The Anti-Existence
03-13-2005, 05:34 AM
All heroines from all Final Fantasy's. Not just the main chicks (Tifa, Yuna), but other girls as well (Selphie, Rikku). In a fight, who would win?

I say Garnet. She had impressive summoning skills, good White Magic and more determination than any other heroine.

A. Ark could probably destory most summons. Atomos can swallow tons of stuff. Bahamut and Odin, it's over!

B. Perhaps not above normal, but very useful.

C. Aeris lost her mommy. Boo-frickity-hoo. Rinoa feared abandonment. Not terrible. Yuna found out her quest was a sham. Totally impressive to overcome. Garnet witnessed countless deaths. Her own kingdom and people were destroyed while she watched. She tried to help and ended up destroying her beloved castle. She struggled and overcame it. Very awesome.

03-13-2005, 11:12 AM
Tifa, FF7.
Being a FF7 character, she comes equiped with Knights of the round table and Bahammut zero, Wall materia, Haste materia and 5, hp+ materias( all masterd)
But in a battle she could pull of her limit attack(which is all of her ones linked together) a whoop any1 with the damage it causes:)

Siren's Song
03-13-2005, 03:09 PM
Rinoa. Having both Edea's AND Ultimecia's powers means she could arcanely blast ANYONE to kingdom come, so she'd only JUST beat Yuna and her Aeons methinks.

03-13-2005, 03:54 PM
Edna: Rinoa: her power is incomparable.

Zulu: I'd choose Beatrix (FFIX) or Rydia (FFIV).

03-13-2005, 04:11 PM
I'd take Beatrix, nobody can argue with that, well they can I suppose, but not the point. I mean, "I once took on a hundred knights singlehandedly, to me, you four are no more than mere insects!" and she "kills" them, the people who save the world, and that was all when she was level 17!!! Imagine when she was level 100, she would be infinitely powerful.

03-14-2005, 12:31 AM
All heroines from all Final Fantasy's. Not just the main chicks (Tifa, Yuna), but other girls as well (Selphie, Rikku). In a fight, who would win?

I say Garnet. She had impressive summoning skills, good White Magic and more determination than any other heroine.

A. Ark could probably destory most summons. Atomos can swallow tons of stuff. Bahamut and Odin, it's over!

B. Perhaps not above normal, but very useful.

C. Aeris lost her mommy. Boo-frickity-hoo. Rinoa feared abandonment. Not terrible. Yuna found out her quest was a sham. Totally impressive to overcome. Garnet witnessed countless deaths. Her own kingdom and people were destroyed while she watched. She tried to help and ended up destroying her beloved castle. She struggled and overcame it. Very awesome. Indeed

The Anti-Existence
03-14-2005, 05:10 AM
Rinoa. Having both Edea's AND Ultimecia's powers means she could arcanely blast ANYONE to kingdom come, so she'd only JUST beat Yuna and her Aeons

Incorrect. Ultamecia gave Edea her powers. Rinoa received Edea's powers, but there is no indication she has the level of power that Ultamecia had.

03-14-2005, 05:38 AM
I second Beatrix, although the lack of multi-hit combo attack hurts her. For my money, I also like a fully-powered-up Yuffie Kisaragi with Doom of the Living and Conformer.

Garnet? Ark is a sucky summon and Garnet otherwise isn't any great shakes at magic or attacking for me. I'd take Eiko above her. Or even Quina Quen, although it's questionable if s/he can be included in this lot.

03-14-2005, 08:06 AM
easily Celes.

genji glove + offering + illumina + atma weapon + runic = all others pwnd.


either that or any female chars from X, 'cause they can get to 99,999 health and damage, which is more than any other game, but that's nto really fair. :/

zell hell yeah!
03-14-2005, 09:25 AM
either that or any female chars from X, 'cause they can get to 99,999 health and damage, which is more than any other game, but that's nto really fair. :/

hey thats a good point, didnt think of that.... i say probabaly Tifa for the smae reasons as somebody above said - simple - she kicks ass!!

The Anti-Existence
03-14-2005, 11:42 AM
Equipping Tifa with every magic and summon that was available in the game is just retarded and takes any fun out of the idea.

