03-19-2005, 08:13 PM
lets see... the following games are produced by square tell me simply hate it or love it....?

Chrono Cross
Chrono Trigger
Star Ocean
Seceret of Mana
Breath of Fire series

what'cha think?

btw i know that the 2nd BoF is capcom

03-19-2005, 10:05 PM
Everybody loves Raymond, apparently.

03-19-2005, 10:18 PM
Ya damn skippy

03-20-2005, 01:00 AM
where is Super Mario Bros. RPG? that was a Squaresoft production.

or, what about secret of evermore and rad racer

anyway, i liked them all except X-2

03-20-2005, 06:16 AM
I never liked Super Mario RPG, i though it was a sad atempt of a mix where Square n' Nintendo united but didnt come through (ya know?) also secret of evermore i couldnt really get into but hey if you want a good RPG n love anime play Lunar silver star story or lunar eternal blue

03-20-2005, 06:26 AM
The only game out of those mentioned that I've played is X-2, and I love it.

03-20-2005, 06:28 AM
Wrong section --- only one of those games is a Final Fantasy game and therefore this should probably be in the RPGs section. And as for me, same as Irvine.

03-20-2005, 05:53 PM
Well i suggest you and Irvine play those games, they are amazing classics. Try them out, Chrono Trigger is pretty damn good and Star Ocean im going through right now.

Worth a try or two.

03-21-2005, 04:48 AM
Chrono Trigger is good.
Chrono Cross is good.
Star Ocean is good.
Tactics is good.
X-2 is good.
Secrect of Mana i dont like.
Breath of fire??

03-21-2005, 04:50 AM
You left out Xenogears. :(

03-21-2005, 04:51 AM
Chrono Cross-good
Chrono Trigger-better
Star Ocean-good
Tactics- good
x-2- not very great
Seceret of Mana-have not played
Breath of Fire series-have not played

03-21-2005, 07:47 AM
Well i suggest you and Irvine play those games, they are amazing classics. Try them out, Chrono Trigger is pretty damn good and Star Ocean im going through right now.

Worth a try or two.Most of them aren't available in PAL regions... that I know of.

Evad D'Aragon
03-21-2005, 05:53 PM
lets see... the following games are produced by square tell me simply hate it or love it....?

Chrono Cross
Chrono Trigger
Star Ocean
Seceret of Mana
Breath of Fire series

what'cha think?

btw i know that the 2nd BoF is capcom

Bof I was simply published here by Square. Capcom developped all the games, including the first one. As for Star Ocean, it was developped and published Enix and Tri-Ace. But as you know, it's now merged with Square.

Anyway, to answer the question :

Chrono Cross : Loved it, but still was slightly disappointed
Chrono Trigger : Rank amongst the greatest games I've ever played to date.
Star Ocean : Tried all three, never finished any of them. So-so.
X-2 : Finished it. X was way better, but it was passable.
Breath of Fire series : One of my favorite series, was slightly disappointed with Dragon Quarter but am willing to still get the next one.

03-26-2005, 09:25 PM
lets see... the following games are produced by square tell me simply hate it or love it....?

Chrono Cross
Chrono Trigger
Star Ocean
Seceret of Mana
Breath of Fire series

what'cha think?

btw i know that the 2nd BoF is capcom
x-2 love it

03-27-2005, 07:40 AM
I never liked Super Mario RPG, i though it was a sad atempt of a mix where Square n' Nintendo united but didnt come through (ya know?) also secret of evermore i couldnt really get into but hey if you want a good RPG n love anime play Lunar silver star story or lunar eternal blue


Super Mario RPG is generally acknowledged as one of the most awesome games ever. ; ;

03-27-2005, 04:18 PM
Hm... I can't comment on Super Mario RPG cos I haven't played it, but to answer the question:

Crono Cross: Good, but very disappointing compared to Trigger
Crono Trigger: One of the best RPGs I have played so far
Star Ocean: Only played the first one but really enjoyed the system
Tactics: Pretty good...
X-2: no comments.
Secret of Mana: Nice stuff even tho I haven't finished it.
Breath of Fire: Only played the 2nd one and I didn't really get into it... yet.

Darth Revan
04-09-2005, 06:01 PM
Okay... here goes...

Chrono Cross - Alright, only played the first disc, but I liked it
Chrono Trigger - A classic game, which I still like to play now and then.
Star Ocean - I've only played the 2nd and 3rd versions, and I love the 3rd (Til the End of Time), but severely dislike the 2nd.
Tactics - I'm assuming you mean final Fantasy Tactics here. Not bad... However I preferred the game Vandal Hearts which was far too similar... because it was released a year before FF Tactics.
x-2 - Oh boy... I really, really, REALLY HATE AND DISLIKE THIS PIECE OF ELEPHANT EXCREMENT! nuff said.
Seceret of Mana - Refraining from commenting.
Breath of Fire series - I love the Breath of Fire series... except Dragon Quarter. I hate Dragon Quarter almost as much as I hate FFX-2. Almost.

04-09-2005, 06:30 PM
I've only played Star Ocean (2nd) and X-2, and I like them both.

04-10-2005, 02:59 AM
Chrono Cross- cool
Chrono Trigger- have not played yet
Star Ocean- have not played yet; i'm planning to do so
Tactics- i'm gonna buy it in stores after i finish anthology
x-2- it disappointed me quite a bit but it's okay, i guess
Seceret of Mana- have not played yet
Breath of Fire series- just tried it once from a friend and i really don't know

04-12-2005, 06:34 PM
I never liked Super Mario RPG, i though it was a sad atempt of a mix where Square n' Nintendo united but didnt come through (ya know?) also secret of evermore i couldnt really get into but hey if you want a good RPG n love anime play Lunar silver star story or lunar eternal blue

Most people don't like Secret of Evermore because it was developed by Square USA. I definitely enjoyed it though.