03-24-2005, 09:52 AM
Has anyone else noticed that after FF9, the games have slowly started to suck more and more. 10 I can put up with, but I dont want to have to just put up with any FF game, I love Final Fantasy more than any other games ever created, so me thinking a FF game is just average tears my heart apart. Then there was X-2, well that was a mistake Square Enix should not have commited. The worst game I have ever played. Their mistakes didnt stop there either, making a MMORPG out of a game which has been strickly single player for mor than a decade, thats not going to make a lot of people happy. I for one hatted the idea right from the get go. I still bought it and tried it out because I love FF so much, after a day I returned it. What a sad game, what a failure in my eyes. Now im seeing FF12, and Im not happy by the looks of it. Its just another FFX all over again, too much bright colours and mango peach time, if you understand what I mean. Its just too childish looking, its disgusting how far they have slipped from making many of the most memorable games ever, to making total garbage, though I shouldnt say that until I have tried it out, but seriously get rid of the Caribbean look to it, its an insult to what FF use to be. Dark, mysterious and original, with one hell of a story and a lot of cool bad ass characters, Having some fruitish looking guy and his girlfriend strut around palm trees all day killing 4 different kinds of tropical birds and an occasional rabbid dog isnt doing FF justice by a long shot. I say bring back the olden day style, with nightime being the primary time for the whole game and the entire world being ruled by someone powerful. Bring back the bad ass characters who no one would want to mess with and most of all, bring back the good stories.

Well, that was me ranting. Tell me what you think, try not to be too hard, I love FF remember, I just want to see it dont right or not done at all. No point in passing off bad stories with awsome graphics and think its not important. IT IS!

03-24-2005, 10:44 AM
Do you ever do anything but whine? For your information, FFX-2 is widely regarded as quite a good game, FFXI has a huge player base, and FFXII isn't even out yet. You're just wanting to hate the fucking game on some perverted principle or other. On top of that, you bitched about the stories, but haven't even offered one word in defense of your argument. It looks like you're doing nothing more than talking out your ass.

Stop being a cunt and post something people might read without thinking you're a whiny, attention-seeking asshole.

03-24-2005, 05:40 PM
I thought 10,10-2,and 11 were great games even though in 10-2 you had to be a buncha chicks they were still really good games and should be recognized for the great story lines so i am agreeing with prak on this one sorry.

03-24-2005, 05:45 PM
FFX-2 is widely regarded as quite a good game



03-24-2005, 08:19 PM


Totally agree. Prak doesnt know what hes talking about.

Ok Prak you want proof of the bad stories? Ill give it to you.

In FFX2 you start out with 3 whorish dressed girls who dance and sing their enemies to death. Dont get me wrong, singing wasnt first introduced here, I loved it in FF2, but having my senses berated with flowers and pink butterflies is not helping the FF genre. A minute into the game you meet 3 hilarious characters, no I dont mean they are funny and have good jokes, they are ridiculously dressed, one looks like a beetle the other is a twig, wow, we got another fat and slim combination for bad guys, had enough of those, then the last is another whorishly dressed skank. I wanted to puke after the first 10 minutes of playing, I never thought I would see the day when FF got so low. Yet I managed todrag myself back to my t.v. to at least see if the game might pick up at some point. I played for 2 hours, and these were the most painful 2 hours of my life. Turns out this game is just another continuation of the last love story between Yuna and a ghost. Yippee! Dont get me wrong, I loved FFX's love story, and it had a good ending, finding out he was a ghost and all. But then in X2 its like Yuna is on withdrawl or something and cant get that imaginary person out of her head. She loves no one and it seems the entire game is there just to show how she goes around the world trying to find her lost lover, who deosnt even exist.

Ill say it again, the worst FF game ever created and the worst game I have ever played. I play a lot of games too.

And Prak, Final Fantasy X2 is not widely regarded as quite a good game, everyone who bought a copy I know of expressed how much they hated it by returning it to stores, I had never met a single person who said they liked this game until I came here. I even talked with 3 peopel who work are EB games about what they thought of it. They all said it was a terrible game. So Prak get off my back and stop badmouthing everyone of my posts just because my first few were about my dislike of certain games. Give me a break, I just started. And you dont have to swear all the time to get attention and Im not just out here looking for attention, like I said many times, I just wanted to rant. Please be considerate.

03-24-2005, 09:23 PM
Want proof it is a good game? You are taking time out of your life and posting in multiple threads talking about FFX-2.

03-24-2005, 09:25 PM
By that logic, Plan 9 from Outer Space is a good film.

03-24-2005, 11:42 PM
ManiKal, i totally agree with you. In my point of veiw everything u said is true.
I agree with u word for fricken word. Its bloody freaky.

03-25-2005, 12:17 AM
Heh. This thead is hilarious.

I love how Manikal completely dropped his arguments about FFXI and FFXII.

As for FFX-2, I can certainly understand you not liking it. However, you've said absolutely nothing that makes it a bad game. You've just said that you hated the characters and ranted a bit about the story when you apparently didn't even get far enough into it to know that there was more to it than Yuna looking for Tidus. You also talked about how much people hated it, ignoring the facts there are a lot of people on this very site who loved it and that it mostly got excellent reviews. Big deal. Does nothing else in the game even matter? How about the battle system? The non-linear nature of the game?

And as for your rant, what makes you think anyone wanted to read it when you didn't even try to make a discussion of it? You're just being a whiny, attention-seeking whore and I'm sick of seeing it.

03-25-2005, 07:49 AM
Heh. This thead is hilarious.

I love how Manikal completely dropped his arguments about FFXI and FFXII.

As for FFX-2, I can certainly understand you not liking it. However, you've said absolutely nothing that makes it a bad game. You've just said that you hated the characters and ranted a bit about the story when you apparently didn't even get far enough into it to know that there was more to it than Yuna looking for Tidus. You also talked about how much people hated it, ignoring the facts there are a lot of people on this very site who loved it and that it mostly got excellent reviews. Big deal. Does nothing else in the game even matter? How about the battle system? The non-linear nature of the game?