Not to mention, that in a battle, she couldn't simply attack endlessly with a limit. The heroine she is attacking could simply counterattack or back away, stopping the assault.

Siren's Song
03-14-2005, 01:22 PM
Incorrect. Ultamecia gave Edea her powers. Rinoa received Edea's powers, but there is no indication she has the level of power that Ultamecia had.
Nice try.
Edea already had powers of her own, when she accepted Ultimecia's powers. She then gave Rinoa those (combined) powers... logically making Rinoa more powerful than either Edea or Ultimecia. She may not have the mind-control powers, but Rinoa WAS powerful nonetheless.

The Anti-Existence
03-14-2005, 08:50 PM
But we have no evidence of that. That would be absolute guessing, with only minor evidence to support it.

Siren's Song
03-15-2005, 07:04 PM
But we have no evidence of that. That would be absolute guessing, with only minor evidence to support it.
Minor evidence, meaning, I guess that just because the following isn't written it ten foot tall lettering you missed it completely?!

Edea: It's ok. There's no need to fight. That sorceress is just looking for someone to pass her power on to. In order to die in peace, a sorceress must free of all her powers. I know...for I am one, too. I shall take over that sorceress' powers. I do not want one of the children to become one.
So there's the proof Edea was already a sorceress when she received Ultimecia's powers...

Zell: S'up Squall!!! So glad you're safe! I hate to tell you this now,
but we've got major problems down there. Well, here it goes! Some big
thing called Lunatic Pandora came out of nowhere. Matron couldn't
achieve what she set out to do because of it. Which is ok. Matron's not
a sorceress anymore. Matron gave away her power to someone without
realizing it.
Squall: (To Rinoa......)
Proof that Edea then transferred her powers to Rinoa.
Taking all this as FACT, cause, let's face it, that's what it is, like it or not!:
If Edea's previous powers = A,
Ultimecia's powers = B,
The Powers Edea passes to Rinoa in G. Garden = C:

A+B=C - - In which case,
C-B=A and C-A=B must also be true. Proving that Rinoa has more powers than either Edea, or Ultimecia had.

Where it starts to get complicated is when you take into account that Both Edea and Rinoa were possessed by Ultimecia. BUT when you take this quote into account:

There was no way I was going to let Ultimecia get a hold of Ellone. The only thing I could do was... Surrender my soul to Ultimecia and lose control of my mind. That was the only way I could save Ellone.
It's clear that Edea surrendered her mind and body to Ultimecia, believing that she could somehow protect Ellone by doing so.

It's also clear that Ultimecia's conscious passes to Rinoa, when Edea transferred her powers:

Squall: (Where am I...?) (You're...) (Rinoa...)
Squall: (This isn't Rinoa!)
???: Oh, my loyal knight, Seifer. The sorceress is alive... The sorceress
Squall: (Ultimecia!? The future sorceress is inside Rinoa!?
...Transferred from Edea?) (Where's Rinoa!!!?)
???: Find the legendary Lunatic Pandora, said to be hidden beneath the
ocean. Only then shall the sorceress provide you with dreams again.
Squall: (Rinoa! Where are you? Answer me!)
Seifer: As you wish, Ultimecia.
Rinoa: (Squall, I'm scared.)
Squall: (Rinoa!!!)
Ultimecia: Who's there!? Get out!
Further backed up by Rinoa, just before she is seized by Esthar upon landing in the Ragnarok:

...I should tell you this before I go. I was possessed out in space. There was a sorceress inside me. Ultimecia, a sorceress from the future.
So it's fairly safe to assume that Ultimecia manages to control Rinoa as she was in control of Edea at the time her powers were transferred. Also that Ultimecia can control those possessing her powers.

But yeah sure, naturally all that's just minor evidence and guesswork on my part.

The Anti-Existence
03-15-2005, 09:05 PM
Fuck you, dumbass. You didn't get what I meant AT ALL.

I said there was MINOR EVIDENCE that Rinoa had power greater than Ultamecia. I NEVER said that Edea wasn't a sorceress before Ultamecia. i NEVER said any of the BS you just accused me of saying.

