03-30-2005, 02:36 PM
I heard alot about this game from GameFAQs and Ign, and I've seen some trailers from it. I must say it does look awesome, but if anyone's playing it right now, is it any good? I want another kick-ass action game for my collection (I just got DMC3) and I was wondering if it's worth the hype it's getting.

04-01-2005, 09:32 AM
i love the game, so far. i played midway into the second stage. its prty great.

04-01-2005, 03:03 PM
It looks pretty sweet. I like battlegames, and god games. A nice combination, i'd say. lol

04-03-2005, 01:16 PM
None of you are old enough to play it. Okay, just the OP. Oh well.
Taken from my post on another site:
Okay, because I lack the cognitive capacity to quit playing a game I love if I have a day to waste on it, I beat God of War today, from beginning to end.

That's because I started at 1pm at finished at 12am, though by all means it wasn't for all of those hours.

If I was reviewing it, I'd give it anything higher than 8. The combat system is wonderful, one of the most adaptable and incredibly satisfying systems in gaming history. It's not quite as adept as DMC3's at ranged combat, but up close it has that same viceral power.

However, I don't see why anyone would be willing to give it 8, with its archaic, frustrating horseshit of a puzzle/peril system. Which bright spark was it that said "hey, I know, let's have an entire level based upon one-hit-death/restart chasms that also possibly let you fall off and die?" Because that's what Hades is. Twenty minutes of fucking tiny walkways and huge towers that spin in different directions with knives that knock you off from wherever you are. Or maybe the part of the titan's burden, where you have to swim in front of a barrier with such precision that it took me SEVENTEEN TRIES to beat it? I'm not bad at games. This isn't an issue about my skill. It's an issue of how many times today I've had to leap over badly angled jumps and died, repeatedly, due to an ill-imagined concept.

My best description for it would be a delicious apple covered in shitty barbs. Take from that what you will. I don't particularly recommend God of War as a buy, but a rental? Sure. I think that the games industry is sick at the moment anyway, so this is about as good as it's going to get, sadly :(

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
04-07-2005, 05:28 PM
Swim in front of a barrier with precision? lol, that part was easy. You did see the relieved portions of the floor below that you could duck into and allow the barrier to pass you, right?

Though I agree with you about the part in Hades with the rotating knife pillars, it sucked that you'd fall all the way back down.

If you really want to get irritated with it, though, now that you've beaten it--go to the God Challenges in the Treasure area and try them out. The second one in particular is a real bitch--that's about as far as I've gotten with it.