02-10-2002, 12:21 AM
Don't you think that X BOX will beat the PS2 and GC due to the amount of money they have???? they have already taken abe odessey with GTA4 ,MSG3 AND maybe even FF planning to head to the box
are us PS2 owners screwed :(

02-10-2002, 12:23 AM
Nope, they may have the money, but they don't have the experience that Sony does. Also, FF is going to be online. ;P So the XBox won't get FF.

02-10-2002, 12:42 AM
Originally posted by Joeshie
Nope, they may have the money, but they don't have the experience that Sony does. Also, FF is going to be online. ;P So the XBox won't get FF.

ya your right :D :D

02-10-2002, 02:40 AM
Please understand that XBox has the ability to go online RIGHT NOW. Also note that even with money, they won't depend everything on just a console. What is money when there is nothing to buy? If companies don't offer up, they won't have great games on the XBox.

Microsoft might dominate... Sony might keep it's crown... the GCN could make a stunning comeback... right now it's just too soon to see who can do what.

02-10-2002, 06:26 AM
There is just too many systems on the market. I don' t think its right for game companys to start a series of games on 1 console, then start making it for another one. I mean I can understand going from the Dreamcast to another system since its dead but not jumping from a popular system to another system. Square would be fools to produce ONLY on xbox since they have had playstation fans since the Release of ff7. As far as the Metal Gear and Grand theft Auto series go I don't really care, but still its not right. IF they are going to d othis they should have it on both systems I feel. That is how many 3rd party companies did back when it was just the SNES and GENESIS.

02-10-2002, 12:12 PM
I have my fingers crossed that both XB and GC will fail.
I hate them for stealing Sega and it's games...!

02-10-2002, 02:32 PM
Well, even X-Box has great graphics and cool games, for me PS2.....IS thE BeST.

02-10-2002, 03:24 PM
the xbox will get FF but Sony wont lose it.

Bahamut ZERO
02-10-2002, 03:56 PM
It seems stupid to me that third party manufacturers make games only for one platform anyway. If you can port the game across to another platform easily, you'll double the sales of that game easily. I'm adopting a wait and see attitude to the next gen of consoles. I don't really like Microsoft too much to start off with, due mainly to some of their unreliable operating systems. If the X-Box works in anyway like Windows, I'll avoid it like the plague. A console shouldn't crash every five minutes.

02-10-2002, 08:28 PM
I don't hope that the xbox or gc fail. IF they was to fail then Sony would have no competition which means game prices wouldn't drop. For example right now after a game as been out say a few months to a year the price drops down to about 20 bucks, sometimes even less. Well remember back in the days when it was just the Nintendo 8-bit system? How often did you see cheap games for it? There wasn't any competition for it at the time. Even PC games back then wasn't that great compared to the Nintendo.

As far as Nintendo and Microsoft Stealing Sega games, Sega is the ones making it for there systems. Being a PS2 owner is makes me mad that Sega is just making sports games for the ps2 while Gamecube gets the Sonic games.

02-10-2002, 09:09 PM
I like both systems and don't care which is better. PS2 has some really fun and cool games and the selection and quality is better than X-Box. But X-box has awsome graphics and is quite fun, but PS2 has good RPG's and ff.

02-11-2002, 02:35 AM
Originally posted by Dj MogK'
Please understand that XBox has the ability to go online RIGHT NOW. Also note that even with money, they won't depend everything on just a console. What is money when there is nothing to buy? If companies don't offer up, they won't have great games on the XBox.

Microsoft might dominate... Sony might keep it's crown... the GCN could make a stunning comeback... right now it's just too soon to see who can do what.

Good point. But they won't release FFXI on it or FFXII for that matter because almost no one on the XBox has the ability to go only right now. Why would Square put a game on a console that wont sell because of the few people that can buy it.

02-11-2002, 04:11 AM
First rule of talking about video games and not looking like an idiot: Don't talk about games that don't exist. "GTA4 and MGS3" do not exist. They have not been announced for Xbox, nor have they been announced for any system; if someone told you they were, that person was either lying or wrong.

The Xbox will not win because most Japanese think it's a joke. It will also not win because it sucks.

Divine Strike
02-11-2002, 04:18 AM
X-BOX can "go to hell"(<----phrase for the day).......Sony forever!!!!!!

02-11-2002, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by Tifa's Knight

The Xbox will not win because most Japanese think it's a joke. It will also not win because it sucks.

Yep, If ain't Japanese, It ain't no good.
Die XB, Die!

02-12-2002, 12:10 PM
its gonna be quite hard for them to suceed because 95% of the earths population hate microsoft, so why on earth would people buy there consle?

and as for the japanese public... lol, like there gonna buy it :uh?:

02-12-2002, 05:19 PM
Hrmm.. I keep hearing all this talk about FFXI not coming out for anything but PS2... but you do realize that S.S. had made it VERY clear that FFXI and FFXII has the potential to come out for every NexGen system INCLUDING the Xbox and GC, according to reports and articles...