Go fuck yourself and learn to understand before you go off and start bashing people. Try READING the post fully.

Siren's Song
03-15-2005, 09:18 PM
Fuck you, dumbass. You didn't get what I meant AT ALL.

I said there was MINOR EVIDENCE that Rinoa had power greater than Ultamecia. I NEVER said that Edea wasn't a sorceress before Ultamecia. i NEVER said any of the BS you just accused me of saying.

Go fuck yourself and learn to understand before you go off and start bashing people. Try READING the post fully.
No...what YOU so intelligently said was that there was no evidence of Rinoa having more power than Ultimecia and/or Edea. If you'd read MY post, you'd see that I just p'wnd your smug arrogant little arse by proving you completely wrong.
Deal with it.

The Anti-Existence
03-15-2005, 09:54 PM
Did YOU play the game?!! When you battled Ultamecia with Rinoa, did Rinoa's power come anywhere close of matching Ultamecia's? Sorry, but no. I battled with her and while her new limit is handy, she isn't as powerful as Ultamecia, Edea, or Adel.

THAT is solid fact.

03-15-2005, 10:15 PM
Does it sound intelligent that you would have access to Ultemecia's power while Ultemecia is standing infront of your face? Her powers would not be inside Rinoa if she was using them herself, surely.

If that fails, then there's the part were we assume that Rinoa doesn't know how to utilize the powers, considering the fact only thing she's done so far while using them is be posessed!

Also, for sake of gameplay, would they even let you have access to them? Do they ever? Rinoa supposedly has Ultemecia's and Edea's powers, but doesn't use them in game, because that would royally fuck the game up. When you play as Edea, you don't see her using her 'walk through solid wall' technique, either. They're invisible factors.

Also also, thought of another 'invisible factor'. Garnet + Eiko, you can't use Alexander, can you? Also, you see the FMV's of Bahamut shooting the shit out of everything, flying around, blowing stuff up, rinse repeat, however when you summon him, he doesn't do that, does he? No, he just goes 'boom'. That's because of the gameplay restrictions. Srsly, if they let you have access to the full strength of all the characters you'd own the game in ten seconds. Any game.

Siren's Song
03-15-2005, 10:22 PM
Did YOU play the game?!!
In all seriousness... did YOU? cause I'm wondering! At least I can spell character's names correctly!

03-15-2005, 10:39 PM
I'll put an end to this right now --- Rinoa generally sucked in battle and wasn't anywhere close to being the best of the heroines, so I don't see any point in why anyone would want to continue this argument here. :D

The Anti-Existence
03-16-2005, 12:40 AM
Listen. We can settle this reasonablly. I never cared much for FFVIII, but I still know the FACTS. Rinoa can't call upon the power that she possesses. THAT IS FACT! Prove me otherwise. And, to AT, you are right. It wouldn't make any sense for Rinoa to have that level of power. Thanks for supporting my argument.

To Agent: I never said she was the most powerful. I am trying to convince the bimbo who thinks she knows everything that she doesn't know everything and that Rinoa is NOT the most powerful heroine in the FF series.

03-16-2005, 01:01 AM
Listen. We can settle this reasonablly. I never cared much for FFVIII, but I still know the FACTS. Rinoa can't call upon the power that she possesses. THAT IS FACT!

No, it's not. You are not allowed to access her full powers in game play - that is a fact, but storyline wise is it? No.

Prove me otherwise. And, to AT, you are right. It wouldn't make any sense for Rinoa to have that level of power. Thanks for supporting my argument.

AT didn't support your argument at all. Your Reading Comprehension skills must be pretty low.

AT said it doesn't makes sense for Rinoa to be incredibley powerful from a gameplay standpoint. From a storyline standpoint? That's fine.

To Agent: I never said she was the most powerful. I am trying to convince the bimbo who thinks she knows everything that she doesn't know everything and that Rinoa is NOT the most powerful heroine in the FF series.

Dude, stop the flaming.

The problem is there's two things:
-power in gameplay
-power in storyline

If you read the original post, he seems to be referring more to storyline than gameplay. Your argument of "but she suckd ingame ;_____:" is made moot.


then again, you ARE the original poster, so I guess nevermind.

