03-23-2005, 10:55 PM
hy i am the argentinian guy so sory for my english and sory for the big letter in the other post...
well i do a new one because the anotherone is too far far away in the forum and no ones are going to see it.
well my problem is what im playing final fantasy 8 pc i saw black lines on the back scenes, sow... y have downloaded a lot of patch for my video card because y heared what the nvidia card�s(y have a geforce 2) have lot of problems with the game.and for the question, yes i already try with switch the ff8 configuration but it does not i ripit my question, someone knows a patch for my video card(geforce 2 64 mb) pls post a url were i can download it.thanks =)

03-24-2005, 04:07 AM
You're right, you shouldn't do this. Don't start more than one thread for the same subject unless the old topic isn't still on the first page. If anyone else had anything to say about the topic, they would have, and still can. If you want to continue the discussion, then why don't you respond to the message I posted in your original thread?