Its actually very funny how angry people get if you trash a system, some people are very supportive about their systems; maybe a little too supportive.

Although I don't think Microsoft has the experiance in the new console gaming world, I believe that they have the potential to do a very amazing thing with their system, especially for their first time. Infact in a way I hope Xbox fails.

and CeeJay they didn't steal Sega's games, Sega sold the rights to them...

02-12-2002, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by Joeshie

Why would Square put a game on a console that wont sell because of the few people that can buy it.

i'm agree with Joeshie.I don't wanna play any game in X-BOX, it's ssooo :eye:

02-13-2002, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by ChaosHimself

and CeeJay they didn't steal Sega's games, Sega sold the rights to them...

To the best of my knowledge they didn't even do that - they sold exclusivity rights and nothing more. MS doesn't own the games, they merely have a deal with Sega that so and so game must be Xbox exclusive until so and so year.

I might add that the only reason MS is getting so many exclusive Sega games is because they are trying to buy the video game industry and Sega needs money a lot right now.

02-13-2002, 01:21 AM
All 3 systems are getting games from Sega. I think Nintendo is getting the best Sega Games (such as the sonic series) Just go to Sega.com and you can see there upcoming releases and for which system. Only thing coming for Ps2 is stupid sports games though :(

As for the Xbox it IS probably the best system hardware wise. But the games for it are crap I think. Almost every game for it is either Sports, Racing, or a fighting game. As far as it going under I don't know I was at wal-mart last night and they was sold out of X-boxes and I heard the guy there telling some women they ws selling them like crazy. I wouldn't give 100 bucks for one myself considering I don't like the games. But I guess if you like Racing Sports and Fighting games you could go crazy with a system such as Xbox. I will probably get myself a Gamecube by the end of this year since there down to 150 bucks. I bet there will be a good Zelda game on it before its over with :).

02-13-2002, 05:18 AM
okay, here's my 2 cents (well, more like one and a half)

1. the xbox has the best hardware, that's a fact, but so far, the only really good game for it is Halo. and Halo isn't gonna carry ms forever. (please don't flame me for saying halo is the only really good game, because frankly, it is). and they need to drop that $399 crap, i'm not shelling out an extra 100 bucks for a system that doesn't have much to offer. and the controller sucks, plain and simple, i don't know how that thing made it to the market.

2. GC bitchslapped Xbox and ps2 as far as opening sales go. of course, that's mostly because nintendo had the friggin brains to ship enough systems to meet demand (about damn time somebody did). it also has the so-called "nintendo factor" which mystically makes all their systems (except the virtual boy, but that just was just unbelievably sucky) even more successful than they deserve to be.

3. PS2 has been out a lot longer, meaning that it already has a really good game base established. another thing, all of you who say that microsoft has so much money and they're going to crush everybody else with their wallets, are you forgetting that SONY MAKES THE PS2!!!! let me put it this way. I'm sitting here, listening to music on my $400 SONY stereo through $30 SONY earphones, while i type this to you on my computer whose $350 monitor was made by SONY and later, i may watch a movie on my SONY dvd player (don't know how much that cost, i won it in a drawing). sony could never sell another ps2 or game for it and the company would still be rolling in money. how do you think the playstation ever competed with N64? they had what was technically an inferior system and they competed with and i believe sold more games (through sheer volume of the library and a lower average game price) than the n64. So.....yeah, sony has a shitload of money.

02-13-2002, 07:58 AM
Well saying the ps1 is inferior to the n64 is not exactly true. While granted the ps1 is a 32 bit system and the n64 is a 64 bit system, theres is 1 major thing the n64 lacks...storage space. I mean I think the biggest game they had was about 32 megs in size where a ps1 game had unlimited space. Do you think any of the Final Fantasy games could have been produced on the n64? No because 1 cutscene takes up more space then a n64 cartridge can handle.

While there was some great games made on the n64, the fact that the system was cartridge based I think it didn't live up to what could have been a great sysystem for its time.

02-13-2002, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by Grand_Lethal
okay, here's my 2 cents (well, more like one and a half)

1. the xbox has the best hardware, that's a fact,

Hardly. Microsoft can barf out all the numbers they want, there is no way in hell they are going to release accurate ones because if they did it'd probably become apparent that the Xbox really is not all they make it out to be. But that evidence isn't needed. All one needs to do is take a look at Xbox games next to GameCube and PS2 games and one will see that the Xbox is nothing special at all. Its incredible graphics demo, DOA3, is already being met and possibly exceeded on the PS2 with Sega's Virtua Fighter 4. If you don't believe me, d/l a video or two of VF4 in action and compare it to a video of DOA3.