Siren's Song
03-16-2005, 01:47 AM
Listen. We can settle this reasonably.
What? so long as I cave and admit you're right... not gonna happen, sorry!
You're the one who kicked off, so excuse me if I'm not going to accept the pure crap you've been coming out with ever since then.
You said first of all that I had no evidence to back my claims that Rinoa had more powers than Edea or Ultimecia. Hmmm... I think that was proved to be untrue fairly easily. Even if you didn't understand, or even bother reading my post. I knew EXACTLY what I was talking about, and it WAS on topic. Oh, and you deserved to be "bashed".
Yes, I'm on my... 6th playthrough of the game now, so it's fairly safe to assume I've played it. Angel Wing can kick some serious arse, if you have Rinoa junctioned properly, it's my most damaging Limit after Lionheart, so there's another one of your "facts" out the window.
It makes sense that Rinoa wouldn't have full use of her powers in the game, else Ultimecia would never had been a problem, and you'd have ended up fighting Rinoa as the final battle, if so. Failing that, the game would have ended around the time Squall and Rinoa landed in the Ragnarok, as Ultimecia wouldn't have been that much of a threat.
I've proved that, story-wise, Rinoa IS more powerful than either Ultimecia or Edea, because, and I'll say it again, she's in possession of BOTH their powers combined. Really not a difficult concept to grasp!!!

Also also, thought of another 'invisible factor'. Garnet + Eiko, you can't use Alexander, can you? Also, you see the FMV's of Bahamut shooting the shit out of everything, flying around, blowing stuff up, rinse repeat, however when you summon him, he doesn't do that, does he? No, he just goes 'boom'. That's because of the gameplay restrictions. Srsly, if they let you have access to the full strength of all the characters you'd own the game in ten seconds. Any game.
See? I'm not the only one sharing that opinion.

I never cared much for FFVIII, but I still know the FACTS. Rinoa can't call upon the power that she possesses. THAT IS FACT! Prove me otherwise. And, to AT, you are right. It wouldn't make any sense for Rinoa to have that level of power. Thanks for supporting my argument.
I would LOVE to know how you managed to twist AT's post into supporting your argument. Really... maybe that's something you CAN teach.

To Agent: I never said she was the most powerful. I am trying to convince the bimbo who thinks she knows everything that she doesn't know everything and that Rinoa is NOT the most powerful heroine in the FF series.
Firstly, when did I EVER said I "knew everything"? sounds like someone's been proved wrong and can't handle it. Grow the fuck up.
The original idea of this thread was to DEBATE who the strongest/most powerful heroine in the series was. You were the one who immediately discredited my opinion, and started this whole thing off. But hey... if you want to go back to the topic at hand...
Garnet was by no means the strongest/most powerful female character. You say:

Ark could probably destory most summons. Atomos can swallow tons of stuff. Bahamut and Odin, it's over!
Not Garnet's powers. That's the Eidolons you're talking about. Same as if Yuna didn't have her Aeons in FFX, she'd be up shit creek. They're both, on their own White Mages - primarily used for supporting other characters who cause the damage. So unless the opponents were Undead, they're not that hot at causing damage compared to others.

She tried to help and ended up destroying her beloved castle. She struggled and overcame it. Very awesome.
You call being in cataconic shock for fuck knows how long "awesome"? Yes, she'd been through a hell of a lot in a very short space of time, but compare that to Yuna, another character whose world came crashing down around her all on the same day. She kept it together a hell of a lot better than Garnet did.

If you want to carry on, PM me, and I'll take you through it in tiny baby steps, cause I was actually ready to leave this, but obviously you aren't.

The Anti-Existence
03-16-2005, 02:41 AM
If we follow your way of thinking, anything is possible. Following your thinking, couldn't Garnet simply grow stronger and somehow manage to summon Alexander on her own? Sure, she needed help in the game, but she might just become powerful enough to use that power on her own.

That is the logical outcome. Rinoa somehow managed to use all her power out of nowhere, so I assume Garnet could do the same.

Let's end this now... Garnet displayed more courage than any other FF heroine. She has Ark, Bahamut, Odin, and other Eidelons that possess incredible powers. Why couldn't she simply use them to destroy Rinoa?

