03-29-2005, 12:56 AM
any one play .hack? i ahven't gotten past the thrid one (outbreak) but i'm working on it. my fav so far is prolly the second one (mutation)

03-29-2005, 04:40 AM
No, but I watched .hack//DUSK. ^_^

03-30-2005, 12:35 AM
I beat all five games and I think it's really a good game since you can go anywhere

06-23-2005, 04:47 PM
I've played 3 but that is it.

06-24-2005, 06:20 AM
Honestly, I'm afraid to play it. The games are just so damn long with so many parts I'm afriad I'll never see sun light if I do play them.

06-24-2005, 11:27 PM
No, but I watched .hack//DUSK. ^_^

06-30-2005, 06:41 PM
wait theres 5 of them? i thoguht there was only 4? if you go to the .hack website, there looks like there is a new game.

Tidus 66
06-30-2005, 06:54 PM
I just bought the first two, i'm in the end of the hack.// Infection but i can't beat the final boss, that guy with the red wand he is always killing me, anybody want to help

Dark Specter
07-25-2005, 05:49 PM
theres only five .hack games!
I havent heard about a fifth game!
Can someone tell me the oficial .hack website?

Star Daze
07-08-2006, 02:41 AM
I've seen alot of .hack//sign, all of liminality, a bit of tasogare no ude wa densetsu(i.e. Twilight Bracelet/Dusk). Also I'm up to game four.

There are four .hack// games plus a .hack//G.U. Coming out this fall. Unless you live in japan. XP Anyway, About the boss at the end of infection, what level are you? I was at 35. What I did is kept kite at a distance and let my other people fight him while I did recovery. I used blackrose and Piros personally(Use you're strongest attackers). You can also pound at him with magic spells untill he goes into protect break. I hope that helps. ^_^

BTW: As far as I know the official website is dothack.com. I could be wrong though.

Kaji Motomiya
08-31-2006, 09:18 AM
Looks like someone did his homework on .hack//G.U. If you go to dothackers.net, you'll get updates on .hack//G.U., especially a trailer for the second volume, coming out Sepetember 28 in Japan. I only know for the english release of .hack//G.U. volume one is that Haseo will be VOed by Yuri Lowenthal, VO of Sasuke from Naruto.

Basically, I had Kite and Black Rose go close and personal while my main healer...either Elk or Mistral...I forgot...anyway, you should have a heavy hitter (I prefer Long Arms and Heavy Blades than a Heavy Axeman) and a Wavemaster on your team. That way, you have twice the attack power, and a distance attacker/healer. Problem is, the healer might always get killed because it's a lone target. So you may have to heal them ALOT.

09-20-2006, 12:12 AM
I LOVE .hack

I passed the first one and am stuck trying to get some Virus Core Fs to gate hack further in Mutation.

<3 Riding Gruntys.

09-20-2006, 06:55 AM
.hack is a good game...but it's only -ONE- game. It should NOT be four separate disc sets. I don't give a shit about Liminality DVDs, I wanted the game, and it costs WAY more than it's worth. You only need Quarantine, they start you off at level freaking 75 without a save file (at least on mine it does), and your gear is more than good enough :/. You can start off on any server at that point, so you can progress from Delta to Omega slowly to get a feel for the game and to get all the extra goodies, on the same disc.

It's also PAINFULLY EASY to spam .hack. Mistake #1: regenerating breakable containers. I had 99 element boosters of each type, 99 mass cure items, and ~200 stat recovery medicines in 30 minutes of just breaking these things apart in some Omega fields with high item content keywords. Didn't spend a single penny for any of it. That, and as long you have both Mumyn Lei and Suvi Lei (not difficult to do), virtually all non-mecha enemies are utterly helpless.

Also, what the hell is up with the Wavemasters in this game? They're all so incredibly emo that half the time none of them are available, and Kite's stuck being a healer (only Wavemasters are programmed not to move during a combat scenario; you just try giving Black Rose or the like healing duties, and watch in horror as you die near-instantly).

09-20-2006, 11:55 AM
My party was mainly Kite BlackRose and Piros

09-28-2006, 03:32 AM
I only played the first one .hack infection I think it was.

But I usually used. The main guy, Blackrose and Gardenia.

09-28-2006, 08:01 AM
Seen the anime, liked it. Played the games 3 out of 4. Sadly, they were pawned but I still have my complete saved data from .hack//Outbreak. So the only thing I have to do to complete the whole freakin' story (I agree with Rydia on the money part) is get Quarintine. Sucks to be broke... Overall though, I think the .hack// stuff is pretty good. Someone mind explaining this 'fifth?' The only thing that comes to mind is the latest one which I recently read is coming out on October 24 in America. But that one is in its own new story continuing from events from the last .hack game, if I remember right, several years later.

10-18-2006, 08:58 PM
I've played through the first .hack game series and am working on the Item Quest (from time to time). I've seen Sign, Liminality (obviously), and Legend of the Twilight, but I haven't seen Roots yet. I've even read the Legend of Twilight manga, AI Buster, AI Buster 2 and the first two volumes of Another Birth (same setting as the game but from BlackRose's point of view).

I've got the first volume of .hack//G.U. already on pre-order and am currently awaiting that.

The games may be time-consuming (and probably not spread across 4 discs), but the story, IMO, makes up for it.

As for fighting Skeith...I took the easy way out. I took BlackRose and Gardenia with me and let them fight while I either stayed in the back and healed everyone or attacked when I knew I could get some hits in. It's cheap, but it works.

10-18-2006, 10:26 PM
I've played all 4 for the PS2. I'm still working on the 4th one though. They're acutally really good except for a few annoying parts when you need to collect data cores.

Kaji Motomiya
11-10-2006, 08:02 PM
Well, .hack//G.U. came it. it's actually easier to play the the first one.

Link's Ocarina
11-11-2006, 12:55 AM
.Hack is an awsome game. One of my favorite!

11-11-2006, 01:59 AM
They should make a .hack for the psp, >.>

11-11-2006, 11:43 PM
decent game but i think they should have it all just 1 game instead of making it into 4 parts

03-06-2007, 12:57 AM
.hack is AWSOME i love the game and story line! But i've only played Mutation and Outbreak and now im looking for Quarantine, but damn its so hard to find nowadays. but can't wait to get it. i've played G.U and im waiting for vol. 2 and 3. but I already know the entire story line of .hack. so if u have any questions about ill be happy to help u out, IF I KNOW THE ANSWER OFCOARSE, OTHERWISE ILL TELL THAT I DONT KNOW THE ANSWER. Anyways, please ask if u have any questions regarding .hack, and hopefully ill i know the answer and reply.