03-19-2005, 12:40 AM
I love Inuyasha, it has an amazing story plus the characters are awsome.... Sango owns!! if anyones readin this plz tell me where i can d/l the 3 movies I have heard good things about Sword of world conquest n want to watch it....


I love Inuyasha, it has an amazing story plus the characters are awsome.... Sango owns!! if anyones readin this plz tell me where i can d/l the 3 movies I have heard good things about Sword of world conquest n want to watch it....

Anyone? "My only fear of death is reincarnation"

c'mon.... i know some1 has read this by now.... and of course they love IY so please reply

well f***, i have mirc, i can connect but i cant seem to get on a channel with other ppl to let me d/l, i jus wanna get the movies.......

03-19-2005, 01:35 AM
download movies? isnt that like, illegal? maybe you should go to ebay and buy it.

03-19-2005, 02:33 AM
n maybe u should go n beat ff IX again... everything now-a-days is illegal but still we find ways around the law system.. some ppl call it lope-holes i call it genuis...
also i ask are u a mirc user? or a user of any emulators?

ps do u love IY????

03-19-2005, 02:38 AM
Incorrect. Loopholes (note the proper spelling) are flaws in the law that allow something that was intended to be illegal to be done legally. What you're describing is not a loophole because downloading licensed material is very clearly illegal.

By the way, Inu Yasha sucks pretty badly.

03-19-2005, 02:49 AM
well thanks for the info Inuyasha is amazing, you seem to have no taste, that n that alone tells me why you wouldnt make a good game designer/anime anything

what do u think mirc is used for???? I beleive its used ta d/l movies, videos, etc...

btw what dont u like about IY, n u think your an animaniac lol *TSK* *TSK*

03-19-2005, 03:25 AM
Jeez... I almost wanted to give you a break since you're new here and all, but I just can't let this slide. Someone cue the ominous music.

Inu Yasha is just slightly less amazing than your grammar. That is, unless we're talking about amazingly bad. It's a shallow and contrived piece of tripe that ran for far too long because it gave the lowest common denominator exactly what they wanted: something that didn't require them to think about what they were watching. It's an excessively long bore-fest that never really goes anywhere and shows no long-term planning.

As for my tastes, they're significantly more refined than yours apparently are. I'd love to see you try to sit through Wings of Honneamise.

And finally, mIRC was designed as a chat client, with file-sharing protocols as a secondary function.

03-19-2005, 03:40 AM
thank you mister know-it-all Prak, that shall be your new title, n as far as my gramm'a goes, Im'a keep spitt'n, but you dont have ta keep correcting it

Inuyasha has many fans, and has had these several fans for years now... it was like the "thing" bak then, when they were only fan-subed, everyone went crazy... YOU CANNOT TELL ME THAT IY SUCKS!!

I apoligize for doubting your "designer/anime" abilities, I myself highly enjoy sketching anime actually I highly LOVE IT. Todays' hobbie is what can be tomorrows future

"if you dont know me then dont judge me"
"only god can judge me"

I kinda feel like these quotes apply here

and for that reason I apoligize

03-19-2005, 03:42 AM
Inuyasha has many fans, and has had these several fans for years now...
several being the key word there.

03-19-2005, 03:47 AM

I can. I did. I will again, and shall do so as many times as I am prompted to do so. Inu Yasha sucks.

03-19-2005, 03:51 AM
do u have nothing better to do then to quote me???

ps go fuck all the fat girls u can find, what some think are fat n' ugly others (as in you) think more cushion 4 tha pushin EWWWWW chills jus think'n bout it

wow prak you really convinced me on that one... I think IY sucks now.... (note tha sarcasim)

03-19-2005, 03:53 AM
I never said you have to think it sucks. I merely stated that it sucks, which allows for people with poor taste liking it.

03-19-2005, 03:57 AM
man IY has it all, the romance which blossoms between Inuyasha n Kagome, some pretty all-right fights eg Inuyasha vs Sesshomuro, even comedy eg Mieoga tha flea... like its a flea which should have died thousands upon thousands of times through out the season

so everyone that likes IY has poor taste... i get it????�

remember sarcasim

03-19-2005, 04:04 AM
Pity about the sarcasm (note the proper spelling), because you were really close to a breakthrough. Oh well. Maybe after a few more of our little therapy sessions...

03-19-2005, 04:14 AM
dude im kockin your wings of 'onmypenis' or w.e the f*** its called

guess what im watchin IY right now.... its an episode that i have allready watched but still.... lol

n ty once again for the correct spellin.... like i give a #%@ !!!!
now thats a pun... comin right from my avator who is no other then... the topic we have been talkin about

man i grew up watchin DBZ, n my fav anime shows are kenshin, love hina, inuyasha, Gundum seed, in no paticular order

I have been sketchin anime pretty much my entire life

03-19-2005, 04:14 AM
Do you have some kind of decoder ring you got out of a cereal box that'll make the first line of that post make sense? Also, if you want to swear, then just fucking do it and cut out the **** nonsense.

Also, you lose even more points for liking DBZ.

And haven't you heard that everyone and their 3 year old pet hamster draws anime art these days? You're hardly special because of it, especially considering the relatively low level of skill it requires.

03-19-2005, 04:28 AM
i didnt say i liked dbz i said i grew up on it... yes something from that show seemed very repeatitive and got very old very quick... but that was a while ago n that show still has fans HA....

lol i didnt write that right... iono what i was writin but you said sumthin about wings on Honneamise

you cant judge what you cant see... somethings leave some ppl breathless while others non other like you, dissapointment, thats bull fuckin shit man u cant say that shit, cuz u dont know shit maybe i can draw maybe others can too... but what makes use different is i have the will to go on n to prove myself not only to you but the world

todays' hobbie can be tomorrows career

damn that sounds corney

03-19-2005, 04:30 AM
todays' hobbie can be tomorrows career

Sure it could. It's just more likely to be a pipe dream.

03-19-2005, 04:32 AM
the music in iy is "BOMB"!!
cant forget about my fav character Sango-san with her gigantic boomerang n Kilallah shes unstopable

change of topic.... have you ever played lunar? for psx.

03-19-2005, 04:33 AM
edit your posts, dont fucking post twice.

03-19-2005, 04:37 AM
wow chewey your really random... n what the FUCK are you talkin about what did i post twice????

03-19-2005, 04:40 AM
Sarah, PLEASE dont get pissed. You posted twice. The message moved into the other one but i know for a fact that you posted twice because this thread wet from 3rd new to the newest without the latest poster changing and the postcount. there is a little button to the bottom right of your post thats called "quote."
Use it next time

03-19-2005, 09:16 AM
shut up chewey

03-19-2005, 02:19 PM
Well, no matter what way you like to think of it, it's illegal. If you want to see the movie, just go and buy it. It's only like 20 bucks and you get it online and probably at Target. But that would be obeying the rules, wouldn't it?

03-19-2005, 07:00 PM
YES! who wants that? lol you got ta understand... why pay for sumthin when you can get it for free... tee-hee

03-19-2005, 07:12 PM
I don't really see a need for a thread in which RoyalRaymond tries to argue with everyone, so I'm closing this!

Also- illegally downloading anime is pretty much frowned upon here.

03-19-2005, 07:22 PM
then frown upon me Oh frown upon me... i have broken tha "law" plz dont turn me in... tee-hee unlike u i obviously dont care what ppl think about me... n i have tried to delete this thread but it didnt work

to have ffshrine frown upon me

03-19-2005, 09:58 PM
Right before I closed this, the internet at my work went kapout. XD

Divine intervention, perhaps?

Still closed. :)