03-22-2005, 05:47 AM
Where is Luca Theatre? What is the quickest and easiest way to make alot of gil?

03-22-2005, 06:07 AM
Luca theatre is in Luca obviously and it is practically in the middle of Luca. Luca is not as big as they make it out to be so if you just keep looking you will find it.

03-22-2005, 09:12 AM
Fight ,fight, fight, thats all i ever do, unless u cheat like my mate:(
Jeez he gave all his aeons 286million hp! THEN made em invunerable.And gave himself unlimited cash. NEVER! Dont cheat on ff games, it just ruins em.

Aerith Gainsborough
03-22-2005, 09:44 AM
Yep, the theatre is in the middle of Luca. :)

You can get a lot of Gil for killing the mimic (treasure chest monster) inside the Omega Ruins. You can also use the ability for stealing Gil from fiends. Or you do some battles at the monster arena, sell the weapons you get there if you don't need them. Beside that, try not to use too many items, sell them instead. ;)

03-22-2005, 02:05 PM
Fight ,fight, fight, thats all i ever do, unless u cheat like my mate:(
Jeez he gave all his aeons 286million hp! THEN made em invunerable.And gave himself unlimited cash. NEVER! Dont cheat on ff games, it just ruins em.
...There are "cheats" on ff games?

03-22-2005, 03:11 PM
You can get a lot of Gil for killing the mimic (treasure chest monster) inside the Omega Ruins.

I'd have to agree with this method cause this is what I did for loads of Gil. The only thing I did different was that I equipped Tidus with the weapon Gilventure to increase the amount of Gil I recieved after battle.

03-22-2005, 03:15 PM
Fight ,fight, fight, thats all i ever do, unless u cheat like my mate:(
Jeez he gave all his aeons 286million hp! THEN made em invunerable.And gave himself unlimited cash. NEVER! Dont cheat on ff games, it just ruins em.

I hate cheaters! If you're going to buy a game you want it to be chalenging right?

03-22-2005, 03:19 PM
Only if u exploit a bug or use a program like Exploder or an action replay.
Thats the only way i know to cheat on FF on console. But dont! Its wrong.

One Who Suffers
03-28-2005, 01:44 AM
Cheating is wrong.

03-28-2005, 03:42 AM
They had a money code in one of the older FF games, I think.

Maybe it was FFIV, when it was released here as Final Fantasy 2.

I'm not sure. The last time I played the SNES version of that game was probably 10 years ago. =/

One Who Suffers
03-28-2005, 05:43 AM
On FFVII there was a item cheat and you could sell them for money.

Anyways, don't forget to get the other three after you buy the first 68.

03-28-2005, 11:07 AM
well cheating is for weak players and when they finish the game they feel like hero's
but thats ok we find things they never knew and enjoyed finding it

03-28-2005, 11:25 AM
once you've completed an final fantasy game i see no harm in cheating for a little enjoyment. it would be fun to try it out really.

unfortunately i dont have a gameshark.

03-28-2005, 11:57 AM
Even though i have lost count of the times i've completed FF7 i would still never cheat on it. I think it would just be boring, having no need to work for anything etc. Although i dont see a problem with cheating on other games 4 fun after u have completed em.I have m8's who cheat on games all the time and claim they have completed em. Fools.