02-09-2002, 07:13 PM
Poets Blood

Cut me
Watch me bleed
Blue and Black ink
all over this page
All over you

Touch the ink
touch my soul
Smear it
Be like the rest
The worlds a loveless place

Cut me Tear my soul
Rip my body to pieces
Burn it on the flame
Like the paper with it's verse

You see the world in black and white
Even my night is colored
Maybe that is what you fear
My refusla to conform
Become one in your world

So I'll shut my eyes
Dream perhaps of peace
Even though it'll never be
All you ever do
Is cut me

02-13-2002, 10:04 PM

*sniff, sniff*

are all of your poems so sad yet moving?

a very touching piece Deus... a great work...


I like the second stanza... reminded me of someone....

02-13-2002, 10:51 PM
Great poem! Quite emotional, and very well writen. Keep up the great poems!:)

Fatal Divide
02-14-2002, 12:21 PM
Another great poem Bro. You have such a unique style, it's great. Keep on writing, I always enjoy reading your poems.