11-30-2016, 11:10 PM
I have thoroughly searched this forum and as far as I can tell these recordings have never been shared here before. I got them from an out of print Bay Cities disc from 1990 with the title "A Double Life":

Even though none of Miklos Rozsa's music from A Double Life appears on the disc, it bears the titles as a sort of tie-in with the title of his autobiography, wherein he speaks of his separate lives writing film music and concert music. The disc opens with a 25 minute suite from The Private Files of J. Edgar Hoover in a single track, which I did not bother importing because Citadel released a 40+ minute version with separate tracks, which has been shared here by Calderas: Thread 201747

The other track of the disc's five which I left off is a three movement guitar arrangement/performance by Gregg Nestor, which is the exact same recording as the three waltz selections (tracks 15-17) on this BSX release, but squished into one track: Thread 200445

The three tracks that I DID rip from my rare CD are the three which have not appeared elsewhere to my knowledge: the Sonata for Solo Oboe, Op. 43 (written for and performed by the great Allan Vogel), the unfinished Viola Sonata (performed by Maria Newman, daughter of Alfred Newman and sister of David and Thomas Newman), ultimately titled simply Introduction and Allegro, Op. 44, and the Suite for Harp which Christopher Palmer arranged for acclaimed harpist Susann McDonald using excerpts from two Rozsa solo piano pieces (Bagatelles and Kaleidoscope). Each of these were recorded separately and the brief liner notes give no information as to recording dates, but as they were very late works, presumably they were done sometime between 1987 and 1990 when the disc came out. In fact the Oboe and Viola Sonatas were Miklos Rozsa's two final compositions according to Wikipedia, aside from a "Sonatina for Ondes Martenot, Op. 45" which doesn't seem to have ever been recorded, and since Rozsa was too unwell to finish the viola sonata I'd be very surprised if that sonatina was completed.

Here are the three pieces, correctly tagged with movements when applicable, but without any artwork as the best I could find was low-res and the Soundtrack Collector link above. Enjoy, and please either say thanks in the thread or leave rep with your name so I know who's enjoying this!


11-30-2016, 11:43 PM
Wimpel69 has uploaded the whole album under the title
"MIKL�S R�ZSA: The Private Files of J. Edgar Hoover + concert works @ FLAC" here:

Thread 130500

It's obvious that you couldn't find it, if you searched for:
Mikl�s R�zsa - Double Life (Bay Cities BCD 1020) (1990).

11-30-2016, 11:48 PM
thank you

12-01-2016, 12:18 AM
Thank you for sharing these rare recordings of maestro Rozsa's works !

12-01-2016, 12:24 AM
Thanks for pointing that out Petros, as his is the best scan for the cover available online. It seems his upload is no longer available however so I'll keep these three unique tracks up. :)

12-02-2016, 01:08 PM
Thank you very much, Ivanova2!