03-22-2005, 01:59 AM
how many people heard that final fantasy is moving to x box2
thank god because i wasnt going to spend $500 for one.

thank god

04-01-2005, 03:31 PM
I hope it is. Xbox needs some freakin rpgs! >_< Morrowind is only so great. I wanna try Jade Empire, though. Arg.

But Xbox2 will, most likely, be an uberload of money.

Dunno though.. Square-enix is pretty loyal to Sony..

04-01-2005, 05:30 PM
No they're not. Perhaps you didn't notice that they've been working with Nintendo again lately?

04-01-2005, 05:39 PM
when is the Xbox2 coming out and why IS soney working with Nintendo again?

04-01-2005, 08:53 PM
=-O x box 2 is supposed to be around 300

04-02-2005, 12:44 AM
its not sony its square enix and they are working with nintendo i guess for the time being becuase right now the GC is better than the PS2 and they used to work with Nintendo and if i remember this right i read somewhere that Nintendo still co-owns the rights to FF 1-6 with Square enix.

04-02-2005, 07:23 AM
Once again, a thread full of bull-shit. Is it so hard to find out facts before posting?

Okay, fact 1 - Square-Enix has no licensing contract with anyone. They can release any game they want on any system - if they wanted to, they could bring out Final Fantasy X on the Xbox right now. But they chose the PlayStation 2, simply because it's got the biggest audience in Japan.

Fact 2 - Square's relationship with Nintendo is one of convinience and blackmail. Square wanted a handheld Final Fantasy on the most popular handheld out there (the GBA), and Nintendo wanted a Final Fantasy game on their consoles. Thus, FF Tactics Advance, Dawn of Souls and Crystal Chronicles were born.

Also, Nintendo does not own any rights to FF1-6. Do you see a Nintendo label on the PlayStation re-releases? I don't think so.

As for Xbox 2, nobody knows the price, but US$300 is a fair estimate. They won't be able to get away with charging $500 at the start of the generation again - not if they want to get an installed base before the PS3 is released.

And Final Fantasy? It will go to whatever console makes it the most profit. Who knows what the installed base will be like in the next generation? It's interesting that Final Fantasy has chosen the player who won every single console war - they were with the NES and the SNES, the PlayStation and the PlayStation 2. Where the next generation takes us is anyone's guess. The director of Square-Enix has said himself that if it is profitable to publish on the Xbox 2, he will do so.

04-04-2005, 12:44 AM
yes, i just talked to my friend dillon today, and he said square "sold" itself to xbox 2 because xbox2 is sopost to be the "ultimate gaming system" so ffxii is the last ff with sony. they also beglong to nintendo (ffIII is commin out on the ds)

04-04-2005, 01:12 AM
yea I think Square just sold itself to xbox because the creater Hironobu Sakaguchi, just joined up with Microsoft to create two new RGPs (not necessarly FF).

There an article here:

04-04-2005, 08:01 AM
Oh yeah. Never mind the fact that Sakaguchi isn't with Square anymore. :(

04-04-2005, 05:34 PM
yes, i just talked to my friend dillon today, and he said square "sold" itself to xbox 2 because xbox2 is sopost to be the "ultimate gaming system" so ffxii is the last ff with sony. they also beglong to nintendo (ffIII is commin out on the ds)

Your friend Dillon is a liar. Square-Enix will release FF on whatever system they please, and as we've been saying, there have been no official annoucements. Geez, Square says that they would 'consider Xbox 2' and suddenly everyone thinks it's a confirmation.

Oh, and I don't know what a 'beglong' means, but if you meant to say 'belong', I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Square doesn't belong to anybody, except their shareholders. Final Fantasy III is coming out on the DS because it's the best system to release it on - just like FF I & II DoS on the GBA. They're bringing out Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII on the PSP, but it doesn't mean they 'beglong' to Sony. They 'beglong' to their profits.

Oh yeah. Never mind the fact that Sakaguchi isn't with Square anymore. :(

About time too, imo. Square-Enix needs creative competition, or their games will be more 10-2 than 10 :(

04-05-2005, 08:07 AM
Noooooo....not on X-BOX. I don't want to give Bill Gates any more of my $$$...tis bad enough he already gets enough from all the damn computer crap we have to buy from Microsoft. Now my precious Final Fantasy is moving to X-Box...urghhh this is not good.

04-05-2005, 10:07 AM
What makes you think Bill Gates is getting any more money? They lose money on every console sold, so buying the console isn't advantaging him any - and besides, Final Fantasy IS NOT MOVING TO X-BOX. SQUARE-ENIX HAVE NOT ANNOUNCED WHAT NEXT GENERATION SYSTEM FINAL FANTASY WILL BE ON.

Also, people who actually buy Microsoft computer products are stupid.

04-05-2005, 10:09 AM
You get Microsoft product like we chinese? ^^

04-05-2005, 12:27 PM
You get Microsoft product like we chinese? ^^

Only way, Hanh-babe.