And as for your rant, what makes you think anyone wanted to read it when you didn't even try to make a discussion of it? You're just being a whiny, attention-seeking whore and I'm sick of seeing it.

Well I dropped the arguments for X11 and X12 because my hands were getting sore and I dont really hate X11 all that much, just dont think it was as good as others say. I dont want to complain at all about X12 until I see the game and own it. I most likely will like it, I just didnt like the setting is all. That whole Caribbean style was so FFX.

True, I never got into the game enough to really give it a thurough critiquing (sp?) There were some good qualities of the game, like the battle system, didnt like the name of the battle system but what the hell it had a good look to it, being able to become many different types of characters is an awsome idea.

As for my rant, well, you read it, along with many others, and I named the topic my opinion. You really didnt have to. Also, the admin Agent told me that there had been multiple topics on how people hated the game recently, sorry I didnt want to be the kind of guy to kick something when its down but there were none on the first page so I assumed I was just being critical.

Blitzking, your really not making a good argument there. Im taking my time to write about how I thought FFX2 was such a bad game because I love FF's so much and this particular game disappointed me enough to want to yell at it. Get it?

03-25-2005, 04:53 PM
I was thinking of posting a serious response to this thread, then I read the other posts.

People can have their own opinions, can't they? No, can't do that here.

03-25-2005, 11:20 PM
No, can't do that here.

This is true.

I rule with impunity.

Sephiroth Fury
03-26-2005, 01:49 AM
To be truthful, I thought FF9 sucked, I like 7+8 tho

03-26-2005, 10:07 AM
To be truthful, I thought FF9 sucked, I like 7+8 tho

My only quarrel with FF9 was the goofy looking characters. Kuja was cool, but Zidane was just stupid, same with a lot of the other characters, and Amarant was pointless throughout the game. Other than that I loved the game to death. It struck me as one of the most emotional FF's ever, Vivi really gave it that extra kick.

03-26-2005, 12:03 PM
FF9 was flawless. I shall hear no more of this.

03-26-2005, 07:40 PM
FF9 was flawless. I shall hear no more of this.

Oh come on Char, it had an amazing story and flawless graphics with some of the best music I have ever heard. But when your main characters are a rat, a tinman and a princess whose head is too big, its just a bit annoying. But I have beaten it countless times because I love it so much.

03-27-2005, 03:40 AM
I most likely will like it, I just didnt like the setting is all. That whole Caribbean style was so FFX.

Final Fantasy X was actually quite Asian in style, and Final Fantasy XII is looking very Arabic / Middle-Eastern.

If you're going to judge the games style based on Besaid Island and the first screenshot released in FF12 which had palmtrees, you need to download the trailer =/

That said, i'm hoping FF12 doesn't become another FF9. FF9 was the most hyped of any PlayStation Final Fantasy, except possibly FF7. It promised, from the early teaser trailers, to be the greatest Final Fantasy ever, and a return to the series' roots.

It wasn't. It was still a good game, but it didn't take itself seriously enough. Even the character design indicated the game was supposed to be cartoonish.

Final Fantasy X I believe to be the best Final Fantasy ever, but that's a different argument.

Now, Final Fantasy XII's development is sharing a lot in common with Final Fantasy IX. It's being hyped, slowly but surely, and it's once again promising something long desired in FF folklore - this time, a return to Ivalice and a conclusion to Final Fantasy Tactics. The problem is this - Final Fantasy XII is being released in the last year of the PlayStation 2's life. The graphics are already dated, and compared to the first-generation PlayStation 3 games we'll be seeing, not to mention the first-generation Xbox 2 games we'll be seeing by the end of THIS year, it just won't be impressive any more. The same happened with Final Fantasy IX. And no matter what, graphics were a draw card - Final Fantasy IX had the best graphics of the PlayStation FFs, and Final Fantasy XII will have the best graphics of the PlayStation 2 FFs.

The problem is, nobody will care.

Games don't go downhill. They go through cycles. And this era in the gaming industry is the best cycle overall we've ever been in - ALL games are developing the depth and storyline that was once the domain of role-playing games. No doubt with more and more games garnering engaging story-lines, Final Fantasy will have to offer something more in the terms of gameplay, or die out - telling a good story just doesn't cut it fully anymore.

03-27-2005, 03:42 AM
I tried to play through the game, to see what it was like, but then I got bored with it toward the begining of Disc 3. I decided it was not just not worth going through all these stupid mazes just, to kick the crud out of a gender confused sociopath.

03-27-2005, 09:19 AM
Raidenex, your entire argument was about the evolution of graphics for FF games, I didnt even touch on the graphics part much, my main argument was gameplay and the story. The key to a good game, screw graphics, those can come later, but if you have a good story on an easy and fun to play game, then you got it set, graphics should be one of the last things looked at, when considering a game. Just like how a movie is made.

There hasnt been much hype for FF12 yet, but its too early to judge the hype radar yet. And FF11 got way more hype than FF9, way more, I never went a day without seeing a commercial for FF11 before it came out.

FF10 was so not asian, I could landmark a number of places in FF10 that can be geographically placed to show that it has a Caribbean style, minus the dessert. Most of the game was oceanbased andways.

The sphere grid didnt cut it for me though, because in the end, if you spent enough time, you would end up with 7 similar characters. Only differed in appearence.

03-27-2005, 09:34 AM
Raidenex, your entire argument was about the evolution of graphics for FF games, I didnt even touch on the graphics part much, my main argument was gameplay and the story. The key to a good game, screw graphics, those can come later, but if you have a good story on an easy and fun to play game, then you got it set, graphics should be one of the last things looked at, when considering a game. Just like how a movie is made.

