03-14-2005, 10:28 PM
what would be your favorite summon and i think i no that alot of people might say Knights of Rounds and yes that is my fav. because he looks cool he attacks like 15 times which all i had to do is cast it twice to beat the one winged angel sephiroth which i pretty cool and i think it is very cool and long way to get him i meen u have to make a gold chocobo which may take a couple of days which i took me over a week to do all because i didnt know that you had to race them to class A and then when that is all done you have to take maybe an half hour to find the cave that isnt on the map maybe even longer but it was a very long and very fun proccess

03-14-2005, 11:31 PM
"Choco-mog"...it just looked cool

03-14-2005, 11:38 PM
A dead even spilt between Anima and Bahammut Zero.
Anima cos he looks cool and Bahammut Zero cos he looks cool to:)
Nah seriosly Animas overdrive and Bahammut Zeros attack cutscences just wipe the floor with the other summons.

03-14-2005, 11:44 PM
KOTR just because of the damage, I mean compare it to the second best in the game 9999 or 139999?

03-15-2005, 12:29 AM
odin cause he is norwegian..end of story

03-15-2005, 12:32 AM
ive heard that sephys nova spell is a summon....so that would definitely have to be my favorite jus cuz of the animation...if that happens to not be a summon cuz it doesnt seem like it is...bahamut zero for sure..again animation

03-15-2005, 03:09 AM
That nova spell took 7 hours. I went on a coffee break, had some lunch, got a few hours of sleep came back and it still at Jupiter. Anyway the best one in my opinion is Hades.

03-15-2005, 03:21 AM
yeah...lol...the only thing i dont get is that it blows up earth...yet only does like 6000-7000 damage to the party...huh?...and why does he need a more destructive spell than that? (black materia), when he has this uber spell!!

Sephiroth's son
03-15-2005, 03:31 AM
"Choco-mog"...it just looked cool
i have seen two version of that summon, 1 when the chocobo fns into the enemy with mog onits back and 2(i have only seen this once) fat chocobo falls on enemys

KOTR just because of the damage, I mean compare it to the second best in the game 9999 or 139999?

the best atk in game was omnislash with ultimate weapon and max hp it did a lil more then KOTR

03-15-2005, 03:42 AM
yeah that is a good one but how do they call the "Nova Spell" a summon cause usally you would see a creature of some sort and i havnt seen any creatures but if there are jus correct me but its funny because evry time i summon KOTR i always say at the end of the animation "ha ha my sword is bigger than yours.....haha haha haha" lol

03-15-2005, 06:57 AM
they might say that cuz nova wud be the only spell where the "characters" disappear...and there is a long animation away from the "fighting arena" area. All the other normal spells you see everyone...and you see the spell "hit" the target creature...so this is either a unique spell, or a unique summon...or somptin unique all on its own...hmmm....

03-15-2005, 09:40 AM
I think the Choco/Mog summon is the best, the Fat Chocobo version is soo Funny but ive only got it twice.

Has any one noticed that no matter how much Hp you have the Super Nova Spell can't kill you? its does its damage depending on how much Hp you have but never enough to kill you

03-16-2005, 12:49 AM
yeah i thikn that the choco mog is like the second on my list because that little/monstrous choco helped me out big time because that choco has been with me all the way since i was out of midjar i use it aleast twice in every boss battle and it was the only way i could have beaten the midjar zolomn thing(the big smake in the swamps) and in the end were he helped me beat the one wing angel the first time when i didnt have KOTR it would be #1 if it wasnt for KOTR attacking about 15 times and doing abot300,000 damage if you have it mastered

03-16-2005, 01:23 AM
Ifrit- I'm a pyromanic

Dragon Slaya
03-16-2005, 12:27 PM
The Bahamuts

03-16-2005, 12:44 PM
I would have to say Bahamut. I could'nt chose one particular Bahamut because I think they're all great!

03-16-2005, 02:00 PM
I would have to say Bahamut. I could'nt chose one particular Bahamut because I think they're all great!

This sums it up for me, dragons are great!

