03-16-2005, 12:52 AM
First of all, there is spoilers, I meant to put it in the title but clicked submit thread too soon. Also, meant to include a poll but click submit too soon.

What did you think of Kuja realizing how awful he had been acting and turning good just before he died rather than dying as awful as ever. Did you prefer this or think it was ridiculous that such a heartless bastard all the sudden became nice? Personally, I liked it, and it made you feel even worse that you killed him rather than the usual feel of "good riddance."

terra child
03-16-2005, 03:39 AM
the guys behind ff9 portrayed kuja as a typical tragic hero, usually tragic heros extract a high sense of sympathy from the audience upon their demise

first off, they begin in a high status, and inevitably bring about their own downfall, and finally the experience a sense of renewal upon their last breaths. this is pretty much the formula, but once again, in short, the producers just wanted the audience to experience sympathy and pity and what not...

03-16-2005, 03:48 AM
Or they wanted to show another side of Kuja. Either or.

03-16-2005, 02:08 PM
Aw, that was so sweet, but so sad. Though I still refuse to believe that Kuja died (ok, you don't see him in the ending, but you don't see his grave or whatsoever, either, so...)

terra child
03-17-2005, 09:46 PM
Aw, that was so sweet, but so sad. Though I still refuse to believe that Kuja died (ok, you don't see him in the ending, but you don't see his grave or whatsoever, either, so...)

mabe a sequel...?

03-18-2005, 06:09 AM
No. They story is done and it was a beautiful ending. A sequel to FF9 would ruin its image and stuff. Besides, square is busy with other games.

03-20-2005, 01:34 PM
I just beated this game once, (before my disk screwed) and if I remember, Kuja's change of heart was on Iifa Tree, right? It could have been cool that a last battle against the Iifa tree happened and you controlling Kuja and Zidane...

03-20-2005, 01:57 PM
Yea that would of been great. Kinda like ff4.

03-20-2005, 02:18 PM
kirea:i never played ff4 is it good?

03-20-2005, 02:20 PM
Kirea, it isnt neccessary to put "kirea:" before you post.
And yes, ff4 is reasonably good.

Aerith Gainsborough
03-21-2005, 10:26 AM
Aw, that was so sweet, but so sad. Though I still refuse to believe that Kuja died (ok, you don't see him in the ending, but you don't see his grave or whatsoever, either, so...)
Kuja didn't die. Zidane went back to rescue him. He said, he had a job to do. And why do you think did Zidane return to Garnet this late? He had to take care of Kuja and certain other things first.

Kuja has to catch up with lots of things, he has to learn a lot. And there is really no reason for Square to show this in a sequel. Square never shows exactly everything, they want people to use their brains at the end. ;)

03-21-2005, 11:14 AM
I don't think a sequel to FFIX would hurt it's image at all; I loved X-2, and I'd love to see more continuations done, regardless of how 'final' the ending of the game was.

And Kuja's change of heart was so predictable, but his awesome attitude throughout the game more than made up for it.

Aerith Gainsborough
03-21-2005, 11:23 AM
I don't think a sequel to FFIX would hurt it's image at all; I loved X-2, and I'd love to see more continuations done, regardless of how 'final' the ending of the game was.

I disagree. I'm glad there is no other sequel to FF-IX. When I think about FF-X2...the sequel kinda ruined a lot of things. Even there, a sequel was senseless because you could tell in FF-X already that Tidus is going to come back. :(

I prefer new stories with new characters.... ;)

03-22-2005, 08:28 PM
I thought Kuja's turn of heart was better than Zidane's, but no I wasn't sad that he died ( if he did, it's never been confirmed one way or the other. though I thought Kuja said something like "I'm glad I could some good right at the end" or something like that anyway cant really remember)

03-24-2005, 06:45 PM
kuja an zidane were basically brothers, they were both "husks" for souls, but they both were made special, diffrent from the other "husks", zidane would have probably have done the same thing as kuja had done if he had been in kuja's situation. the only reason zidane did not become a "kuja jr" was because he saw what kuja was doing, and he made alot of friends allong the way to distroy kuja. kuja himself did not have this kind of journy when he was the age of zidane, so he turned to evil for a while, then in the end he showed what was really in his heart, by helping zidane and his party escape (after killing that chaos got of w/e he was called), as kuja said in the fmv. the message was clear to me, without porper direction any force can be used for good or evil........ ya so i saw this sort of ending comming after i learned zidane an kuja were "brothers".............i spend too much of my life with these games.....

04-02-2005, 10:42 PM
I liked Kuja because he was an individual. He was an intelligent cold-blooded bastard... But that just makes him more interesting, doesn't it? So, i was a bit disappointed about that 'i was a horrible person' stuff... well that's just my point of view.

04-05-2005, 02:06 AM
Kuja's change of mind is so dissapointing, i liked him more as an evil destructive alien instead of a gay-like wounded miserable coward...
If kuja was going to regret he sould have done that but with the stile of Golbez (Cecil's brother of FFIV) I liked the way he becomes good cuz he still looks like a villian, by the other hand Kuja looks much worse and much more gay

05-09-2005, 08:18 PM
It wasn't that bad... but i prefer him evil

07-21-2005, 02:53 PM
i think seeing that Zidane knew we couldn't win but would die to try to stop him, showed him that sins of what he had done were in fact evil.

Tidus 66
07-21-2005, 02:57 PM
I think Kuja died since he had less life time and he was destroying the world since he could he thought that they didn't had the right to live if he iedthan Zidane, like Garland said, Kuja turning good was predictable

08-10-2005, 07:29 PM
I prefer the evil Trance Kuja!!! His ultima attack is sooooo awesome

11-08-2006, 09:16 PM
Personaly I think that it was rather stupid to do that to him. They (they meaning the makers of the game) could have make him acted like he was so pissed at knowing the he did not complete his task.
So in other words no i am not happy that he had a change of heart.

11-11-2006, 03:51 AM
It was predictable that he'd have a change of heart, and I think I would have prefered him to die pissed that he didn't finish his task...but I believe that would've upset the story line. The story was made for a happy ending and even though he dies he does so with a change of heart. If he died still mean and angry it would have changed the mood and made the ending not so happy.

11-11-2006, 10:39 PM
I don't think it was right. Kuja used the magic to save them becouse he couldn't save himself. He wanted to be saved because he knew Zidang would come back for him. But by the time zidang got there it was to late for him.