02-09-2002, 07:20 PM
Once again this is some General comments about the game, please avoid useing any major spoilers. I just got this game myself and have to say its the best game on the Dreamcast. But then again there wasn't very many great games for the Dreamcast hehe.

Anyways It seems like a good game so far I am about 1 hour into it. The Random Battles seem to be a little bit too often though I think. Graphics on here are not too great considering its on the Dreamcast. The Chairactors graphics look compareable to the ones from Zelda 64 Ocarina of time I think.

But if you own a Dreamcast, and like the Final Fantasy series I hightly recommend this game. It is about 20 to 30 dollars now and worth it. The Battle System is very similar to Final Fantasy. In fact Id say they was trying to make a game compareable to the Final Fantasy series when making this. I can't honestly say this game is not as good story/gameplay wise as the Final Fantasy Series being I haven't played it that far in yet. But from what I have seen the Final Fantasy series seems better.

02-10-2002, 03:32 AM
Ive never played SOA, But i want the PS2 Version

02-10-2002, 05:58 AM
I like to play this game too, ya know.It's almost like Suikoden, BUT nOt 108 character.the most exciting is to discovery a new place in the map and also Ship's battle.

I hop SoA in PS2, would much better than DC;)

02-10-2002, 11:39 AM
I have it for DC and it's great.
I don't think the PS2 version will be much better though, maybe a slight graphical update. There really isn't much you can add to it.
Anyway, I recomend you buy this game. The only problems I saw were way too many random abttles (But you get them in a lot of RPG's anyway), it takes some time to get into, and for the story to unfold, and that it can drag in places. But these are only small problems. The graphics and charcter design are amazing, I especially love how the faces change.

02-10-2002, 02:57 PM
Skies of Arcadia......this is the reason i bought DC.

it almost like Suikoden(collect the ply) also it has a funny story on it.

Well, in this game"random battle" are really annoying, but since each character has spesial abilities..........It's doesn't matter at all.;)