Sorry, I wasn't clear - I was responding to your style argument, and went off on a graphics-based tangent. I certainly don't think that graphics make a game :). The problem is that Final Fantasy's storyline's aren't getting any worse, it's just that other games are getting better by comparison. Hell, a deep story is a requirement for first-person shooters now. (I challenge you to tell me that Half-Life 2 isn't as well written and deep as a Final Fantasy!).

Gameplay in Final Fantasy has always been simplistic, even for RPGs. Compare Final Fantasy to an advanced RPG like NeverWinter Nights or Knights of the Old Republic, and it seems limited in comparison.

There hasnt been much hype for FF12 yet, but its too early to judge the hype radar yet. And FF11 got way more hype than FF9, way more, I never went a day without seeing a commercial for FF11 before it came out.

Ah, but Final Fantasy XI was different - it was a new avenue for Square. It's been in development as long as Final Fantasy X, and they were even announced at the same time I believe. And by hype, I don't mean TV ads and the like, I mean Game Industry hype - for Square Enix, less information is more. Because they're usually so uptight about their games, the gaming media jumps on any info they get - and especially in Japan, Famitsu has been publishing tonnes of info.

FF10 was so not asian, I could landmark a number of places in FF10 that can be geographically placed to show that it has a Caribbean style, minus the dessert. Most of the game was oceanbased andways.

I'm merely stating what the developers said - a range of different cultures, but predominantly Asian. Hell, if you're basing it off the fact that it's on Islands, I wouldn't be so American by assuming that the Carribean is the only place that's tropical - hell, Besaid Island reminds me of one of the Islands off the shore here.

The sphere grid didnt cut it for me though, because in the end, if you spent enough time, you would end up with 7 similar characters. Only differed in appearence.

At least it gave you a choice, compared to other FFs which just levelled up for you. It's still limited compared to KOTOR.

03-27-2005, 07:23 PM
Sorry, I wasn't clear - I was responding to your style argument, and went off on a graphics-based tangent. I certainly don't think that graphics make a game :). The problem is that Final Fantasy's storyline's aren't getting any worse, it's just that other games are getting better by comparison. Hell, a deep story is a requirement for first-person shooters now. (I challenge you to tell me that Half-Life 2 isn't as well written and deep as a Final Fantasy!).

Well, I got a lot of quotes to do, so might as well get it done.

HL2 was good, and had a fun story, but it wasnt as deep and shouldnt be as deep as any of the FF series. Their deep and throught provocing stories is what makes them unique.

It would be a real challenge to try and challenge any FF games story against any other game made in the world.

Gameplay in Final Fantasy has always been simplistic, even for RPGs. Compare Final Fantasy to an advanced RPG like NeverWinter Nights or Knights of the Old Republic, and it seems limited in comparison.

True, very true. I own both NWN and KOTOR, and after playing them I went straight back to FF because I like the simplicity of the game. =)

Ah, but Final Fantasy XI was different - it was a new avenue for Square. It's been in development as long as Final Fantasy X, and they were even announced at the same time I believe. And by hype, I don't mean TV ads and the like, I mean Game Industry hype - for Square Enix, less information is more. Because they're usually so uptight about their games, the gaming media jumps on any info they get - and especially in Japan, Famitsu has been publishing tonnes of info.

Im sure that was expected with the first release ever of a FF MMORPG. It got the hype, it got the looks, but it didnt have the story, because it was just an MMORPG

I'm merely stating what the developers said - a range of different cultures, but predominantly Asian. Hell, if you're basing it off the fact that it's on Islands, I wouldn't be so American by assuming that the Carribean is the only place that's tropical - hell, Besaid Island reminds me of one of the Islands off the shore here.

Are you serious? Can you take some pictures of this island and send it to me. It sounds beautiful.

At least it gave you a choice, compared to other FFs which just levelled up for you. It's still limited compared to KOTOR.

I like a little bit of choice, but not that kind of choice. Id rather have them on seperate pages, with a change to alter their stats manually. Like giving them more HP and less MP to make a better fighter. Or adding magic and taking away Strength to make a better Mage. That sort of thing.

10-18-2006, 10:31 PM
i feel lost...I REALLY liked FFX, I've never played I,II,III,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX,X-2,XI
(Damn do I feel out of place) but calling FFX "manageable" pisses me off, that was an awesome game

10-19-2006, 04:16 AM
You do realize, that this is an old thread, that is dead and burried, until you brought it up. I also didn't find the thread's points to be that potent or relevant anyways.

10-19-2006, 04:43 AM
Do you ever do anything but whine? For your information, FFX-2 is widely regarded as quite a good game, FFXI has a huge player base, and FFXII isn't even out yet. You're just wanting to hate the fucking game on some perverted principle or other. On top of that, you bitched about the stories, but haven't even offered one word in defense of your argument. It looks like you're doing nothing more than talking out your ass.

Stop being a cunt and post something people might read without thinking you're a whiny, attention-seeking asshole.

To say that "FFX-2 is widely regarded as quite a good game," is like saying you like to eat microwaved poo. No... i've been a fan of the series since the get go, and I couldn't even put myself 20 minutes into this game.

As for FFXI. Ok.. yeah I was with you on that one.. UNTIL I LEARNED MORE ABOUT IT. Turned out to be a great game. Albeit frustrating because you can't do crap on your own, but it was enough to suck away 2.5 years of my life dedicated to my Paladin and Dark Knight jobs.

FFX did not suck. FFVIII sucked. FFIX was borderline. FF:CC was retarded and so is Dirge of Cerberus. FFXII does not suck. I know from experience. It is a GREAT game, and if you're basing your thoughts from the demo, YOU suck.

10-19-2006, 05:44 AM
I think you guys all make pretty good arguments, but there's one fact - everything stated on this thread is opinion. To each it's own. I for one think the games have had there ups and downs dispite what Manikal feels. I started the series at FFVI and this is still my favorite one. Here's the order in which my feeling are from best to not-so-best.


