03-15-2005, 03:06 PM
Anybody got any tips on how to beat Ruby and Emerald Weapon from FFVII?

I've never beaten Emerald Weapon, I usually last about ten minutes against it in battle but after that I tend to die very quickly. Last time I fought it, it separated the top half of it's body from the bottom, started to hover over my characters and hit them with what looked like a wall of light. That did 9999 damage to Cid and Yuffie killing them immediately. It missed Cloud but before he could revive the others he got hit by Emerald Shot and was killed.

I need even more help when it comes to fighting Ruby Weapon. I don't even know how to hurt it! Last time I fought it I hit it with Cloud's Omnislash which did nothing, then it used Whirlsand and removed Cid from the battle. I hit it with Yuffie's All Creation which did nothing, then it used Whirlsand again and removed Cloud from the battle. Then before I had a chance to do anything it used Ultima and killed Yuffie with one hit. So in total I probably lasted about a minute or two against it most of which was taken up by Cloud's Omnislash.

03-15-2005, 03:11 PM
I think Emerald is more annoying. This is because although i cant hurt Ruby( apart from with Beta) If i could im sure i could beat it. Emerald is more annoying because i kill it and kill and find it real easy although after about 10mins it does this move called Tire Arm Storm(or somrthing like that if i remember correctly)which deals 9999 damage to all characters. :(

03-15-2005, 03:18 PM
Yeah that's what pretty much wiped me out:(

03-15-2005, 03:41 PM
Emerald Weapon: First of all, have Cloud equipped with W-Summon paired with KOTR. and a mime materia. Have both other chracters with mime materia, last turn paired with Phoenix is also a tremendous help, but not fully necessary. Then simply, W-Summon KOTR, with each character miming, and Emerald is dead.

Ruby Weapon: Have Cloud alive at the beginning of battle, kill the other two before entering, it sounds dumb but... then, at the start of the battle it will raise its arms from the sand and you can damage it. For Materia: W-Summon paired with KOTR, Last Turn paired with Phoenix, mime. Then W-Summon KOTR, Ruby counters with Emerald but I had a good Cloud do he evaded it all but once, and the one time he didn't it only did like 6k, and in the worst case you've got last turn materia to revive you entire party, so W-Summon KOTR, mime evertyime voila, you win! =) . Hope this helped.

EDIT: Change the word's Last Turn to Final Attack.

Sephiroth's son
03-15-2005, 05:27 PM
another wat to take down ruby is to use w-summon hades(to paralyze it) then KOTR it takes a bit longer but he cant counter when he paralyed

03-15-2005, 10:56 PM
Thanks a lot I'll have to try those strategies for myself. I hope they work!:)

03-16-2005, 05:21 PM
Definately Ruby, but there are a couple of ways to help:
1. Kill off the two characters you dont want.
2. Use Dazers to paralyze him.

03-16-2005, 07:46 PM
I think Emerald is more annoying. This is because although i cant hurt Ruby( apart from with Beta) If i could im sure i could beat it. Emerald is more annoying because i kill it and kill and find it real easy although after about 10mins it does this move called Tire Arm Storm(or somrthing like that if i remember correctly)which deals 9999 damage to all characters. :(

The attack is called "Air tam stomp" - it deals 1,111 points of damage for each materia a character has equipped, so the trick is to have 9,999 HP and less than 9 materias equipped - W-summon, KotR, Mime, Final attack, Phoenix - and some others if you wish.

03-16-2005, 07:57 PM
My favourite Emerald strategy is Counter=Mime (as many as possible) with Omnislash. I managed to work that one even when I was fairly unprepared. I was actually fully prepared to lose, but I won instead. It's also much quicker than seeing KOTR over 10 times.

Sephiroth's son
03-17-2005, 03:14 AM
My favourite Emerald strategy is Counter=Mime (as many as possible) with Omnislash. I managed to work that one even when I was fairly unprepared. I was actually fully prepared to lose, but I won instead. It's also much quicker than seeing KOTR over 10 times.

i didnt know you could counter with limits

03-17-2005, 05:07 AM
As long as its only Cloud. Only he can mime his own limits.