Sef Halfman
02-09-2002, 05:57 PM
Way of Life
Chapter 1
Following Dreamer

"All things must come to an end. Even the reign of a god. No, I take that back. Especially the reign of a god. " said the man. The powerful entity cringed before him, actually cowered before the might of this mere mortal. Because this mere mortal was more than he seemed. He was the Godslayer. And that made him someone to fear. The Godslayer stood tall, a good seven feet tall, but he did not appear very well built. He had a rather spindly, sparsely muscled body, and even with his height did not stand out too much. It was not his height, or the cloak he wore, which seemed to absorb all light into it, so black was it's color, that made the Godslayer stand out. In truth, it was the man's eyes. They blazed with such an intensity that even gods feared to look him in the eyes. The Godslayer also wore a belt sewn from dragonhide, and it was lined with the vertebrae of each god he had killed. The Godslayer stepped forward, staring down at the powerful being before him.
" Now you will learn the true meaning of pain, and what it means to be mortal. "

This is only a start. I wrote this about 6 months ago, and never continued. If anyone thinks I should, maybe I will.