Now some of you are probobly asking, "Mark, why is FF12 ranked so high on your list when the game doesn't come out for another 12 days 2 hours 50 minutes 16 seconds?" Simple - My understanding of the story which I find awsome, how much I enjoyed the game play from the demo and how it relates to FF11, the whole sound track is one of the best I've ever heard and proud to own and how much it reminds me of FF6 and Tactics style. Having not played through the whole game is what keeps it ranked below FF7.

Other might be asking, "Why is FF10 ranked so low?". Maybe because I felt the story is over-rated and lacked originality, always felt the graphics could have been way better and they are prooving me right with FF12, the voices pissed me off - especialy Tidus & Yuna and I didn't care for the over-all style of the game. Now that may come of as me bashing on it. Don't get me wrong, it had many great and memorable moments and it was still fun and worth playing all the way through. I just like many of the other ones much, much more.

FFX-2 is widely regarded as quite a good game

I don't think so. That is the first and only positive statement I've ever read on that game.

FFXI has a huge player base

We just had the 6th Vana'diel Census and now there are over 500,000 players in FF11 all over the world. not too shabby.

10-19-2006, 06:30 AM
shoot.. i base my opinion on FFXII from the fact that i've played the japanese version and thoroughly enjoyed it. That's why it's so high in my book.

Dark Mage626
10-19-2006, 12:00 PM
This could be an on going arguement because people here just can't seem to accept other peoples oppinions. Everyone like's different things. Different games are made for different people.

Final Fantasy X-2 was made to appeal to a certain audience. Of course the game isn't gonna suit everyone. The game itself is actually suppose to be quite good, people just say negetive things about it because it's not like other the other Final Fantasy's. IGN gave it the same score as FFX i think. A 9.5. And Gamespot gave it a reasonable rating too. I do believe that the game was very popular in Japan.

And as for the topic creator who's name I can't remember. You can't just go making post about how you think a game is bad. Well you can - but people just don't really care because everyone has their own tastes. As for me - quite liked FFX. And planning on getting FFX-2 this christmas.

10-19-2006, 02:31 PM
Guys, your personal dislike of a game does not represent the concensus of the masses. The irrefutable fact of the matter is that FFX-2 received overwhelmingly positive reviews and sold well over 5 million copies. That should be ample proof that it is regarded as an excellent game.

Also, this thread is horrendously old and should not have been revived.

10-19-2006, 04:13 PM
it sold alot because it was a FF.

What they don't tell you is not only who many were traded back .. .but.. how many were traded back within the same week.

10-19-2006, 04:24 PM
I could counter that, but I think it would be far more interesting to take the longer road. Perhaps you could tell us, as reasonably as possible, why FFX-2 was not a good game despite all the evidence to the contrary?

10-19-2006, 08:46 PM
Perhaps you could tell us, as reasonably as possible, why FFX-2 was not a good game despite all the evidence to the contrary?

here's a little evidence:

FFVII sales: 9.72 million copies sold
FFVIII sales: 7.86 million copies sold
FFIX sales: 5.3 million copies sold
FFX sales: 7.93 million copies sold
FFX-2 sales: 5.14 million copies sold

Of course, sales don't determine the quality of the game, I acknowledge that. And personally, I enjoyed FFX-2, but I also found myself embarassed to be seen with it. I felt embarassed buying the game at the store, and I had to hide it from sight when my friends would hang out. That's not what games are supposed to do.

10-19-2006, 08:58 PM
All your sales figures proved there is that it didn't sell as well as some of the other games in the series. However, it sold far more than most games that are considered successful. If a game reaches 1 million copies sold, it's an achievement. Five million is damn good by pretty much any standard.

Also, your insecurities don't reflect on the game's merits/demerits at all.

10-19-2006, 09:27 PM
FFX-2 received overwhelmingly positive reviews and sold well over 5 million copies. That should be ample proof that it is regarded as an excellent game.

I should think that more than positive reviews and high sales constitutes an "excellent game," a term which I believe is a matter of opinion anyway. On that list I gave, several games sold more than 5 million copies that I wouldn't label as excellent.

For example: Nintendogs sold 8.42 million copies. It received the title of "Best Game of 2005" by Associated Press, received 40/40 by Famitsu, among other great reviews. Would I call that an excellent game? No.

The Sims as well, sold more than 16 million copies, got high reviews, but that isn't my cup of tea, either.

I believe that overwhelmingly positive reviews and millions of copies sold doesn't constitute an excellent game. And those games weren't reflective of any insecurities, either.

10-19-2006, 09:55 PM
I should think that more than positive reviews and high sales constitutes an "excellent game," a term which I believe is a matter of opinion anyway. On that list I gave, several games sold more than 5 million copies that I wouldn't label as excellent.

Your label alone simply isn't good enough for use in a debate.

And anyway, what's up with this argument anyway? You said you enjoyed the game, so I don't see why you're trying to prove that it was bad. It wouldn't be surprising if I did that, but you've just said that it's a matter of opinion. Therefore, if your opinion is that it was good, then by your own reasoning, arguing with me has no purpose.

For example: Nintendogs sold 8.42 million copies. It received the title of "Best Game of 2005" by Associated Press, received 40/40 by Famitsu, among other great reviews. Would I call that an excellent game? No.

Again, your judgement is not enough, as it is based on nothing more than your own impressions, and we don't even know if those are based on first-hand experience. The fact of the matter is that Nintendogs is a very well-designed game with an extremely broad appeal. Of course, you're welcome to try to dispute that. There is a slim chance that I might be wrong in this case, having never directly played Nintendogs myself.

The Sims as well, sold more than 16 million copies, got high reviews, but that isn't my cup of tea, either.

Again, your cup of tea doesn't determine if a game is good or not. I don't like The Sims either, but I wouldn't dare try to deny that it's well-made because I know that's incorrect.