02-13-2002, 08:34 PM
okay, could somebody back me up on this?

xbox has the best hardware, you can look up the system specs for each console if you want. xbox has *slightly* better equipment in just about all of its components. it's not the difference between a pentium 1 and a pentium 4 or anything, but the xbox is a bit better. unfortunately, as i said, most of the games are mediocre at best.

and on a brief side note, i don't know what the hell nintendo was thinking when they made the n64 cartridge based. that, in my opinion, was a pretty stupid thing to do. the games had to be about a tenth the size they could be just for the sake of no load times.

02-13-2002, 11:57 PM
and on a brief side note, i don't know what the hell nintendo was thinking when they made the n64 cartridge based. that, in my opinion, was a pretty stupid thing to do. the games had to be about a tenth the size they could be just for the sake of no load times

Nintendo manufactured the cartridges. Charged hellish fees on people to manufacture the games. It was a good move for Nintendo, as they pulled a nice profit out of a system that another company would have failed with. It was not nice for Johnny Gamer, who wanted to look at videos in his games. You will find that all of Nintendo's seemingly stupid moves work towards their strategy. The N64 didn't have huge games sales, but which game sold on the system. Most of the big saling games were Nintendo games. So they were not harmed by the lack of sales of the system, and people not making games for the system helped them out, since Nintendo's games recieved more attention.

And Xbox is more powerful than Gamecube. GC has areas it is better in and is supposedly easier to start developing for, but thats only matters for the first few generations of games. What is important is that each system should allow the creators to do what they want.

02-14-2002, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by Grand_Lethal
okay, could somebody back me up on this?

xbox has the best hardware, you can look up the system specs for each console if you want. xbox has *slightly* better equipment in just about all of its components. it's not the difference between a pentium 1 and a pentium 4 or anything, but the xbox is a bit better. unfortunately, as i said, most of the games are mediocre at best.

Of course you can look up the figures, but you know what? Different sites will tell you different things. The point is, video game companies to not release accurate console statistics. They want you to look at big numbers and be impressed.

I'll say this again... the only way to REALLY see which console can make the prettiest graphics is to LOOK at the games. If you look at the games, you will see that Xbox games are not any better looking on an average basis than GameCube or PS2 games. No matter what the numbers are, it's RESULTS that matter.

02-14-2002, 04:41 PM
alright tk, one last time. I'm not referring to frame rate or polygons per second. I'm talking about the actual hardware inside an xbox is better than the other 2. Do you understand? I know everybody spews out those bullshit polygon rates and stuff, but i'm talking about what you can take the console apart and look at, and in this respect the xbox is the best. however, as i said before, as of now most of the xbox games suck ass, meaning their wasting what little advantage they had.

and if you look up the system specs on xbox, gc, or ps2, you should see the same stuff every time, otherwise one of the sources has misinformation because system specs, as i just said, are based on the actual hardware, not its performance.

02-15-2002, 02:05 AM
Allright, I'll give you that because I know nothing about the insides of consoles and I don't really care to. But regardless of all that, it's only the best if the results it produces are the best... that argument still stands.

02-15-2002, 02:25 PM
sony do hope to release a pocket console which works on minidisks, that should give them some time to create a new console

02-15-2002, 04:53 PM
I have no real reason to look forward to all the new consoles- they all are spewing out hardware specs like it matters. The PSX was only slightly more powerful than the Saturn, but that did'nt hold it back.

The PS2 is too corporate, made for the casual gamer, with crap like SSX and bullshit extreme games being too popular; the X-Box is too American, with its sterile games and focus on hardware and MS flaunting its money to keep the better games; GC will hopefully win, since Nintendo is the only company to be in the console business before 1995, and with Sega developing for it. Though likely, people wont buy it because 'you can go on the Internet' and 'doesnt play DVD movies'.

Why is everyone forgetting about the GBA? :mad:

How does DOA3 play anyway? Ive read that it's very similar to DOA2, with the graphics being the only real improvement. Anyone reckon this is true

02-15-2002, 05:40 PM
Xbox better not win the war cause i dont plan on buying something that might be another dream cast

02-15-2002, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by seraphmog

Why is everyone forgetting about the GBA? :mad:

You freaking rock! :D If you ask me the GBA is by far the best "next gen console" around. 3D games will never top 2D ones...

How does DOA3 play anyway? Ive read that it's very similar to DOA2, with the graphics being the only real improvement. Anyone reckon this is true

I haven't played it myself, but that's what just about everyone who has played it has said, at least that I've talked to. The majority of reviewers only gave it so-so ratings too, except for the total hype whores like GamePro and IGN.