03-22-2005, 01:27 AM
i think this needs to be bumped just to get evrybodys opinion out

03-22-2005, 02:21 AM
i like all of them except for ixion from ff 10 he was so stupid my fav would be .......
drum roll please tap tap tap tap

the magnas sisters the were so cool
or if sin was a summon that would be cool
or maybe the final summon if we saw him

One Who Suffers
03-22-2005, 03:39 AM
My favorite would have to Bahamut ZERO. First, he's a 6-Winged Dragon. Second, the whole energy blast from space rocked. And when it leaves a mushroomcloud a almost wet myself because it was like a nuclear bomb. Yes I am totally obsessed with nukes. Come on people, its one of the most powerful reaction in the universe. It actually comes in third behind black holes and anti-matter. (Please don't call me a nerd)

03-22-2005, 03:58 AM
i like all of them except for ixion from ff 10 he was so stupid my fav would be .......
drum roll please tap tap tap tap

the magnas sisters the were so cool
or if sin was a summon that would be cool
or maybe the final summon if we saw him

Well the final Summon would have to kinda look like one of her guardians who became Yuna's fayth. I would also like to see Tidus as a final aeon.

03-31-2005, 05:03 PM
ive heard that sephys nova spell is a summon....so that would definitely have to be my favorite jus cuz of the animation...if that happens to not be a summon cuz it doesnt seem like it is...bahamut zero for sure..again animation

How could that POSSIBLY be your fav? it takes like 30 years to do!! and he does it like 10 times when you fight him!!! watever but my favorite is bahamut cus i think black dragons r tiight.

03-31-2005, 06:14 PM
or maybe the final summon if we saw him
I always believed that when u fought Jecht, the giant thing he turned into WAS the final aeon, cos its was towled that he became the final aeon.

03-31-2005, 06:21 PM
Anima or Final Aeon

Detonate, we see the Final Aeon, but it is Braska's Final Aeon, each one changes for each summoner, like Anima is Seymour's Final Aeon

03-31-2005, 07:34 PM
Do i really have to say it..@_@..
Nights of the Round!!!

first off, king arthur and the knights of the round table is cool, and you know it!
second off, its the most powerful summon in the game!

i beat the One Winged angel Sephiroth by casting knights of the round, then useing Mime...he was dead gone. but remember not to use kights of the round on any of the other bosses in the crater, or else the One Winged angel Sephiroth will have increased HP, then he would still be alive after the 2 casts of Knights of the round.

Elven Knight
04-04-2005, 03:26 AM
Nights of the Round!!!

FFVII: Bahamut(no not all of the add on bullshit, just the original)
FFX: Ifrit(Cool as Hell)

06-04-2005, 11:32 AM
How could that POSSIBLY be your fav? it takes like 30 years to do!! and he does it like 10 times when you fight him!!! watever but my favorite is bahamut cus i think black dragons r tiight.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Wow, you must've battled him so slowly. Didn't it get a little tedious? He only used it once on me the first time I fought him, and my friend 'Paul' didn't even see it until he came over and I finnished again to show him the Epilogue!!!

Anima or Final Aeon

Detonate, we see the Final Aeon, but it is Braska's Final Aeon, each one changes for each summoner, like Anima is Seymour's Final Aeon

Ha ha ha ha ha!!! Anima is not Seymour's final summon you nit! That would've required Seymour to actually battle sin. He chose to become Maester instead of taking the pilgrimage! There is no way in Hell you are an 'Ultimate FFFan'! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Anyway, My Favourites are:
'Odin' for the stylin' instant kills.

'Knights Of The Round' for the multiple strikes.

'Bahamut Zero' for the immense power, and the COOL Dragon itself.

'Hades' for the awesome sequence.

And 'Choco Mog' for the cute, comical appeal.

06-04-2005, 11:37 AM
Also why are we discussing FFX in the ff7 thread people.

06-04-2005, 11:53 AM
It happens alot!

Hex Omega
06-04-2005, 11:56 AM
Bahamut ZERO.Its just cool.KOTR is just overkill but it looks cool