02-11-2017, 06:59 AM
I present to you not only a complete rip of the Spirit Tracks OST (except for one track that wouldn't cooperate, the Skeldritch Retry theme), but also included names for all the tracks! No more seeing all those files with sequence codes or whatever. Plus, for the first time ever, a high quality rip of all the variations of the Tower of Spirits Staircase and Dark Realm music; they aren't mixed together anymore, though the Dark Realm one was more glaring. Not all tracks with variations have been separated). The STRM tracks that are supposed to loop do so the best I could make them. I will say that there are a few fanfares that I don't know the name of despite playing through the game in order to name this, so let me know if you know what each or one of the unknown tracks are. I can't upload a cover image here, unfortunately, but the album does include one. Anyway, enjoy the music!

Special Thanks: Zelda Universe - for the OST they made as a reference (though some names were incorrect). Nintendo - namely the composers who worked so hard to bring the OST to us; they deserve all the praise for their work.



001 - Opening (Title)
002 - File Select
003 - Prologue
004 - After the Prologue
005 - Aboda Village
006 - Final Exam
007 - Castle Town
008 - Got an Item!
009 - Got a Small Item!
010 - Hyrule Castle
011 - The Ceremony Begins
012 - Zelda Appears
013 - Zelda’s Lullaby
014 - Chancellor Cole’s Smirk
015 - Dumbfounded Link
016 - Zelda and the Spirit Flute
017 - Got the Recruit Uniform!
018 - Sneaking out of the Castle
019 - Spirit Tracks Disappearing
020 - Tower of Spirits Destroyed
021 - The Demon Train
022 - Chancellor Cole
023 - Cole Shock Chord A (Your)
024 - Cole Shock Chord B (High)
025 - Cole Shock Chord C (ness!)
026 - Battle Preparations
027 - Alfonzo vs. Byrne
028 - Zelda’s Body Stolen
029 - Zelda Taken Away
030 - Ownerless Hyrule Castle
031 - Zelda’s Spirit
032 - The Spirit Flute
033 - Let’s Go, Link!
034 - Sword Lesson 1
035 - Sword Training A
036 - Sword Lesson 2
037 - Sword Training B
038 - Sword Lesson 3
039 - Sword Training C
040 - In the Fields
041 - Cave
042 - Rats!
043 - The Ominous Broken Tower
044 - Meeting Anjean
045 - Zelda Loses It
046 - Hysterical Zelda
047 - Tower of Spirits
048 - Tower of Spirits (Dungeon)
049 - A Phantom Appears
050 - Spotted! (Phantoms)
051 - A Fatal Mistake
052 - Watch Out, Link!
053 - Zelda Possesses a Phantom
054 - Zelda Ready to Fight
055 - Got the Rail Map!
056 - The Spirit Tracks Reappear
057 - Select Rail Route
058 - Overworld Adventure
059 - Battle on the Tracks
060 - Whittleton
061 - The Lost Woods
062 - Discovery
063 - Sound Stone of Awakening
064 - Spirit Flute Practice - Awakening
065 - Song of Awakening
066 - Song of Awakening (Short)
067 - Learned Music
068 - Sanctuary
069 - Lokomo Song Practice - Gage
070 - Gage Duet
071 - Sound Stone of Healing
072 - Spirit Flute Practice - Healing
073 - Song of Healing
074 - Song of Healing (Short)
075 - Forest, Snow and Ocean Temple
076 - Dungeon Gauntlet
077 - Mini-Boss
078 - Got a Treasure!
079 - Spotted! (Key Master)
080 - Stagnox, Armored Colossus
081 - Boss Defeated
082 - The Force Gem Awakens
083 - Power Across the Spirit Tracks
084 - Restoring the Tower of Spirits (Partial)
085 - Got a Heart Container!
086 - Dark Trains Approaching
087 - Game Over
088 - Got a Spirit Train Car!
089 - Catching a Rabbit
090 - Miss!
091 - Cursed Overworld
092 - Anouki Village in the Dark
093 - Sound Stone of Discovery
094 - Spirit Flute Practice - Discovery
095 - Song of Discovery
096 - Song of Discovery (Short)
097 - The Great Eye in the Dark
098 - Rocktite Closing In
099 - Lokomo Song Practice - Steem
100 - Steem Duet
101 - The Blizzard
102 - Fraaz, Master of Icy Fire
103 - Anouki Village
104 - Beedle’s Air Shop
105 - Sword Training D
106 - Linebeck III Enters
107 - Linebeck III
108 - Sound Stone of Light
109 - Spirit Flute Practice - Light
110 - Song of Light
111 - Song of Light (Short)
112 - Papuchia Village
113 - The Wise One
114 - The Future Revealed
115 - Sound Stone of Birds
116 - Spirit Flute Practice - Birds
117 - Song of Birds
118 - Song of Birds (Short)
119 - Pirate Attack!
120 - Got a Force Gem!
121 - Lokomo Song Practice - Carben
122 - Carben Duet
123 - Underwater
124 - Phytops, Barbed Menace
125 - Tank and Bomb Ship Attack
126 - Whip Race
127 - Byrne
128 - Anjean’s Decision
129 - Goron Village in Lava Spouts
130 - Out of Cargo
131 - Lokomo Song Practice - Embrose
132 - Embrose Duet
133 - Snurglars
134 - Fire and Sand Temple
135 - Cragma, Lava Lord
136 - Restoring the Tower of Spirits (Complete)
137 - Goron Village
138 - Goron Target Range - Blue Target
139 - Goron Target Range - Red Target (One)
140 - Goron Target Range - Red Target (Two)
141 - Goron Target Range - Red Target (Three)
142 - Goron Target Range - Goron Target
143 - Tower of Spirits (Staircase) [Variation A]
144 - Tower of Spirits (Staircase) [Variation B]
145 - Tower of Spirits (Staircase) [Variation C]
146 - Tower of Spirits (Staircase) [Variation D]
147 - Fight Against Byrne
148 - Link and Zelda’s Friendship
149 - Resurrection of the Demon King
150 - Fleeing by Demon Train
151 - Anjean Devises a Plan
152 - Lokomo Song Practice - Rael
153 - Rael Duet
154 - Skeldritch, Ancient Demon
155 - Zelda’s Dashed Hopes
156 - Byrne Awakes
157 - Got the Lokomo Sword!
158 - Lost at Sea Station
159 - Dark Link
160 - The Dark Realm
161 - Tears of Light in the Dark Realm
162 - Facing the Demon Train
163 - Before the Final Battle
164 - The Chancellor’s Annoyance
165 - The Chancellor’s Limit
166 - The Revival’s Completion
167 - Fighting Cole and Malladus
168 - Malladus Weakened
169 - Bodiless Malladus
170 - The Unenterable Body
171 - Byrne Comes to the Rescue
172 - Link Catches Zelda
173 - Byrne’s Death
174 - The End of the Chancellor
175 - Malladus’s Transformation
176 - Malladus in Cole’s Body
177 - Final Battle ~ Protecting Zelda
178 - The Sacred Duet
179 - Final Battle ~ Malladus
180 - Final Battle ~ Malladus (with Duet)
181 - Saying Goodbye
182 - The Lokomos Ascend
183 - Credits
184 - The End
185 - Battle Mode
186 - Get Ready
187 - Ready, Set, Battle!
188 - A Phantom Appears (Battle Mode)
189 - Spotted! (Battle Mode)
190 - Invincibility
191 - Battle Mode Results
192 - Tag Mode
193 - Got a Treasure! Double
194 - Miss! Double
999 - Stagnox and Phytops (Retry)
999 - Fraaz, Master of Icy Fire (Retry)
999 - Cragma, Lava Lord (Retry)
999 - Skeldritch, Ancient Demon (Retry)
999 - Passenger - Mood Up
999 - Passenger - Mood Down
999 - Passenger - Mood Very Low
999 - Spirit Zelda Appears
999 - Spirit Zelda Disappears
999 - Tag Mode - Trade Complete
999 - Unused Song A (NTR-BKIE-USA-0070.mini2sf)
999 - Unused Song B (NTR-BKIE-USA-0073.mini2sf)
999 - Unused Phantom Hourglass Theme
999 - Unused Phantom Hourglass Boss Theme
999 - Unknown SFX A (NTR-BKIE-USA-0143.mini2sf)
999 - Unknown SFX B (NTR-BKIE-USA-0144.mini2sf)
999 - Unknown Fanfare A (NTR-BKIE-USA-0169.mini2sf)
999 - Unknown Fanfare B (NTR-BKIE-USA-016a.mini2sf)