02-16-2002, 01:29 AM
ah. . . the hype whores. Hey TK, have you given Smashing Drive a play yet? All the reviewers are putting it down , but from the people I know, they love it, so you ought to check it out. I would myself... provided I had. . . the system . . .but anyways.

how do you think the playstation ever competed with N64? they had what was technically an inferior system and they competed with and i believe sold more games (through sheer volume of the library and a lower average game price) than the n64. So.....yeah, sony has a shitload of money.

The system sold more games. However, it was primarily 3rd party developers that benefitted. In respect to the N64, Nintendo pretty much had all the top saling games, and their profit margin was supposedly the highest in the business . . . always. They didn't need as many systems out as Sony because their games will sell regardless. I've heard tell that their goal is around 25 million gamecubes worldwide(currently about what Sony has for PS2) and then they will be content. 25 million would be more than enough systems to keep Nintendo going. Its smart business I think. Sega could have kept the Dreamcast going, but through some fit of ignorance, people refuse to buy sega games.

. . .

unless they're published on other systems its seems.

02-16-2002, 02:24 AM
Hmm, that actually gives me new hope for Smashing Drive. I thought everybody hated it, and the people I've talked to who aren't reviewers didn't like it any more than the reviewers. I'll make a point of renting it though, in that case.

02-17-2002, 04:32 AM
Originally posted by Sir Jecht
Xbox better not win the war cause i dont plan on buying something that might be another dream cast

This has my vote for dumbest post of the year. If Xbox wins the war it will not be another Dreamcast. Dreamcast disappeared because it LOST the war. I ask you, Sir Jecht, to explain how a console which "wins the war" can "turn into another Dreamcast".

02-17-2002, 06:09 AM
it would make sense if the system he bought was a gamecube.

break a spine.

02-21-2002, 01:35 AM

02-21-2002, 08:25 PM

the ps2 is already better than the xbox. XBOX SUCKS!!!!!!!!! ps2 will have 40 gb hard drive eternet adapter and a few hundred games already. doesn't matter how pretty the games are they have to be good games. no ff is confirmed for xbox. screw xbox!!!!

02-21-2002, 08:53 PM
Xbox comes with those things you've mentioned. library size doesn't matter when a system just starts out.

or bother. It seems some of the people were joking, but some that were supposed to be joking weren't joking, so I suppose you should still check it out. (plans to hit arcade after school to see for himself)

02-26-2002, 08:41 PM
I think X-box will do better than Gamecube becuase X-box hasa way better game

02-26-2002, 09:28 PM
Ps2 will do better than any system

03-24-2002, 09:43 PM
I hope Square moves to Xbox

03-25-2002, 04:53 AM
Originally posted by Squall2188
I hope Square moves to Xbox

Pfffft good one

In the Uk ppl did actually queue up to get X BOX'S but ian't sure of actually how well they are doing over here

*runs and plays MGS 2 on his lovely PS2*

03-26-2002, 06:39 AM
Ok, I've read every post in this thread, and I'm still undecided. I have just enough money for a GC or an XBox. Give me the facts, give me your opinions. If you don't think I should buy either then say so. But unless you don't think I should buy either don't bash another system. And I already have a PS2, so don't worry about selling me on that.

03-26-2002, 01:37 PM
Well, let's sum this up here. Square have moved to Nintendo (thank god) and prolly won't move anywhere else soon cause Nintendo started FF and will end it (if it ever ends god forbid). X-Box is horribly expensive and since only 2 good games are out, it sux ass. PS2 do have MGS and GTA, but where do they go now, now that they don't have Capcom and Squaresoft? Nowhere, but the Game Cube will rise up and kick everyone's ass, believe me.

03-26-2002, 03:20 PM
In Nearly every gaming magazine(except nintendo Power)they favour the xbox in every category except the damned controllers and the price

Black Mage#1
03-26-2002, 07:01 PM
Ummmm people, why do we keep talking about FFIX and XB? Everything isnt about FF you know. Just thought i should say that.

04-02-2002, 06:46 AM
X Box sucks because it's bringing Bill Gates closer to world domination.

04-02-2002, 07:00 PM
HEY!! tylerdurden the best way to decide what console you want to buy is not by hardware specs,or by its size,but which games it offer is...personally i think the console war is stupid.The games are what matters!.........WHO AM I KIDDIN I HATE MICROSOFT!!DEATH TO BILL GATES!!!

