01-04-2017, 05:27 PM

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Title: DRIFTERS Soundtrack Black Disc & Red Disc
Artist: Takatsugu Wakabayashi
Format: MP3 320K+BK File Size: Disc1 136 MB, Disc2 168 MB
password: senseiow


Black Disc
01. 煙炎天昇
02. 廃棄物組曲 序曲
03. 焼麦畑で捕まえて
04. 謀略知略でキラリ天下布武
05. エルフ村の惨劇
06. 廃棄物組曲 第一幕
07. 殺気渦巻
08. 絆伽
09. 十月の夜
10. 我想う故に我戦にあり
11. 邂逅の狭間
12. はらりと落ちぬ癒えぬ傷
13. 異形の進軍 ムーンライトソルジャー
14. 廃棄物組曲 第二幕
15. 共に歩めねばただの肉
16. Oh! サンジェルミ!
18. 都頂戴に参ります
19. 武者には安息を 老人には休息を
20. Di quella pira (オペラ「Il Trovatore」より)
21. 急襲!誰も寝てはならぬ
22. グ=ビンネン協奏曲
23. 戦いの末路
24. 悲劇は奇跡の糧となるか 糧は悲劇の糧となるか
25. 廃棄物組曲 第三幕
26. 大戦

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Red Disc
01. 開闢
02. Chakra Destiny
03. Voodoo三途リバー
04. 陀羅尼FIFTY
05. 漂流ファイティング
06. Funky Arrow
07. ロータス・グローリー
08. ジャイヴ・フライング
09. マジカル・ミステリー・バトル
11. Another Dimension
12. ガーヤトリー
13. 艮神楽 -ushitorakagura-
15. オンリエド
16. 丑三つ時の阿頼耶識
17. 般若Revolution~DRIFTERS ver.~
18. サムライ・ストローク
19. 篝火~noblesse oblige~
20. リトル・エロイカ
21. 流浪の柘榴
22. Feel-it (HELLSING OVA X 特典PV収録曲)

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01-04-2017, 06:17 PM

01-04-2017, 06:55 PM
Thank you dearly. I'm already shaking.

01-04-2017, 07:02 PM
oh oh, great upload, thanks !

01-04-2017, 07:56 PM
Many thanks. The 1ficher site seems to be working better for me of the two mirrors.

Those strings on track 5 of disc 1...Yes! So good.

Also you might want to update artist as Hayato Matsuo at least in some format. His signature is all over it and he is behind the delightful orchestral parts.

01-04-2017, 08:27 PM
Thank you a great start to 2017 for me :)

01-04-2017, 08:54 PM
thank you

01-04-2017, 10:22 PM
Thanks for this :)

01-05-2017, 02:05 PM

01-05-2017, 04:42 PM
This is great, thanks! Just one thing, though: I don't know where you got "Takatsugu Wakabayashi" from as the artist, but that's wrong. The Black Disc is composed by Hayato Matsuo (the guy who did the Hellsing Ultimate OST) and the Red Disc is composed by Yasushi Ishii (the guy who did the original Hellsing anime OST).

07-10-2017, 01:05 AM
I was not expecting this....
I am sure not gonna see something from Kouta Hirano if its raw nature of his work, like his own garbage of helsing ova crap. I had to wash my eyesight and see Helsing TV, because its much better in writing, characterization, ... everything!
I was kinda hoping the tons of unreleased music from helsing ova was in here.:/

but..... where is the 3rd disc? teh drama cd?

Thanks Sensei...but.... 3rd disc?

07-10-2017, 01:29 PM
I was not expecting this....
I am sure not gonna see something from Kouta Hirano if its raw nature of his work, like his own garbage of helsing ova crap. I had to wash my eyesight and see Helsing TV, because its much better in writing, characterization, ... everything!

I love when people say Hellsing TV is better. While it's not exactly a terribly bad anime on its own, it's not even close to original Hellsing manga. Or the OVA. The only people who say its actually BETTER are those who watched it way back when they were dumb teens or children and are in awe of how DARK and MATURE it is.
People who usually criticise the original manga use these super cool surface level arguments: VAMPIRES FIGHTING NAZIS IS DUMB, THE STUPID HUMOR AT TIMES and I think there was one more, but these are the usual culprits.
I could go on a tangent on how Hellsing (the original) actually explores more interesting topics than the borefest tv series, but I'm afraid I'll just waste my time.
So yeah no offense, but you have no right to call it bad or as you put it "garbage" when you don't know next thing about it or even understand it. It's not even that deep, and it doesn't have to be. Hellsing TV is different, I don't think it's bad, it's just not for me because it fucking bores me with its "OH SO DARK 'n' MOODY" shit. In fact, if I haven't discovered the OVAs and the manga, I probably would have given up on Hellsing.
And I mean, I probably can't make you like it, nor do I want to, but just because it didn't appeal to your tastes doesn't mean it's "garbage". That's it from me.