02-11-2017, 10:27 AM
Thank you, good sir.

02-11-2017, 10:39 AM
Great ! Thanks :)

Chrono Meridian
02-11-2017, 03:33 PM
Finally, thank you ^^

02-11-2017, 05:35 PM
Thank you

02-11-2017, 07:31 PM

Didn't downloaded it yet so i don't know what the cover looks like, so i'll go ahead and upload one that was on an old gamerip :

02-12-2017, 01:14 AM
Thank you

02-12-2017, 10:08 AM
Thanks ! :D

02-12-2017, 04:28 PM
awesome work, thank you!

Is there a longer version of this song? (Song of Light). This chime turns into a fully realised melody but is cut off so quickly

02-12-2017, 05:57 PM
Thank you, it's always nice to have a complete rip as compared to an original soundtrack. There's always some lovely little tunes that they miss out :-)

02-12-2017, 08:03 PM
Yes, the song plays like that in the album too.

02-12-2017, 09:50 PM
thank you

02-13-2017, 08:16 AM
Yes, the song plays like that in the album too.

Thank you for sharing

Tower of Spirits Staircase and Dark Realm. How did you separate it?

Final Battle ~ Malladus (with Duet). How did you get it?

I don't know how you did it.

02-13-2017, 10:28 PM
For the Final Battle, I simply merged the Duet and Battle music together. For the Staircase and Dark Realm, it's a little more complicated, having to do with MIDI and such.

02-13-2017, 10:37 PM
Thank you, it's always nice to have a complete rip as compared to an original soundtrack. There's always some lovely little tunes that they miss out :-)

There isn'r even an original soundtrack for this one lul

02-14-2017, 04:38 PM
Thanks for the share…

02-16-2017, 12:31 AM
Thank you!

02-16-2017, 05:15 AM
WOW was actually just looking for i just need Phantom Hourglass, Thanks for this

02-16-2017, 05:41 AM
WOW was actually just looking for i just need Phantom Hourglass, Thanks for this

I think EmteCoke can help with that. He has a FLAC download of PH here: Thread 93498

You'll have to convert it to MP3 yourself if you want that version too.

03-08-2017, 08:14 AM
I just searched for this on a whim expecting a bunch of old posts and dead links. I'm glad you shared.

03-08-2017, 10:57 PM
Thank you very much, very appreciated your effort!

03-09-2017, 04:25 AM
Thank you for putting all of your hard work into making this masterpiece of a classic Nintendo DS game soundtrack!
I love the "Carben Duet."

05-27-2017, 10:12 PM