04-02-2002, 09:16 PM
Don't worry so fast about ff on xbox .SONY owns a part of Square,that i know for sure...BUT xbox is making a lot of contracts with other gamehouses like CAPCOM(onimusha,devil may cry,...) and Activision O2(tony hawk 3,...).All of these games are on PS2 to:D

Bill gates is only good in copying the rest:rolleyes:

04-05-2002, 04:05 PM
FF WILL be going to the Xbox but it will also go to all other systems including the Gamecube. And sure they are getting GTA4 but PS2 will have its version out first cause they are getting the game too. The thing that troubled me is what LEONHART5K said. When you said MSG3 did you mean MGS3? If you meant Metal Gear Solid 3 is going to the Xbox, I would really be pissed. That series was one the main reasons I got PS2. That and the FF series and now eveyone are getting these games!

I agree with a comment someone else made when they said that game manufactuers are making a big mistake when they start a series on one system and then make it exclusive to another. Capcom made that mistake with the RE series and I sincerely hope that Konami is not that dumb. If they are going to do anything I hope they just make the games available for everyone.

Of course if every third party game was on all 3 systems that would mean that the GC would win the console wars only because they have the best first party games. That means PS2 losses regardless.:notgood:

04-06-2002, 03:30 AM
X Box totally sucks/blows. It plays computer games slowly, and the kind of games it has....sucks. Terribly. I can't even begin to think how bad that system sucks. So 5K, no, us PS2 owners aren't screwed. Infact, Ps2 just continues to get better. Example: FFX

Need I say more? :p

04-06-2002, 10:48 AM
Hey Ultimate what you said can be true ,if al games will be on all consoles there is a possibilitie PS2 is fucked:(

04-10-2002, 03:51 AM
XBox is not that good it is just like a PC that's all it is. XBox is one gay system I tell you I played Bloodwave that gameplay fill just like a PC game. I have a PlayStaion2 everybody nows PS2 is the best Yeah BaBy. In July I might get a GameCube it have some pritty cool titles come out for it. The only game coming out for XBox I think looks great is Dino Crisis3 don't forget that XBox have the Dino Crisis series now. But ResidentEvil series is better. :)

04-11-2002, 12:55 PM
The PS2 and gamecube are fun.sony and nintendo are rivals from the begining and none of them lost the console war yet...but i hate to see if gamecube is fucked because of the XBOX .every gamer has a console already (PS2 or XBOX).nintendo is late with the GC.i hope nintendo is not gonna lose.

� have a PS2 ofcourse...

hey Ultimate MGS2 is really great:D

04-12-2002, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by Robin
Hey Ultimate what you said can be true ,if al games will be on all consoles there is a possibilitie PS2 is fucked:(

Yea, the only reason the PS2 is on top right now is cuz it came out first and it has soo many games and they're good games too.
The other systems are better graphically and cost either the same or less.

04-13-2002, 03:47 AM
Dreamcast outsells XBox in Japan

Read http://gamers.com/news/1132721

I am sorry but in Japan XBox sucks pritty dam bad.

04-13-2002, 04:29 AM
I read the XBOX didnt sell squat in japan!those japaneese they know where they're alliengences lie.hehe:D

04-13-2002, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by TheUltimate
I agree with a comment someone else made when they said that game manufactuers are making a big mistake when they start a series on one system and then make it exclusive to another. Capcom made that mistake with the RE series and I sincerely hope that Konami is not that dumb. If they are going to do anything I hope they just make the games available for everyone.

That did'nt stop FF!

It's a good thing that the Japanese are smart. I dont want the XBox to end up like Windoze, where Im forced to use it. The' most powerful system' tag is useless (if you're only looking at specs), since the Geforce 4 cards are now more powerful than the XBox's graphics chip.

04-14-2002, 02:39 AM
Gah...are you people dense? You you even READ IGN, or do you just go around making up facts? Here is the truth about the future of the PS2.

Grand Theft Auto 4 has not been confirmed for any system. It hasn't even been confirmed that it's been MADE yet. So anyone who says 'X-Box has GTA4' is a big fat stinking liar and should be decapitated.

Same for anyone that says MGS3 is for the X-Box. Although Metal Gear Solid 3 has been confirmed, it would be a very bad move for Konami to move the series to the X-Box; they have a large fanbase on the PS2, and since MGS3 will follow directly on from MGS2 (anyone who has played MGS2 through will know what I mean), the only system we will see MGS3 on is the PS2.

And finally, the truth about Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy X, XI and XII are all CONFIRMED for the PS2. They will come out, no matter what. Final Fantasy XI is coming out on the PC as well, but no other console has been confirmed by Squaresoft. It will not be the first time that Square has released an FF game on the PC; both Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII recieved the same treatment.

Quite simply, the ONLY way X-Box can win is by ignorance. The ignorance of people who think that power is everything. PSone proved that you don't need a lot of power to be fun...and the PlayStation2 will triumph again.

Long live Sony.