I believe that overwhelmingly positive reviews and millions of copies sold doesn't constitute an excellent game.

I agree with you there. Hell, look at the sales of both FFVII and FFVIII. I've shown time and again how both of those games had horrific design flaws, so it would be impossible for me to disagree with you.

However, that's losing sight of my point, which is merely that Gilthanos and MarvinStraight don't know what they're talking about when they claim that FFX-2 was unpopular.

J. Peterman
10-20-2006, 01:19 AM
dang the sims sold a lot

10-20-2006, 01:53 AM
Uhm.. let's see...

Battle System was entirely lacking
Story was fucking lame
Yuna and Rikku all whored out? Yeah... ok... I'm no homo, but I don't exactly sit at my controller checking out videochicks either.
The game played out more like a platform game.
Airship took you to each and every mission? No free roaming from town to town. (that was one thing I didn't like about X to begin with)
CHANGING CLOTHES?!?!?! fucking retarded
The entire game had a little miss bee-bop feel to it, not a Final Fantasy feel to it. The only reason why it could be classified as one because I thought I saw a chocobo somewhere around there.
Read any magazine these days and just about any other forum that mentions X-2.. and it will clearly state that it was one of Square's biggest mistakes.
I put it on par with Dirge of Cerberus.


10-20-2006, 01:21 PM
Battle System was entirely lacking

Your credibility is already shot. If you want to entertain us a bit, however, you can try to back that up.

Story was fucking lame

If you could back that up successfully, I'd be really surprised.

Yuna and Rikku all whored out? Yeah... ok... I'm no homo, but I don't exactly sit at my controller checking out videochicks either.

This isn't an argument against the game. It's an argument against testosterone.

The game played out more like a platform game.

A little bit of jumping and it's more like a platformer? haha



Airship took you to each and every mission? No free roaming from town to town. (that was one thing I didn't like about X to begin with)

For one thing, you can reach pretty much any area in the game on foot. In fact, hiking most of the way from Besaid to Zanarkand is the preferred way to complete chapter 1.

For another, you're claiming that the game is bad based purely on the fact that it's different. This isn't a reasonable gripe by any definition. It's you ranting because it doesn't try to be like the games that came before it and include a world map. Clinging to a stupid prejudice like that is far more retarded than any of the game's weaker points.

CHANGING CLOTHES?!?!?! fucking retarded

NOT PROVING A DAMN THING?!?!?! fucking retarded

The entire game had a little miss bee-bop feel to it, not a Final Fantasy feel to it. The only reason why it could be classified as one because I thought I saw a chocobo somewhere around there.

Thank you for defining for us what a Final Fantasy title feels like. I'm quite certain that Square-Enix is completely ill-qualified for that task and their say in the matter should be completely disregarded. [/sarcasm]

Read any magazine these days and just about any other forum that mentions X-2.. and it will clearly state that it was one of Square's biggest mistakes.

Bullshit. The game's status is contested because fucktards like you have retarded reasons for hating it, while sensible people can look at it on its own merits and defend it accordingly.

I put it on par with Dirge of Cerberus.


I think it's fairly safe to put you on the same par, based on the utter ridiculousness of this post.

10-20-2006, 03:17 PM
OK this is just the most stupid of things ever, in my opinion it wasnt a great nor was it a bad game, it was an enjoyable game to play, in no way did it suck.
I agree that its not as good as other final fantasy's but still its not a rubbish game in the slightest

matt damon
10-20-2006, 04:38 PM
just so you know, most of the people that have played X-2 (at least, the ones i've talked too) and said they didn't like it admit that they liked one thing: the battle system and the whole "jobs" set-up. in fact, many people that claim that X-2's battle system and the whole dressphere/garment grid is one of the best systems of the entire series.

10-20-2006, 09:30 PM
the job system and changing clothes is what turned me off right off the bat.

10-21-2006, 07:16 AM
Do you ever do anything but whine? For your information, FFX-2 is widely regarded as quite a good game, FFXI has a huge player base, and FFXII isn't even out yet. You're just wanting to hate the fucking game on some perverted principle or other. On top of that, you bitched about the stories, but haven't even offered one word in defense of your argument. It looks like you're doing nothing more than talking out your ass.

Stop being a cunt and post something people might read without thinking you're a whiny, attention-seeking asshole.

also ffxii is the greatest ff ever

believe me

10-21-2006, 07:25 AM
I didn't care much about the whole changing clothes thing as long as I got the job. For me, it was something that could be easily overlooked. Bashing against this game is simply your opinion and the opinion of others. It really has no effect on the gameplay or how the game performs during battles.

I liked the story because I felt that FFX wasn't really complete. I was like "so, what happens to Tidus at the end?". Plus the characters do change from the first one and I thought it was kinda cool.

As for the battle system, I had no problem with it. Although I grew frustrated with the grids because I had to move my way across just to get a certain job, but I got over it eventually.

This is purely based on my opinion of this game and as Prak said, debating over opinions is pointless.

It's like telling someone who thinks FFVII is the best FF game that FFVIII is better. It's all based on opinion. I thought FFVII was boring, others thought it was awesome. All based on opinion.

10-21-2006, 11:25 AM
you say debating over opinions is pointless but thats what debates are, each person argues over there point of view, otherwise what would you debate.

10-21-2006, 05:58 PM
This is purely based on my opinion of this game and as Prak said, debating over opinions is pointless.

You didn't understand my meaning. I was using a logical process to show that the other guy's reasoning was flawed and that "opinions" were not a valid basis for an argument. In other words, I was saying, "stop it with the opinion bullshit and deal in hard facts."

10-21-2006, 07:50 PM
Ah, sorry bout the misunderstanding.

