12-02-2016, 08:15 PM
I am just discovering this amazing composer. I found the following albums of his listed on SoundtrackCollector but never shared here. Might anyone have them and be willing to share with us?

Night Watch: http://www.soundtrackcollector.com/title/72708/Nochnoy+Dozor
Wind Man: http://www.soundtrackcollector.com/title/90676/Chelovek-veter
Georg: http://www.soundtrackcollector.com/title/88698/Georg
The Salamander Key: http://www.soundtrackcollector.com/title/94488/Salamander+Key%2C+The

Also Fort Ross was shared in MP3 but link went down -- I would love a reup if Bart Oss is unable.

Many thanks in advance!

12-02-2016, 08:42 PM
Second this!! Thanks in advance!