04-14-2002, 10:07 AM
PS2 + MGS2 = Winner! In my book anyway:D

04-15-2002, 12:59 AM
It's amazing how many misinformed people there are in this thread. Let's see, so far we've heard GTA4, Final Fantasy, and MGS3 for Xbox, none of which is true... and then there's someone who thinks Final Fantasy will only be coming out for GameCube which also isn't true... geez. You people seriously need to start reading from reliable news sources, and not just taking for granted that what your Xbox-loving friend tells you is always true. O_o

For the benefit of TylerDurden... I would choose a GameCube over an Xbox, no competition whatsoever, but that's from the point of view of a die-hard Nintendo fan. But I have to point out that for the price of just an Xbox you could get a GC and 2 games. IMO Super Smash Bros. Melee alone makes GC waaaay better than Xbox. Super Monkey Ball is GREAT too. But then again, do you believe in the whole "mature gamer" thing? Because that's where Xbox seems to be aimed. So if you want a huge, "badass" system that trades fun, creative games for cool factor, go ahead and choose an Xbox :P

Oh, and I thought I might point out that GC's getting Final Fantasy, and Xbox isn't ^_^

04-15-2002, 02:04 AM
I agree with ExS, nothing is stopping sony. Also, FF and MGS have beenn promised to PS2, so there in no reason to say X-Box willl have any of that buisness.

04-15-2002, 04:42 PM
Right on tifas knight! said like a true nintendo fan! Now where did i get the idea that FF11 would be realeased on the gamecube?

04-16-2002, 07:32 PM
Well from my impression the xbox is not doing very well in the uk. Halo their "best game" is number 8 in game charts the highest it got was 6. I think microsoft need to stay away from doom type games because they are getting very repetitive and unoriginal. I only know 2 people who have an xbox and one only bought it for halo and doesn't like it.

04-16-2002, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by TheOmnislasher
Well from my impression the xbox is not doing very well in the uk. Halo their "best game" is number 8 in game charts the highest it got was 6. I think microsoft need to stay away from doom type games because they are getting very repetitive and unoriginal. I only know 2 people who have an xbox and one only bought it for halo and doesn't like it.

XBox just for Halo that is not smart XBox $299 just for Halo WoW. I hate XBox but Halo looks cool. can't wait to get my GameCube I am looking forward to ResidentEvil4 & WrestleManiaX8,Zelda, Mario Sunshine and FinalFantasy for GameCube only $199 sweeeeeeet.:) But I am a big Sony Playstaion2 fan also PlayStation2 is the best system.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
04-21-2002, 02:14 PM
I don't think that XBOX will win as it seems like another Dreamcast.

The GC should have a good chance of winning, but it does let you down with all the 'we want it to be a gaming console, so there won't be any DVD' crap.

The PS2 seems to be the likely winner, as it took the advantage it had with the 'good' games and pushed it self ahead of the rest.

I think though that people now don't care about how good the hardware is, it more about the actual games themselves.

Originally posted by EXS

Gah...are you people dense? You you even READ IGN, or do you just go around making up facts? Here is the truth about the future of the PS2.

Grand Theft Auto 4 has not been confirmed for any system. It hasn't even been confirmed that it's been MADE yet. So anyone who says 'X-Box has GTA4' is a big fat stinking liar and should be decapitated.

Same for anyone that says MGS3 is for the X-Box. Although Metal Gear Solid 3 has been confirmed, it would be a very bad move for Konami to move the series to the X-Box; they have a large fanbase on the PS2, and since MGS3 will follow directly on from MGS2 (anyone who has played MGS2 through will know what I mean), the only system we will see MGS3 on is the PS2.

And finally, the truth about Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy X, XI and XII are all CONFIRMED for the PS2. They will come out, no matter what. Final Fantasy XI is coming out on the PC as well, but no other console has been confirmed by Squaresoft. It will not be the first time that Square has released an FF game on the PC; both Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII recieved the same treatment.

Quite simply, the ONLY way X-Box can win is by ignorance. The ignorance of people who think that power is everything. PSone proved that you don't need a lot of power to be fun...and the PlayStation2 will triumph again.

Long live Sony.

That is soooooooooo true I agree with everything you said *starts to cry*

04-22-2002, 01:52 AM
Except that he would have said the same thing about Nintendo during the NES/SNES era. No one stays king of the industry forever, people should know that by now...

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
04-22-2002, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by Tifa's Knight
Except that he would have said the same thing about Nintendo during the NES/SNES era. No one stays king of the industry forever, people should know that by now...

Though I still think that the NES nad SNES were a blessing because that's where the FF series started, though I don't like Nintendo's Gameboy's, N64 and also the GC makes me feel sick when ever I see it.

My fav's to win are :-

1)Playstation 2
3)XBOX god it annoys me soooooooooooo damn much!

