11-06-2016, 06:44 PM
Kenji Kawai - Dragon Tiger Gate (2006) FLAC

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01. 創 Creation
02. 指示 Directions
03. 遇 Encounter
04. 攻 Attack
05. 活 Life Force
06. 反攻 Counter Attack
07. 龍虎門 Dragon Tiger Gate
08. 尋找 In Search of
09. 悟 Enlightenment
10. 痛 Suffering
11. 危 Danger
12. 本 In the Beginning
13. 滅 Destruction
14. 堅持 Persistence
15. 空 Nothingness
16. 痛逝 Loss
17. 燃燒 On Fire
18. 戰 The Battle
19. 圓 Satisfaction
20. 未 Completion!E9NGUAZC!iDgUvVr1_wMIkAdIHwuev0v1WGZ87jANOF6A7litiEg

11-06-2016, 08:24 PM
Thank you.

11-12-2016, 08:02 PM
Thank you!! :)

08-09-2019, 09:49 AM
hi blackie74, can you share me a new link from MEGA for the Dragon Tiger Gate OST please? :D

Tanks and god day!