03-15-2017, 11:43 PM
Recently my ipod decided to brick on me and unfortunately I didn't make time to back up the music that was on it. Most of it's contents are easy to find again but it seems the God eater enclosure CDs aren't so easy to find. Hikariost appears to have lost all their links and I haven't ran into any alternative sites that have working ones.

Would anyone happen to have the complete collection? I'd appreciate it greatly :)

03-16-2017, 01:01 AM
God Eater - Special Music CD1 : https://mega.nz/#!Nksy1KjZ!D0Lgpmtje_jE1lNBdbA7zxQAV-Cm3ZU4DlfA-H5Rm7U

God Eater - Special Music CD2 : https://mega.nz/#!B9l3SDZT!cqH3cGNyggfcue8hdPYoxWuqY6DdwoHLMtBbp2r978U

God Eater - Special Music CD3 : https://mega.nz/#!l4lUxaQD!RD4bZTE33qvWyhtJGzGk5Sa9xMA7NKxA9ycXxQmGgbQ

God Eater - Special Music CD4 : https://mega.nz/#!C0NwXJ4Q!2HNZ1gEEqL0sYDWAnsT_kI1etGA3sfDDEWqLUrOXO0o

God Eater - Special Music CD5 : https://mega.nz/#!4lAB0QSQ!GblZU-8f2MyMXUonjVmKrA9Oc0JjggcAu9cP9AkpWig

God Eater - Special Music CD6 : https://mega.nz/#!l8g30awL!HUIpH4De2sgxGpuAHEiyZX7HEI7SKKyf8MxiFVPW-d8

God Eater - Special Music CD7 : https://mega.nz/#!J1xlxJaI!WcZSewGFxdx0uz5yQTVQAiJpb9WihkPIzsiI8qdTn0E

03-16-2017, 04:51 AM
Thank you very much unicorne :)