04-22-2002, 06:24 PM
Even though all of those FF games have been confirmed for the PS2, the other systmes have not been ruled out. And the disadvantage that PS2 has is that it's the weaker (graphically) to the other systems. Athough I don't see Sony allowing Square to make the other FF ports look that much better considering Sony is the second largest owner of Square

Edit: This just in..... Microsoft today announced that the European price of its Xbox video game system will be reduced to an estimated street price of �299/�199, effective from 26th April 2002.

So what does this mean to North Americans? Well it means that there may be a similar price drop coming in to effect soon. Stay tuned for details.

This might help them in the console war!:)

Death Knight
04-22-2002, 06:54 PM
X-Box will win but PS2 price drop. I'm getting a PS2 for myself.

04-26-2002, 02:10 PM
its a tie between x-box and ps2.

Stealth assasin
05-01-2002, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by ChaosHimself
Hrmm.. I keep hearing all this talk about FFXI not coming out for anything but PS2... but you do realize that S.S. had made it VERY clear that FFXI and FFXII has the potential to come out for every NexGen system INCLUDING the Xbox and GC, according to reports and articles...

Its actually very funny how angry people get if you trash a system, some people are very supportive about their systems; maybe a little too supportive.

Although I don't think Microsoft has the experiance in the new console gaming world, I believe that they have the potential to do a very amazing thing with their system, especially for their first time. Infact in a way I hope Xbox fails.

and CeeJay they didn't steal Sega's games, Sega sold the rights to them...

I got a electronic gaming magazine and ff11 is coming out in japan in may 16 and due in the states in 2003 so u no.and here are the other online games everquest,twisted metal back socom navy seals, so i think most of the games in the future are gona be online

Stealth assasin
05-01-2002, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by Squall2188
In Nearly every gaming magazine(except nintendo Power)they favour the xbox in every category except the damned controllers and the price

LIAR in electronic gaming magazine disis x-box in the june catalog xb had one game on the top 20 and that was halo sry xb sucks

Death Knight
05-01-2002, 12:44 AM
You gotta realize that that E3 is coming up and they won't suck for long.

05-01-2002, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Stealth assasin

LIAR in electronic gaming magazine disis x-box in the june catalog xb had one game on the top 20 and that was halo sry xb sucks

notice...I said nearly

05-01-2002, 06:07 PM
I hope XBOX is not going to fuck up the gamemarket.The only thing that concerns is bill gates big bucks...:eye:

05-02-2002, 12:06 AM
PS2 kicks ass! PS2 is the greatest system out. GC is good. X-box sux. GC is NOT getting all the RE games!!!!!!!! It said in PS Monthly that Nintendo just made a deal w/ Capcom for ONLY for remakes of RE 1-3,Nemesis, and the new RE. I swear this is true! If you want look in the May 2002 isssue of Playstation Monthly! Matter of fact Resident Evil Online is going to be one of the first games on internet for PS2!! It also says Sony might be working on a title like halo but its supposed to kick halo's ass! It hasn't been confirmed though. It says there is a 70% probability its true. Sony announced the games to be launched online. The games are: Arc: the Lad Collection, Armored Core Project Sigma, Auto Modellista, Bear Song, Biohazard(Resident Evil)nline, Bomberman Online, Clock Tower Online, Final Fantasy XI, Gran Turismo Online, Guru Guru Onsen PS2, Hundred Swords, Hot Shots Golf Online, Mojibu Ribbon, Namco Sports Online, Nobunaga's Ambition Online, Project Venus, Shogi Dojo 24, The Dungeon of Doruaga, and Tokyo Highway Battle Online.

05-02-2002, 05:18 PM
First of all residentevil 2 and 3 for the gamecube are'nt going to be remakes they are just going to be rereleases.second of all you forgot to mention RE:CODE VERONICA and RE:0 are also going to be released on the gamecube.I love my gamecube and PS2! :D

05-02-2002, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by Robin
I hope XBOX is not going to fuck up the gamemarket.The only thing that concerns is bill gates big bucks...:eye:

I'm just worried about the future of Nintendo. I grew up playing Nintendo and was an avid supporter of the Nintendo army but the 64 really let me down. Now I get Sony sytems but I still have a warm spot for Nintendo. I don't want Microsoft to destroy them like Sony killed Sega. (It doesn't seem too good for Microsoft right now but with all the money Bill Gates has, he's in this for the Long-run and anything can happen from now until the new systems come out) :notgood:

05-03-2002, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by TheUltimate

I'm just worried about the future of Nintendo. I grew up playing Nintendo and was an avid supporter of the Nintendo army but the 64 really let me down. Now I get Sony sytems but I still have a warm spot for Nintendo. I don't want Microsoft to destroy them like Sony killed Sega. (It doesn't seem too good for Microsoft right now but with all the money Bill Gates has, he's in this for the Long-run and anything can happen from now until the new systems come out) :notgood:

Don't worry man it will be all right. Nintendo will say in it. If someone go's it will most likely be XBox because everybody nows it sucks and I do to.:)

05-04-2002, 06:15 AM
Originally posted by RikkuLover909
PS2 kicks ass! PS2 is the greatest system out. GC is good. X-box sux. GC is NOT getting all the RE games!!!!!!!! It said in PS Monthly that Nintendo just made a deal w/ Capcom for ONLY for remakes of RE 1-3,Nemesis, and the new RE. I swear this is true! If you want look in the May 2002 isssue of Playstation Monthly! Matter of fact Resident Evil Online is going to be one of the first games on internet for PS2!!

