01-31-2017, 09:12 PM
Video Game Collection

I decided to share most of my stuff on MEGA for the sake of sharing. Most stuff are sourced from private trackers, here and Vegeta collection.

There will be also Transcoding tools and Sheet Music related to video game in this collection.

Since i can't afford to pay 10$ usd monthly on G Drive for 1TB, i will share my stuff through MEGA (50gb per account) but it will take a lot of time for my stuff to be uploaded due to my shitty upload stuff (i may get a new one this summer or 2018 hopefully)

I will use a Google Sheet for every MEGA account. If you want to subscribe, add me as contact on MEGA (you need an account obviously) and add me on this email :

[email protected]

And i'll add you back, just send me your email in PM. (create a new one for your MEGA account by the way, for security purpose). Also if you already have a MEGA account that you use for storage then its recommend to use a new one because of some MEGA bullshit ....

There are many things lacking on the post, i'm sorry but i'm too lazy to make a complete post.

How to add someone on MEGA :

List : (i'm still uploading progressively some stuff)

REMINDER : If something isn't on Transcode, Sheet Music or OST folder yet, then it mean it is still uploading, so then please don't download incomplete upload until i'll move them to their correct place

Also there is an option to download folder as '.zip' (archive format)



I don't want the FLAC files because they are too big/don't work with one of my devices. What should i do ?

No worry. You can easily transcode Lossless files to other format. If you convert FLAC to ALAC for exemple, no quality loose will occur when transocding because both of them are in lossless format. And if you convert FLAC to MP3 320K CBR/VBR 0 (the last one is the best lossy format around in term of compatibility/quality/size) you will only don't loose too much from the quality of the sound while having a smaller size)

You mustn't convert/transcode a lossy format (MP3, M4A with AAC codec etc ) to another one or lossless. Thats something you should NEVER do !

There are a lot of tools for various OS on the MEGA folder which will allow you to transcode your stuff.


What is a '.cue file' ?

It is a metadata file which describes how the tracks of a CD or DVD are laid out. Cue sheets are stored as plain text files and commonly have a ".cue" . They can be readable on media players as playlist if tags match with the album files on the folder . You can open them with notepad to edit them . They can also be used to split a range rip with the adequate software . Can also use them to reburn a CD as Audio CD


Whats is a '.log file' ?

Log file : thats the summary of the ripping process with the software 'EAC' on Windows or 'XLD' on mac. They are used are 'certificate of authenticity' too see if the FLAC is legit or not in case it is a Lossy Mastered release or not . You can also check if the ripping process was 'perfect' or not by checking error or testing them on a logchecker (logchecker are mainly on private tracker website such as PassTheHeadphones and Apollo, thought the actual used one is opensource iirc )


What is a 'range rip' ?

Range rip : CD that was ripped in 'image + cue' format not the in individual tracks . You loose average 30 point on the logchecker if its a range rip. You must use a splitter tool (NOT MEDIEVAL SPLLITER) such as CUETools to split them correctly using a cuesheet (.cue file) . If there aren't (which is really weird) try something like Audacity to manually split them and add like 00.00.01 second for every track


How do you check your files ?

I check files of my collection using Speks or Audacity for spectral analysis ( ) and Foobar with the foo verify integrity component (i drag n drop the folder, right click > verify integrity) which is pretty usefull for detecting corrupted files . Its not always needed thought if for exemple you have a .log file which show you that the cd have been ripped in 'Secure Mode' (they can be faked so i recommend using spectral analysis and foo verfiy integrity always) . So yeah there shouldn't be any fake on my stuff


What does 'lossy master' means ?

They are files which were mastered from a lossy source, so fake lossless. There are many official stuff which aren't available in real lossless quality

01-31-2017, 09:22 PM
Neat thread, man! I look forward to it :)

02-01-2017, 02:38 AM
This all sounds rather awesome.

02-08-2017, 03:06 PM
Hype! Nice work, I can tell this has/will have a ton of thought and work put into it.

03-09-2017, 01:43 AM
I just now requested that you add me as a contact on Mega. (I am unable to send PMs on here because I guess I haven't been around long enough/posted.)

Thank you for sharing your collection. I've been looking for Pokemon BW and BW2's music in flac.

03-09-2017, 05:36 AM
After i accept you, you will need to log off/login in order to get all shared folder working

03-11-2017, 07:25 PM
Thank you very much!

08-25-2017, 09:59 PM
Hey there,

I just added you on MEGA - like DoveBeauty I can't send you a PM on here. (Welp, I'm not that active here)
I would be happy if you accept though.

Thanks for the nice collection. :)

Knight K
10-21-2017, 03:02 AM
Hello. I just sent a request on mega. I would really appreciate if you accepted. I can't send a PM like some other people who posted here.

10-21-2017, 09:19 AM
Is there any particular reason you didn't put your list at the top of the thread (don't want it there) ? Imho that kills all point in searching the board, so people who do not know about your topic could miss stuff that you *do* have, which is a pity. If there were a list they would find the topic easily instead :)

10-15-2018, 09:32 PM
Hello! Is this still available?