03-11-2017, 02:07 AM
The present CD gathers four musical avant-garde pieces by as many noted Spanish composers of the second half of the twentieth-century. They are all performed by the LIM group, founded in the 1970s by one of the composers represented here, Jes�s Villa-Rojo (b. 1940), who had previously also, during his sojourn in Italy, been a clarinetist at Franco Evangelisti�s Gruppo di Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza, alongside Ennio Morricone (trumpet) and Egisto Macchi (percussion), among others. It was also during this time that Villa-Rojo composed one of his few film scores, that for Sergio Bergonzelli�s In the Folds of the Flesh (Nelle pieghe della carne, 1970). In this CD, he plays the clarinet in his own piece.

Another composer present here is Carmelo A. Bernaola (1929-2002), also a prolific film composer, whose output in this area includes three Paul Naschy horror films, one of them being Horror Rises from the Tomb (El espanto surge de la tumba, 1973).

The other composers performed here are Ant�n Larrauri (1932-2000) and Jos� Iges (1951), the latter of whom is also known for his work as a radio programmer on the classical channel of the National Radio of Spain. In this CD, he is in charge of the electronics in his own piece.

The pieces included here are the following:

1. Carmelo A. Bernaola � Superposiciones variables (1976). For clarinet and magnetic tape.

2. Ant�n Larrauri � Grimorios (1974). For piccolo clarinet, soprano clarinet, contralto clarinet, bass clarinet, contrabass clarinet and magnetic tape.

3. Jos� Igles � Cristal II (1991). For clarinet, percussion and electronics.

4. Jes�s Villa-Rojo- Vosotros y� (1977). For clarinet, flute, bassoon, horn, trombone, percussion, violin, cello and double bass.

This CD was issued by LIM Records in 2004. It is the fourth issue in a series of CDs entitled El clarinete actual.

The file includes the cover and credits. I haven't been able to upload the cover here.!2AxwGKaC!IHRkHZW7yl7Ar16kTVUjkt2jRrSV3VPg9Jeiw9Z1ALU

03-11-2017, 02:48 AM
thank you

03-11-2017, 03:31 PM
Sorry, folks. Much of my Mega account has been deleted. This is Spain we're talking about and there's been a lot of trouble here about this. Don't know what to do.

03-11-2017, 08:13 PM
Whoever is intersted in this may send me a PM with their email address, whereupon I shall send the file by WeTransfer.