ResEvil Zero and 4 are also going to be GameCube-exclusive, you forgot that one. ResEvil online will come out for PS2 and GameCube, possibly Xbox too though I can't see Capcom wanting to support that after Genma Onimusha did so badly.

05-05-2002, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Tifa's Knight

ResEvil Zero and 4 are also going to be GameCube-exclusive, you forgot that one. ResEvil online will come out for PS2 and GameCube, possibly Xbox too though I can't see Capcom wanting to support that after Genma Onimusha did so badly.

Oh heLL yeah I saw a pic of Resident Evil Zero. It looks sweet as hell it will be at E3 and the RE remake I can't wait to get it. I can't wait to play it at night it's scary no lights crack up the volume.:eek:

05-05-2002, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by Punisher

Oh heLL yeah I saw a pic of Resident Evil Zero. It looks sweet as hell it will be at E3 and the RE remake I can't wait to get it. I can't wait to play it at night it's scary no lights crack up the volume.:eek:

The commercials are off the hook! It makes want to buy a Gamecube.

05-06-2002, 03:36 AM
Originally posted by TheUltimate

The commercials are off the hook! It makes want to buy a Gamecube.

Hell yeah man + Square comes back to Nintendo.:D

05-06-2002, 11:03 PM
The only way i can see xbox winning is that a lot of people who have very little ideas about computer consoles and just buying it because of the fact that its microsoft. I think the xbox price drop shows that it aint sellin yay die xbox die.
I think if we dont keep any of the resi games then they wont be missed i mean devil may cry seems a lot better from what i've heard.
I think nintendo will last through because it is focused a lot at younger audiences which will keep it the console war. xbox seems to be aimed at idiots who don't know what to buy and buy it because bill gates. Ps2 will survive cos i've got one thats what counts eh :D

05-11-2002, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by TheOmnislasher
The only way i can see xbox winning is that a lot of people who have very little ideas about computer consoles and just buying it because of the fact that its microsoft. I think the xbox price drop shows that it aint sellin yay die xbox die.
I think if we dont keep any of the resi games then they wont be missed i mean devil may cry seems a lot better from what i've heard.
I think nintendo will last through because it is focused a lot at younger audiences which will keep it the console war. xbox seems to be aimed at idiots who don't know what to buy and buy it because bill gates. Ps2 will survive cos i've got one thats what counts eh :D

YeaH your right about that most of the people that buy XBox is because of the Microsoft logo on it and Bill Gates is very rich but don't now a damn thing about video games. Every XBox fanboy who likes football was happy the way NFL Fever 2002 looked:rolleyes: made from Microsoft. But NFL 2K2 made from Sega beat them. The point is Sega beat Microsoft. Making football games. Microsoft XBox is now called the CrapBox hear in the U.S. and in Japan. Japan thinks XBox is a JOKE.:D

05-12-2002, 09:33 AM
The fact of the matter is that Microsoft knew too well they would struggle from the word 'go' they just didn't let it on when speaking publicly. They have been too cocky or eager in releasing the system in one of the most unforgiving console markets in the world and they are paying the price for not delivering. You could put it all down to shear and utter arrogance and I would agree on that one.

I went into a games shop the other day and the reaction for X-Box hasn't really been all it was anticipated to be according to the the dude serving me, and those games ratailers have sources from all over the show so I take everything they say very seriously.

Omega Flare
05-12-2002, 08:22 PM
hahaaawhawhawhawhahhaa come on man don't make me laugh. that X-box sucks bigger than I big pornstar man. I mean in japan they already call it the Y-box. here in holland in a store the storeowner calls it a X-bak( it means because of his size) He got two X-box in his store and he sold only one in two weeks time. and he already sold like twenty gc in like three days or something. And he sold like 5 x-box games sinds it is out to buy. but nevertheless I'm sticking with the good old ps2.

05-13-2002, 05:37 AM
There is simply just not enough demand for it to stay afloat. They now face the embaressing prospect of not breaking even within their first year on the market. PS2 will be miles ahead by the time X-box actualy starts making some inroads.