As for debating over opinions, I don't think that's really a debate. For me, a debate is arguing over facts that effect different things. Like the chapters for example. It's not really necessary to have them because the game can still carry out without them, but their there anyways. So debating to see which arguement would have the upper hand of whether it's necessary or not would be a good one IMO.

Sorry if I'm confusing you, I'm not really good at trying to explain what I mean.

Dark Mage626
10-21-2006, 10:48 PM
Prak is right. All of the reasons given by Gilthanos, wern't good reasons to hate or dislike the game in anyway.

10-22-2006, 01:42 AM
Well, Prak always wins because 99% of the time he is correct.
I love watching him make new, ignorant members piss themselves.

10-22-2006, 01:47 AM
Well, Prak always wins because 100% of the time he is correct.
I love watching him make new, ignorant members piss themselves.
fix'd :smrt:

10-22-2006, 06:20 AM
love ya

10-22-2006, 10:43 AM
OK, in my opinion FFIX is the best. The story is very much in the style of a fairytale and eveything seems so unfamiliar and far away. Any game that takes me away from my current life is worth my time. So the characters were very cartoony (and stunted in growth), but the love was there.

As I haven't played FFXII, I cannot comment on it, but i'm pretty sure it will come close to the top of my list of best Final Fantasy games.

FFX-2 is my least favourite game as it didn't feel epic enough. The story follows a group of people consisting of some freaks and the YRP and that's about it. There was a minor threat of war between the New Yevon and the Youth League, but it never amounts to anything. There should have been some sort of war theme like in FFVIII or even FFIX.

10-22-2006, 12:41 PM
Guys, your personal dislike of a game does not represent the concensus of the masses. The irrefutable fact of the matter is that FFX-2 received overwhelmingly positive reviews and sold well over 5 million copies. That should be ample proof that it is regarded as an excellent game.

Also, this thread is horrendously old and should not have been revived.

Dont misunderstand me, its not that i dislike the game but ff7 had excellent reviews and sold so much. Is it an excelent game?

10-22-2006, 03:38 PM
Dont misunderstand me, its not that i dislike the game but ff7 had excellent reviews and sold so much. Is it an excelent game?

Oooh, Prak, I hate to say it, but that's a good point. Review scores mean nothing these days, and sales even less (hell, anything with the name 'Final Fantasy' attached to it on a PS2 is going to sell regardless).

I think FFX-2 is a well designed game. On its own merits, it deserves praise.

I also wish it had never been made.

It quite frankly took the seriousness that made Final Fantasy X so appealing and raped it up the arse. The characters in FF10 had depth to them that is not, in my opinion, equalled in any RPG since. Final Fantasy 10-2 was fan-service. It took what could have been a serious sequel about a grieving High Summoner rebuilding her world, and made her a pop-singer. The entire game was too light hearted; not for a Final Fantasy game, but for a Final Fantasy X game.

I'm going to be honest; I never finished the game. I don't think that I've actually gotten further than 10 hours or so into it. I just felt the more that I played, it actually took away from things that made Final Fantasy X great.

All in all, I wish the game never existed.

10-22-2006, 04:46 PM
Oooh, Prak, I hate to say it, but that's a good point. Review scores mean nothing these days, and sales even less (hell, anything with the name 'Final Fantasy' attached to it on a PS2 is going to sell regardless).

Alas, I had already addressed it. If you'll look a few posts back, I used that very point to illustrate to Olde that my only intention was to show that the people who said that FFX-2 wasn't well-received have no idea what they're talking about, and that my objective at that point had not been to prove the game's quality.

I think FFX-2 is a well designed game. On its own merits, it deserves praise.

I also wish it had never been made.

It quite frankly took the seriousness that made Final Fantasy X so appealing and raped it up the arse. The characters in FF10 had depth to them that is not, in my opinion, equalled in any RPG since. Final Fantasy 10-2 was fan-service. It took what could have been a serious sequel about a grieving High Summoner rebuilding her world, and made her a pop-singer. The entire game was too light hearted; not for a Final Fantasy game, but for a Final Fantasy X game.

I'm going to be honest; I never finished the game. I don't think that I've actually gotten further than 10 hours or so into it. I just felt the more that I played, it actually took away from things that made Final Fantasy X great.

All in all, I wish the game never existed.

I'd really love to see how you could hold up defending that position, but I'm just not in the mood to open the debate. Perhaps some other time.

10-22-2006, 07:14 PM
Prak, have you actualy played X-2? I honestly believe the only reason why it sold so well is because it had a high expectation since so many loved X. Tell me how well you can sit through this whole game intro video.

here's the kick-ass XII intro. and it's in english!

10-22-2006, 08:00 PM
X-2 wasn't bad at all, but I do look at it the same way Raidenex does.

10-23-2006, 01:05 PM
Prak, have you actualy played X-2?


10-23-2006, 01:52 PM
there are so many stubborn people here

ffx-2 is a great game

ffxii is the greatest ff ever

end of discussion haha

10-23-2006, 06:36 PM
Notice how Prak didn't actually answer the question if he actually played it or not? Kind of a clear indication that he probably didn't. Otherwise he'd know that it was a shitty game.

YAY!! let's go dress up our dollies and see what new powers we get. whooooo.... haha. Sure it had some mildly interesting new little innovations, but clearly not enough to keep "ME" going. Personally that is saying alot since I've been a fan since the very start. X-2 ... "FAILS"

10-23-2006, 06:38 PM
You fail also. Again.

10-23-2006, 09:33 PM


10-23-2006, 09:36 PM

Fail. :laugh:

But seriously Marvin, you're trying to take me on in a subject that I've always dominated debates about. If you want to imply that I've never played the game, you must have a screw loose. If you're going to try to debate the issue, do it seriously instead of sniping at me like an idiot n00b.

10-23-2006, 09:38 PM
rofl. you're such an ass. :smrt:

10-23-2006, 09:40 PM
See edit to last post, btw.

