthbender's Camp (04:28)
11 - Two Lifetimes (01:50)
12 - To The Fire Nation (04:50)
13 - Tea House (01:12)
14 - Aang Waterbends (01:43)
15 - Hall Of Avatars (03:47)
16 - Aang In Chains (01:21)
17 - Blue Spirit (07:21)
18 - Dock (01:41)
19 - Northern Water Tribe (04:07)

01 - Aang And Pakku Spar (03:37)
02 - Tai Chi (02:35)
03 - Zuko Swims (01:13)
04 - Lizards Break Through (01:19)
05 - To The Spirit World (04:28)
06 - Spirit World Dragon (02:12)
07 - Aang And Zuko Fight (04:15)
08 - Our World (01:32)
09 - Killing Moon Spirit (05:49)
10 - Zhao Drowns, Part 1 (01:33)
11 - Zhao Drowns, Part 2 (01:19)
12 - Aang's Ballet Fight (01:29)
13 - The Wave (05:14)
14 - I Am The Avatar (01:44)
15 - End Credits (Air Suite) (13:10)
16 - Airbender Suite (Album Version) (11:17)
17 - Earthbenders (Album Version) (05:53)
18 - The Four Elements Test (Album Version) (05:30)
19 - Journey To The Northern Water Tribe (Album Version) (04:01)!yR03lZIT!x-wnUrAhxAArQXNVD16as4lwJZPbeVSHl-_CHzGY8lQ

Nick Nichols
03-25-2017, 04:33 PM

03-25-2017, 04:46 PM
Thanks for this.

03-25-2017, 06:33 PM
Link unavaidable :(

04-07-2017, 07:30 PM
Here's a previous re-upload, in mp3 as well as lossless FLAC! :D
Thread 208308

01-14-2018, 12:04 AM
Thank you!