03-22-2005, 08:49 PM
In my third time playing FF8 I am attempting to get a complete card collection, does anybody out there know this....Can i gain back any cards that i need to lose to get others For get Rinoa I need to lose Ifrit to Rinoa's father, is there any way to get Ifrit back?...this goes for other cards too.

Man i love FF8 :)

03-22-2005, 08:52 PM
If you lose Ifrit to Carraway and then talk to him about cards, he will tell you he lost the card to Martine in FH a few days ago (even if you don't leave the room haha)
You can normally play the person for the cards that you lost to them throughout all the discs.
I lost my sacred and minotaur to some guy in Balamb and then a disc later, I challenged him and won them both back!

03-22-2005, 09:35 PM
Thanks that's a great help..These so called Official Guides are SH1T..I played FF8 all the way through once without guide then bought it to pick up on stuff that i missed out on and here i am finding out that there are still things that are not in the guide...Also on a side note..I did find that in the guide to FFX there was ALOT of errors!!! nevermind they still got my damn cash..Thanks for the help on the old Triad game :)

What about the cards you lose to the Card queen can you play her back to get them?..Like near the escape Pod later on and all that?

03-22-2005, 10:17 PM
Yes, look for a card FAQ or a sidequest FAQ, it will tell you all the places your card will show up again after losing them to the card queen.
Here is a good link for guides

03-23-2005, 12:46 AM
The guy in Balamb Town who can change the rules how often can he change them back to normal.....the first time i played the game..I got him to change them back, and then...the rules got very mixed for me AGAIN..LOL..and i wanted to change them back..the first time was DISK 2...he was there..the second time...was Disk 3..and he was no where to be seen

03-23-2005, 11:15 AM
The fisherman in Balamb appears randomly, he never disappears permanently. Just leave Balamb and re-enter until he comes back.

04-20-2005, 11:10 AM
when your on the qoc quest she gives all the cards you lose to her to her son in dollet in the painters house apart from the first lvl 8+ card which she keeps

05-02-2005, 01:00 PM
i never really got into to triple triad so next time i play im gonna have a go, is there ant easier ones to begin with to get me into the game?