07-10-2017, 01:55 PM
sorry..... i dont agree in anything you just said. no offense too, and that is not my thing here. But Hellsing (oh, its with 2 "l" xD)OVA is my most hated anime of all time. And I never thought that could happen with me. My point is the same in why its better done in Hellsing TV. And its not Nazi and vampires, though the comedy is completely misplaced and many times it cuts the feeling of a drama or tension. My problem with teh OVA is... its bad written as heavens would go down on us, plot holes, and tons of things that "this just happened because it happen accept it".. I dont want to point too much to not spoil it for everyone else. But the last episodes made no freaking sense in any way. BUT...
comparing to Hellsing TV, there is a lot that was better done. I felt more sorry with Victoria when the old man, that was acting as father figure and very protective her (in hellsing TV) then what happened out of sudden no idea when (forgot the guy's name) that apparently they had something... together, and its thrown just like that. In episode 4..... I already felt that everyone should die already, because there is no likable character in any way...Not even Hellsing, who I damn like in Hellsing TV how he was portrayed.
The whole point of the OVA has no lick of sense... and again... those last episodes, made no lick of sense the moment london is attacked.
Hellsing TV, although having some references to the original manga, I actually prefer Chiaki Konaka's writing and ideas.

also... Hellsing TV was not boring at all to me. My brother did felt the same, and he did not finished watching it. I have seen it 2 times, and the second time, I admit I did not remembered what was about xD, so I was watching as it was a first time, and... it was still grabbing my attention to it to the end.

07-10-2017, 02:21 PM
I'm not really sure I should interject in a conversation I was not part of... but here goes it anyways.

The whole dark and gritty thing of Hellsing TV is appealing yes, but that was not the main reason most people liked it. Dark and gritty with vampires wasn't new anymore by the time Hellsing TV came out, go look at Vampire Hunter D or any of the other original dark vampire animes.

While I can't say how I feel about the manga, having never actually read it; I was initially excited when I heard they were making an OVA that would be closer to the manga. Only when I went to watch it... quickly feel disinterested and downright even bored at times. There are some aspects of the characters I do like in the OVA, but I feel due to perhaps the length of the actual TV versus the OVA there was more time spent on character development. You knew a lot more about these people, where they came from, why they were doing what they were doing. In the OVA, as Orie said, you are kind of forced to just accept it... sure maybe its way more explored in the manga and it wouldn't seem as obnoxious and make you literally want to find some way to nuke every single character.

It was kind of the same when they made the Birdy the Mighty Decode, completely different people I know; but the concept is the same. Though there was a lot more space between when the original OVA for it was made and the new TV, so I can try to take it for what it is. But there was something there in the original Hellsing TV that got lost in the OVA. The characters are still good in their own sense; but more often than not you feel like taking an axe to them all and chopping off all their heads. Characters aren't supposed to be that grating... a few sure; all, no.

And while I will admit I was super annoyed with the Nazis for simply being there, mostly as it seemed super unrealistic... More often than not I wasn't enjoying it. So much so I can't bring myself to finish it. Each OVA episode is somehow worse than the last... and I'm not that far from the end, but I just can't... it really gets on my nerves, and I shouldn't want to kill everyone including the people who made it.

07-10-2017, 05:20 PM
In the end it all comes down to personal tastes. Original manga and the OVA tell a different story than the TV. Did Kohta Hirano want to make a glorious slaughterfest between Nazis and vampires? Yes. But he did insert a lot of true yet simply done heart that I Thought was lacking from the TV adaptation. The TV thing took itself way too seriously for me, and while in some cases it's not a bad thing, the way it also went about things was dumb. Just not "fun" dumb to ME. I mean, the whole thing with The Major wanting to end Alucard, in order to prove he's better than a monster all while beliving himself to be human. Yet in fact nothing about him was truly human. The fact he turned out to be a machine at the end of the series (because his old body wouldn't survive), wasn't even part of it, but rather the actions he took and decisions he made, made him a monster. While Alucard, while not exactly a good guy, and possesing monstrous power showed a lot of humanity. This topic of "what it means to be human" while not exactly original, was nicely done and by the end of the series it left me wondering. While yeah, not exactly super deep. But eh. Whatever. I guess I kinda imploded over nothing for a bit.