10-23-2006, 09:53 PM
I don't disagree with you on sales and reviews. I just feel sales don't mean shit because as highly regarded X was, X-2 only sold because of it's relation to X. But a majority of all those people who actualy purchased the game are all kicking themselves in the ass. You already know me as one of the biggest "FF Fanboy", which I like to call myself a "FF Fanman", but even I'll say X-2 was not worth playing past 5 hours into it. As for reviews, I'll have to get back to you on that one. I want to get my facts straight first. For now I need to get back to work, lunch break is over. :sad:

10-23-2006, 10:09 PM
I just feel sales don't mean shit because as highly regarded X was, X-2 only sold because of it's relation to X.

Then again, you can easily say that FFX only sold because of its relation to earlier FF games and then trace the list backward. That's the way franchises work. Once one is a success, people keep buying them with expectations of getting more of the same.

But to more directly address your concern--I can't actually call it a point--even the game's packaging announces its nature. Then there's the TV spots that aired leading up the game's release. If someone bought the game expecting it to be exactly like its predecessor, they were stupid. It really is as simple as that. I knew very little about the game before it was released and I knew enough to know what I was in for, look at it from the proper perspective, and be perfectly happy with it.

But a majority of all those people who actualy purchased the game are all kicking themselves in the ass.

You have absolutely no way to back up that statement. All you have are the rantings of people who were dissatisfied. The ones who were satisfied are not going to step forth as militantly. It's the natural order of things in almost all situations. Reagan referred to them as the "silent majority."

You already know me as one of the biggest "FF Fanboy", which I like to call myself a "FF Fanman", but even I'll say X-2 was not worth playing past 5 hours into it.

Are you saying that you only played that far into it or that you felt it was worth playing to that point?

As for reviews, I'll have to get back to you on that one. I want to get my facts straight first.

Here's a good place to start. (

10-24-2006, 03:40 PM
Actually, FFX-2 begins to get interesting after 5 hours of play. Most of the FF series gets more interesting the further you play. Take FFTA (Tactics Advance) for instance. The beginning intro is the most boring thing I have ever played through (except Legend of Kartia). Once you get past it though, the game is actually really good. The FF games have this way of opening up the further you play, which you don't really get in many other games.

FFX-2 isn't top of my list of best FF games, purely because it's sub-genre didn't appeal to me. Apart from that, it was probably better than many other games I have played.

10-24-2006, 08:47 PM
Whoa... You guys should stop fighting you know...
I believe that FF series is getting better and better...

Here's my explanation...

FFX has the most tragic storyline I've ever played (that's what I thought) and the characters are great... I love them... I even love the Battle system... until I met the Sub-quest to get their ULTIMATE WEAPONS... It's insane... It sucks... Then the final boss... I'm dissapointed... But it doesn't matter... As long as the story is good... I will still love FF series...

FFX-2 is an failure... At first... But, I've changed my mind... The story was amazing... Pheww... I love it... Eventhough the battle system sucks (Not the job system).

FFXI... No comment... I haven't played it. But I believe it's good as other FF series.

FFXII... is nice but I'm dissapointed in Summons. Nevermind, I found it has a great story-line.

From those FF Series... I love FFIX. It's the best game of FF i've ever played.

10-25-2006, 02:31 PM
Notice how Prak didn't actually answer the question if he actually played it or not? Kind of a clear indication that he probably didn't. Otherwise he'd know that it was a shitty game.

YAY!! let's go dress up our dollies and see what new powers we get. whooooo.... haha. Sure it had some mildly interesting new little innovations, but clearly not enough to keep "ME" going. Personally that is saying alot since I've been a fan since the very start. X-2 ... "FAILS"


dude, please stop

you know nothing about it

10-25-2006, 04:00 PM
I know enough about it that made me trade the game back in. That's enough for me.

10-25-2006, 11:46 PM
Well unfortunately Gilthanos, it's not enough to argue on the internet about it.

10-26-2006, 06:05 AM
why not? it's my opinion.

Mario Kinnikuman
10-26-2006, 06:22 AM
why not? it's my opinion.

You are perversing it as a fact, which is fallible in the eyes of many. Opinions are insufficent in this case. You need inconfutable evidence. So far, you lack this.

10-26-2006, 01:24 PM
why not? it's my opinion.

To build upon what Mario said, opinions are not good enough for debates.

Case in point: If I claimed that the moon was made of red velvet cake and refused to listen when you told me it was a big rock because "it's just my opinion," then I would be regarded with no credibility at all. If you want to be taken seriously, you have to present facts and try to disprove the "facts" of your opponent, not merely disagree with them.

Also, opinions are not valid because they are merely distortions or denials of truth. There are facts in every situation, so you can always present something that is not subjective. For example, if you like Product X, then you can express it two ways. You can say that Product X is a good product, which may or may not be true, or you can say that you like it. If you say that you like it, that is an indisputable fact. However, if you claim that it is a good product, you should be able to prove it if challenged. If you can prove it, you can legitimately claim it as fact. If you can't, it is relegated to a mere opinion, holding far less value because it is, as mentioned before, a distortion or denial of the truth.

Your homework for today is a two page report on the fact/opinion dichotomy, due on Monday. Class dismissed.

10-26-2006, 10:34 PM
I actually think FFX2 was a good game. Not a good follow up to FFX but a great rpg. I think the tone set at the end of FFX is not followed well in X2. The game itself as far as gameplay goes is great. I think more turn based rpgs should take note at the battle system in FFX2. It was fast, fun and deep. Alot of people were turned off by the whole dress up the girls thing. If you actually look ito it, each dress represents a job which FFX2 isnt the first game in the FF series to use the job system. Its not a dress up yuna type game. If you think that, then I have nothing to say lol.

10-27-2006, 03:53 PM
Its not a dress up yuna type game. If you think that, then I have nothing to say lol.
Nicely put my friend.