And, calm the fuck down. I started a lively debate and you say I simply don't accept the facts. I might be the one saying vulgar words, but you started the shit with your little sarcastic "But yeah sure, naturally all that's just minor evidence and guesswork on my part." I've already said that you completely missed what I said and then you said that you didnt' miss it. You did, and that is that.

Siren's Song
03-16-2005, 03:00 AM
As a passing comment, Garnet fell apart, and pretty much had a nervous breakdown partway through FFIX. How the hell can she be considered couageous once you take that into account? Seriously, I'd love to know the way your mind works.

If you're not going to bother reading what I've said, I'm not going to bother trying to reason with you any more. It's simply not worth the effort, if you're going to twist what I, AT, and Blake have already said to "back up" your "facts", even if that then makes no sense, and only serves to make you look like a complete idiot. Apparently you don't seem to mind that, or need me proving you wrong to do that.
Saying I started this is a clear example.

If you want another:

Following your thinking, couldn't Garnet simply grow stronger and somehow manage to summon Alexander on her own? Sure, she needed help in the game, but she might just become powerful enough to use that power on her own.
I've not said, nor implied ANYTHING of the sort, so again, you're discrediting yourself, by saying *I* don't understand. I said:

Edea already had powers of her own, when she accepted Ultimecia's powers. She then gave Rinoa those (combined) powers... logically making Rinoa more powerful than either Edea or Ultimecia.
Which is true. I then backed this up, (when you decided that this was guesswork, with MINOR evidence) with no less than... 6 different piees of evidence, taken from the game, and from common sense.
Apparently that's not enough for you, but I really don't give a shit anymore.
Maybe you should take your own advice, since you've proved time and time again that you either can't, or most likely won't listen to anything anyone else says:

Go fuck yourself and learn to understand before you go off and start bashing people. Try READING the post fully.

The Anti-Existence
03-16-2005, 03:07 AM
You are the most infuriating bitch I've ever encountered. I made that post based on what you said. This whole thing is pointless if you refuse to acknowledge that you aren't always right. Stop acting all high-and-mighty. Come down to Earth.

03-16-2005, 04:50 AM
Right! So we were talking about what again? You know, there's this little feature --- it's called PM. You know, you use it when you want to have an ongoing argument that's generally unrelated to the topic and is starting to get on everyone's nerves.

03-17-2005, 01:06 AM
Yes, PM each other.

If you're just going to keep flaming in this thread, it will be closed.


Siren's Song
03-17-2005, 01:16 AM
Believe me, I tried that one, but hey! O:]

Anyhow... it was a fair point someone (can't quite remember who, sorry!) made about Yuna, Lulu and Rikku having the ability to get higher stats than the others... I guess if you sent 'em all round everywhere on the sphere grids they'd p'wn everything you put up against 'em. Pity my memory card fucked itself over... grrr!! >:O

The Anti-Existence
03-17-2005, 01:56 AM
The only stat that they can get higher is MP, HP, and Damage. Each game (from VII at least) can go up to 255. So, the point is rather questionable.

03-17-2005, 02:31 AM
Except that if those gals from FFX can get their HP to 99,999 and everybody else's damage can only go to 9999 there is quite an advantage there since they could kill anyone else in 1 hit when it would take many hits to kill them.

All that aside Celes gets my vote. Her runic ability is great and most females from the FF series are caster types, plus she's just all around great.

03-18-2005, 04:56 AM
let's see:
Maria has nothing special... maybe a bow would kill rydia and Krile. Rosa is no match for terra with a good esper,and so on... at the end there would be rinoa, yuna and tifa: rinoa should have survived sacrificing the life of her GFs, Yuna would have killed most of the women with Anima's Oblivion if it is the european version and tifa and yufie would be the strongest women in ff7 cuz aeris is as dead as a fallen imp or as dead as kefka... tifa is much stronger that yufie so tifa would still be alive
if rinoa summons Eden then bye bye tifa and Anima, Then Yuna would Summon Bahamut and...MEGA FLARE!!!!!!! now rinoa is as dead as galuf and flies are flying around her corpse