One Who Suffers
03-20-2005, 08:17 PM
1000 years ago, there were summoners in Zanarkand. This was revealed by Bahamut's fayth. Why did people need summoners if there was no sin? In Spira the summoners prepare for the Final Aeon, if there was no sin why prepare. Also why did not Tidus Know about The summoners or the war?

03-20-2005, 09:11 PM
Summoner send people to the Farplane.

Tidus didn't know about summoners, or the war, since he didn't exist in Spira for basically his whole life. He was in Dream Zanarkand.

03-20-2005, 09:12 PM
i thought dream Zanarkand was a recreation of the real one in the dreams of the fayth? so Tidus was once a real person in Zanarkand? no?

One Who Suffers
03-20-2005, 09:19 PM
If they were just to send people, then why call them summoners and not senders? And yes hoju, the dream was to preserve the thoughts and memories of the dead.

03-20-2005, 09:32 PM
I can only speculate. There's nothing official on that part of the story I don't think. Fiends existed then, so I'm guessing they were probably to help defeat fiends. It's the only theory I can really come up with.

It's widely believed that the people in Dream Zanarkand are unique and different from the people of 1000 years ago. If the people were in fact real people from 1000 years ago, Dream Zanarkand would be stuck in loop. People die, and new people are born. These people are different from the people of 1000 years ago. Perhaps the initial population of Dream Zanarkand were that of the dead, but once they died, new people born. Tidus is only 17, so that's over 980 years after the war, meaning he was never a real person (and not Shuyin either).

03-20-2005, 10:44 PM
1000 years ago, there were summoners in Zanarkand. This was revealed by Bahamut's fayth. Why did people need summoners if there was no sin?

In those days, summoners were the defenders of Zanarkand.

In Spira the summoners prepare for the Final Aeon, if there was no sin why prepare.

The Final Aeon didn't come into play until after Sin appeared. It was devised specifically to combat Sin.

Also why did not Tidus Know about The summoners or the war?

The dream Zanarkand was merely something to preserve the Zanarkand way of life. In the dream world, there was no war and no need for summoners to defend Zanarkand.

One Who Suffers
03-20-2005, 10:47 PM
Thank you Prak, your Avatar truely suits you.

The Anti-Existence
03-21-2005, 02:17 AM
Beats me how they summoned when the Yevon rites that imprisoned souls in those statues had not yet been created.

03-21-2005, 02:21 AM
I'm pretty sure the fayth existed long before Yu Yevon. The game never explains how they came to be though.