I hate the people who don't like this game just because you get to see the girls change clothes for their jobs. I don't care about it, but I liked the game anyways.

10-28-2006, 06:45 AM
Notice how Prak didn't actually answer the question if he actually played it or not? Kind of a clear indication that he probably didn't. Otherwise he'd know that it was a shitty game.

He played it just to let you know...

11-10-2006, 02:43 AM
FFX2 was a good game not my fave but good.

11-10-2006, 03:18 AM
FFX2 was a good game not my fave but good.

i couldnt say X-2 was a good game cuz i couldnt even finish it because of certain things

11-10-2006, 03:22 AM
i couldnt say X-2 was a good game cuz i couldnt even finish it because of certain things

I never finished it due to time constraints but I enjoyed it. I love the battle system.

11-10-2006, 05:43 AM
Edit: As I read through, I can make a better post. I loved 6-9. I thought 6 and 9 were like the older games, but I still liked the more modern and industrial feel of 7 and 8. I don't care that 8's main character and story were kinda whiny, I still thought it was a good game. I thought Tactics was amazing. I may have liked 7, but i'm not a huge fanboy of it like most people. It's probably my least favorite of the games I mentioned above. I thought 10 had it's good points, but was WAY too easy. I like my games to actually be challenging. And by challenging, I don't mean dodging 200 lightning bolts in a row. That's just dumb. 10-2 was an abomination. I, for one, hated the battle system. And I had never even heard of someone liking X-2 till just now. Sales don't mean shit, people went and bought it cuz it was a Final Fantasy game. And from what I heard, everyone returned it. I dunno about 11, it looks good, but I've never had a chance to play it. As for 12, I think it's a great game, even if the battle system is more like an MMO.

11-10-2006, 10:55 AM
Since i have to wait to next year to play the game (I dont trust eBay *stares*) 'cause i live in Australia, i have to wait.
But come on, you have to hand it over the the Square Enix staff. They are under an enormous pressure all the time, because we expect so much if the game has final fantasy in its title. They know if they screw up, it will take a long time to recover.
Sure, X-2 might not as have been as legendary, but if you compare it to the majority of RPG games, and not just the best (for example other Final Fantasies :)), you will understand that X-2 is actually pretty decent, leaning towards the great side, yet just short of legendary =P.

And coming back to the staff being under immense pressure, just look at poor Hitoshi Sakimoto who composed FFXII's music. Quite a few people has criticised him, saying his music is not as good as Nobou, and that nothing really stands out in his work like One Winged Angel in FFVII.
Nobou was legendary. I only recently came to understand this when playing the piano collections, are after analysing came to realise the great accomplishments he made, and all the great wonderful songs he composed using such a very simple melody.
Nobou was legendary. But even he had his bad songs (though very few in number, in my opinion).
So just because Hitoshi didn't compose something as heartbreaking as Aerith's theme, doesn't mean his music is bad. His style of music is suited for combining into the scene and giving the atmosphere. Truly something very hard to do. So give him a chance.

Also, Final Fantasy's strong point i believe is its story (and FMVs), and from what i've heard, FFXII has a truly spectacular, magnificent, awe inspiring story. so give it chance.

And on a final note: I don't post much on these forums anymore (ever since Trance Kuja left :( Truly a man who stood up to what he believed in), so I believe i have the right to post one super logn post once in a while :).

11-11-2006, 02:47 AM
Edit: As I read through, I can make a better post. I loved 6-9. I thought 6 and 9 were like the older games, but I still liked the more modern and industrial feel of 7 and 8. I don't care that 8's main character and story were kinda whiny, I still thought it was a good game. I thought Tactics was amazing. I may have liked 7, but i'm not a huge fanboy of it like most people. It's probably my least favorite of the games I mentioned above. I thought 10 had it's good points, but was WAY too easy. I like my games to actually be challenging. And by challenging, I don't mean dodging 200 lightning bolts in a row. That's just dumb. 10-2 was an abomination. I, for one, hated the battle system. And I had never even heard of someone liking X-2 till just now. Sales don't mean shit, people went and bought it cuz it was a Final Fantasy game. And from what I heard, everyone returned it. I dunno about 11, it looks good, but I've never had a chance to play it. As for 12, I think it's a great game, even if the battle system is more like an MMO.

Just a little curious, what didnt you like about the FFX2 battle system? It was a definite step up from FFXs. IMO the only good thing about FFXs battle system was the swapping characters in and out of battle. I loved that. I honestly wish that if square decided to go back to its old style battle system, it would revert back to FFX2's.

11-11-2006, 12:21 PM
All This Talk About FFX-2 Makes Me Want To Continue Where I Left Off...
<a_href= find FFX-2 Game>

11-11-2006, 08:02 PM
Don�t want to read all the posts but as for FF 10-2, I AGREE it SUCKS. Its actually a ‎girly game with some clothes and fashion nothing more of a game for little girls.‎

I played ff11 for a year, it was incredibly awesome at the beginning, after that it turned to ‎be a time consuming game with nothing to do for 6 hrs but to look for a party. The game ‎is mainly for Japanese which turns to be a Chinese farming tool for real money. No near ‎what we all know about FF.‎

But I like FFXII

11-11-2006, 08:07 PM
Don�t want to read all the posts but as for FF 10-2, I AGREE it SUCKS. Its actually a ‎girly game with some clothes and fashion nothing more of a game for little girls.‎

I played ff11 for a year, it was incredibly awesome at the beginning, after that it turned to ‎be a time consuming game with nothing to do for 6 hrs but to look for a party. The game ‎is mainly for Japanese which turns to be a Chinese farming tool for real money. No near ‎what we all know about FF.‎

But I like FFXII

FFX2 is not just a girly game. The dresses are basically jobs which were used in previous FF games.

11-12-2006, 04:47 PM
Don't try to respond to morons with reason. It never works. You have to get them riled first or you won't get anywhere.