04-06-2005, 08:29 AM
i hate this they did it to crash bandicoot too once loyal to sony and now hes been scraped out across all the dman consoles i already have a game cube ,ps2 and DS im just not prepard to buy an X-Box i sya we kill bill gates and the whole board of directors for microsoft.

04-06-2005, 09:27 AM
This thread has made me realize that we need an entirely new forum for people to whine about stupid things in.

04-06-2005, 09:32 AM
or for stupid people to whine! ^^

04-06-2005, 12:41 PM
i hate this they did it to crash bandicoot too once loyal to sony and now hes been scraped out across all the dman consoles

Naughty Dog never owned the Crash Bandicoot IP - it belonged to Universal from the start. They saw more money taking the EA route and cross-publishing, so they took it. Naughty Dog is still loyal to Sony - that's why we have Jak and Daxter.

i already have a game cube ,ps2 and DS

Good for you.

im just not prepard to buy an X-Box

That's nice.

i sya we kill bill gates and the whole board of directors for microsoft.

Because, as we know, that will remove Microsoft from the world completely and make the computer gaming world as we know it a better place(TM).

It's far more likely another bunch of evil-power grabbers would take control of the company and be more powerful than ever. EA Microsoft, anyone?

04-06-2005, 05:16 PM
I trully hope FF does not move to Xbox at all, cos im getting rid of it soon. It dosent have the big games like sony and i got other reasons. If FF moves to a xbox console im gonna be pissed.

Terra Fire
04-06-2005, 06:21 PM
I don't particually like Xbox...i mean bringing FF to X-box would be good for profits maybe but the people who own Xbox's may of already gotten used to games that aren't RPG's i know someone who hates RPG's doesn't enjoy them at all really...he's more..hmm...i dunno tactics guy liks those games where...i dunno he just don't like RPG's..i dunno hwere im' going with thius but still......i don't want them to brinbg it out on X'box cox i don't wanna spend money on a console i don't like so i can play a single game...alot of pople may agree...

04-07-2005, 03:41 AM
but the people who own Xbox's may of already gotten used to games that aren't RPG's

That's the stupidest argument i've heard in this thread - congratulations! That's quite an achievement!

The best RPG ever created (in my humble opinion, anyway) is exclusively available for Xbox and PC. Knights of the Old Republic kicks the ass of any Final Fantasy game, any day. And I suppose Fable was just a figment of my imagination.

I really tire of this fanboy-ism...when will you people realize it doesn't matter what console a game is released on, as long as it's a good game? And for everyone saying 'I dun wanna buy an Xbox, i've already got a PS2', the next Final Fantasy isn't coming out until the NEXT GENERATION. Final Fantasy XII is still a PS2 exclusive, and will remain so. If you're smart, you'll do what I do - wait until Square-Enix announces which next gen console Final Fantasy is on, and buy that first.

Sephiroth's son
04-07-2005, 06:05 PM
If you're smart, you'll do what I do - wait until Square-Enix announces which next gen console Final Fantasy is on, and buy that first.

thats might be the smartest thing iv seen in this thread

04-08-2005, 03:17 AM
This was a rumor started by some nerds over at

If this happened then Square-Enix can kiss it's profit goodbye. Atari > Xbox.

04-08-2005, 05:08 AM
Hmm iv heard alot of "GC is better then the PS2" and stuff like that and its just aloud of bollox, how is a console better then another one? If you are talking about hardware wise then Xbox > PS2 > GC, if you are talking about the actual games then its a matter of opinion, to be honest i dont care what console the next FF games come on ill still get it, just because its on a different console it doesnt mean it will be a 'rubbish' game

04-08-2005, 05:10 AM
Xbox > PS2 > GC

I don't care if everything else you said is right or wrong. For saying that, you have no credibility.

04-08-2005, 05:03 PM
I was speaking hardware wise, look at the specs of the systems and you will see that the GC has the lower end hardware.

04-08-2005, 05:18 PM
You do know that 485 MHz is more than 300 MHz, right?

Because the GameCube has 485 MHz, and the PlayStation2 has 300Mhz.

And the whole custom designed ATI / Nintendo Flipper card kinda puts out more polygons than the Emotion Engine.

Seriously. Please don't make me go find my console manuals to get the tech specifications to prove you wrong. It'll just piss me off. If you need an example (and i'm getting the feeling i'm repeating myself) check out the current GC - PS2 ports - Viewtiful Joe, which suffers from framerate and aliasing issues, and Resident Evil 4, which Capcom has basically said is going to look like shit on the PS2 compared to the GC version.

Nintendo's little box is more powerful than the PS2 - I really don't know where all this 'GameCube is weak' crap comes from.

04-08-2005, 05:22 PM
ahhh i read a wrong source, your right you dont need to confirm it i believe you.

back on topic, like i said before i dont care what console FF comes out on ill just get that console what difference would it make to the quality of the game? the gameplay would just be the same