12-09-2016, 10:46 PM
Entertainment Weekly just put up a video showcasing a couple of cues from the movie. The video is here (, but I've gone ahead and recorded the music (with Audacity) to WAV for my offline perusal. Thought I'd share it here.

Link (!45InyZzA!8U_lRBJvePWQ5qHfUEk1DQ)!

No PMs needed or anything, go nuts with it; I know the video is lossy but I recorded it to WAV to keep the quality high as possible.

01. "Her Path Is Clear [Excerpt]"
02. "Approach to Eadu [Excerpt]"

12-09-2016, 11:35 PM
Love the samples! Can't wait for the film and the full score!

12-09-2016, 11:52 PM
Sounds alright. A bit Williams auto-tuneish tho.

12-10-2016, 12:30 AM
thank you

12-10-2016, 12:34 AM
well, many thanks !

12-10-2016, 01:30 AM

12-10-2016, 01:33 AM
I heard these. Pretty cool.

12-10-2016, 02:05 AM
Thanks for the link!

Everan Shepard
12-10-2016, 05:35 AM

12-10-2016, 06:27 AM
Thank you! Was hoping someone would upload these....

12-10-2016, 08:59 AM
Sounds alright. A bit Williams auto-tuneish tho.

Well, of course! It wouldn't be STAR WARS any other way; whether it would be Joel McNeely, Alexandre Desplat, etc, or Michael Giacchino, Williams auto-tune is and most likely always will be on the roster.

12-10-2016, 01:42 PM
Not to blaspheme but I hope someone like Zimmer gets a chance to do one. I mean, if they're really wanting to make a gritty genre film in the the decade of the 2010s, it would make a certain amount of sense to not be shy about going in a totally new direction with the music. I get playing conservative for the first spinoff but they ought to mix things up and be more daring in the future if this one works. I am sure Zimmer or whoever else they whose talents they might tap (going Eastern Europe with Rombi or Korzeniowski would be another fascinating non-Williams direction) would be tremendously respectful to Williams legacy while allowing more of their own unique sound to shine through than Giacchino ever does on these projects. I like Giacchino but he's pretty damn predictable at this point and only excels at creating his own unique material from scratch (Medal of Honor, Lost, Jupiter Ascending...I don't think it's any coincidence that his best works are the situations where he got to define the sound from the beginning).

12-10-2016, 01:52 PM
Thanks! I've been playing Star Wars Battlefront Scarif and there are hints of the score during the gameplay.

12-10-2016, 02:51 PM
Thanks for the share. I'm not convinced that I will embrace this score, but looking forward to seeing the movie.

12-10-2016, 03:18 PM
Well, of course! It wouldn't be STAR WARS any other way; whether it would be Joel McNeely, Alexandre Desplat, etc, or Michael Giacchino, Williams auto-tune is and most likely always will be on the roster.
interesting point, 'cause i think Joel McNeely has a style very close to Jerry Goldsmith in 1990s. Alexandre Desplat already paid an homage to John Williams in 'Rise of Guardians'. Any of them would be able to continue Williams' style of music in Star Wars franchise

12-10-2016, 06:42 PM
Yeah but Zimmer didn't respect Williams enough to even include the slightest reference of Williams' original Superman theme in MoS.

12-10-2016, 07:35 PM
I like the tracks. They don't blow my mind, but I do like them and think that this score will be much more like his obviously Williams-inspired Medal of Honor work; a lot of my enjoyment of scores and soundtracks also comes from experiencing it in the context of the film/TV show/video game, and then afterward I'll listen to the music on it's own. I'm really assuming I'm going to love the film, so even if the score isn't 100% up to everyone's expectations, I'm sure I'll also love it (or at least be able to enjoy it) by proxy.

Yeah but Zimmer didn't respect Williams enough to even include the slightest reference of Williams' original Superman theme in MoS.

Would you have really wanted any reference in Man of Steel? They're such different films and universes...

As to Zimmer getting his hands on Star Wars -- maybe? I need to listen to more of his work, but can't see any of his more recent examples that I actually enjoy working within the universe. That said, a bit of experimentation might be nice.

12-10-2016, 09:30 PM
Yeah but Zimmer didn't respect Williams enough to even include the slightest reference of Williams' original Superman theme in MoS.

Was it a matter of respect? I was under the impression that with MoS, DC was rebooting Superman from the ground up, with zero references to the previous films, music included. DC and Singer had tried the Donner version of Superman with Superman Returns and that came off as being too old fashioned in the age of the Dark Knight.

12-11-2016, 03:00 AM
Was it a matter of respect? I was under the impression that with MoS, DC was rebooting Superman from the ground up, with zero references to the previous films, music included. DC and Singer had tried the Donner version of Superman with Superman Returns and that came off as being too old fashioned in the age of the Dark Knight.

Yeah, I don't really think Williams' theme should have been anywhere in the Man of Steel score. I am reminded of when Tim Burton's Batman was first released and people were disappointed that the old Batman theme didn't somehow make an appearance in Elfman's score. But it was a great decision not to and it would have felt incredibly out of place and weird and maybe even seemed like a gimmick of sorts to even attempt it. Same thing goes for the Dark Knight trilogy and Man of Steel scores. I wouldn't ever expect Elfman's or Williams' themes to pop-up in those movies as a 'cameo'; and unless done perfectly it would have probably sounded pretentious or odd.

But - there is always a but. I would be curious how Zimmer could have worked that into the score if he had wanted to. It's possible if the theme were done in a different key and slower it may have worked as a quick reference in scene.

And I actually think a lot of the music that's been done for the Rogue One trailers was definitely trying to sound more Zimmerish in tone and feel. Especially the first teaser/trailer for Rogue One. So maybe that's what it would sound like?