Alice Wonderbra
03-18-2005, 04:23 AM
I had wanted to play a resident evil game for a while now, ever since i played silent hill. over my spring break i decided to rent one. since i didnt know what to choose from, i went with outbreak just because it was for the ps2 and i wouldnt have to get out the gamecube and then i could be finished with the games for that system.

i had a lot of problems with that game, my main one being that it was way too fucking hard (i only got to the 4th level). it was nothing like silent hill. outbreak was literally a survival horror--i was constantly almost dead, whereas in silent hill i seldom get injured and have plenty of ammo.

so i have two questions: are all re games like that one? which one should i play next?

i dont want to start out with the best one so i wouldnt appreciate the more lame ones but i dont want to start out with the worst one either (which im hoping i did already).

03-18-2005, 05:30 AM
Most of them are like that. But Resident Evil 4 is the best, but since you dont want to start with the best go with Resident evil(the first one remade for gamecube), or resident evil 0.

P.S Silent Hill is so much better then Resident Evil(sept for 4)