12-23-2016, 12:34 AM
Redout Original Soundtrack


Came out literally today (or maybe yesterday), but I'm seriously hyped for this, anyone got a link by chance?

12-26-2016, 09:00 AM
Here you go! (Thread 126974)

12-26-2016, 03:17 PM
Wow awesome dude! I broke down and bought this game a few days ago on Steam and was about to break down even more for the soundtrack DLC because it's really good. I Highly recommend this game if you like fast arcade racers or just want to relive the glory days of WipeOut and F-Zero.

12-26-2016, 05:33 PM
Wow awesome dude! I broke down and bought this game a few days ago on Steam and was about to break down even more for the soundtrack DLC because it's really good. I Highly recommend this game if you like fast arcade racers or just want to relive the glory days of WipeOut and F-Zero.

Yeah I've been playing it for a couple months now, it's really fun. I don't actually own it on my steam though, it's priced too much, even at 25% off lol.

06-22-2017, 12:37 AM
I just found out this OST has been updated because new DLC = new music, does anyone have the new tracks that are missing from the original.

Updated Track List via

01. Eternals
02. Desert Druids
03. Sand Wars
04. Heat And Havoc
05. On My Own
06. Sub Zero Sonar
07. Legends Of Anxanum
08. The Flame Of Life
09. You Will Burn
10. Mauna Kea Awakens
11. Subsurface
12. Conamara
13. Great Dark Spot
14. Red Storm
15. Zero Point Energy
16. Chaos Potential
17. Azrael's Command

06-22-2017, 01:22 AM
I just found out this OST has been updated because new DLC = new music, does anyone have the new tracks that are missing from the original.

Updated Track List via

01. Eternals
02. Desert Druids
03. Sand Wars
04. Heat And Havoc
05. On My Own
06. Sub Zero Sonar
07. Legends Of Anxanum
08. The Flame Of Life
09. You Will Burn
10. Mauna Kea Awakens
11. Subsurface
12. Conamara
13. Great Dark Spot
14. Red Storm
15. Zero Point Energy
16. Chaos Potential
17. Azrael's Command

Here you are! (Thread 126974)

06-22-2017, 05:49 AM
Right on dude! Better not wait to grab this in case the site goes down again. :/

07-10-2017, 03:47 AM
And here we are again, new DLC, new music...

Looks like two new tracks this time via the store page.

01. Eternals
02. Desert Druids
03. Sand Wars
04. Heat And Havoc
05. On My Own
06. Sub Zero Sonar
07. Legends Of Anxanum
08. The Flame Of Life
09. You Will Burn
10. Mauna Kea Awakens
11. Subsurface
12. Conamara
13. Great Dark Spot
14. Red Storm
15. Zero Point Energy
16. Chaos Potential
17. Arabia Terra
18. Nearby Stars
19. Azrael's Command

07-12-2017, 02:29 AM
And here we are again, new DLC, new music...

Looks like two new tracks this time via the store page.

01. Eternals
02. Desert Druids
03. Sand Wars
04. Heat And Havoc
05. On My Own
06. Sub Zero Sonar
07. Legends Of Anxanum
08. The Flame Of Life
09. You Will Burn
10. Mauna Kea Awakens
11. Subsurface
12. Conamara
13. Great Dark Spot
14. Red Storm
15. Zero Point Energy
16. Chaos Potential
17. Arabia Terra
18. Nearby Stars
19. Azrael's Command

Here you are (Thread 126974) once again :)

07-12-2017, 04:19 AM
Thanks a lot man, once again, probably see you again soon, whenever some new DLC hits. :)

---------- Post added at 09:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 PM ----------

Ugh, so I downloaded the thing, twice and both times its extracting as corrupt, FML, I don't want to keep downloading this 737MB for just two songs, can you upload just 17. Arabia Terra and 18. Nearby Stars, please, I'm not sure whats wrong as I've never had this problem before. Or maybe the password is wrong...

07-12-2017, 11:38 AM

11-20-2017, 06:29 PM
New DLC, which means New Music, will SonicRings4 save us yet again?

BTW SonicRings4, a small request, could you upload just the new tracks separately for people like me who just need the missing stuff (but if it's to much of a bother then don't worry about it). And Thanks!

01. Eternals
02. Desert Druids
03. Sand Wars
04. Heat And Havoc
05. On My Own
06. Sub Zero Sonar
07. Legends Of Anxanum
08. The Flame Of Life
09. You Will Burn
10. Mauna Kea Awakens
11. Subsurface
12. Conamara
13. Great Dark Spot
14. Red Storm
15. Zero Point Energy
16. Chaos Potential
17. Arabia Terra
18. Nearby Stars
19. Beyond Us
20. For Mankind
21. Magnetar
22. Skyfire
23. Azrael's Command

11-20-2017, 07:27 PM
New DLC, which means New Music, will SonicRings4 save us yet again?

BTW SonicRings4, a small request, could you upload just the new tracks separately for people like me who just need the missing stuff (but if it's to much of a bother then don't worry about it). And Thanks!

Here you are (Thread 126974) :)
I'll keep it all together to incentivize you and others to buy the soundtrack yourselves if redownloading the whole album is really that much of a pain ;) Support the devs!

11-20-2017, 10:21 PM
Hey now I bought the game and another copy for my brother, just not the soundtrack, but I should probably just pull the trigger on that so I can stop bother you every time new DLC gets released, but either way thanks a lot for keeping this up to date!

11-20-2017, 11:13 PM
Hey now I bought the game and another copy for my brother, just not the soundtrack, but I should probably just pull the trigger on that so I can stop bother you every time new DLC gets released, but either way thanks a lot for keeping this up to date!

No prob dude! And good on ya for making the purchase!

05-16-2018, 08:26 AM
They recently released a second volume composed of some reused tracks from the Neptune and back to Earth DLCs, as well as two new tracks which are remixes of the menu theme.
Here it is (Thread 126974) :)